Cathy Kangas


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Bea Frugal

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2010
Well, there I was on my hols, pottering around a little shoppe in Norway when I heard a voice that carried like a megaphone and could only belong to one person. Lo and behold, there she was, shopping up a storm. The ancient Prai root must be selling well at QVC because she was on a Seabourn 6* cruise and they don't come cheap. Shopping in Norway doesn't come cheap either and money was definitely no object. In fact she told staff that she had made generous contributions to the Norwegian economy.

I've never seen anyone from QVC in the flesh before and I was surprised at how nice she looked. She always looks very 'solid' on tv, I think, dressed up in her power outfits. She was just in jeans and tee shirt and trainers and only average height or slightly above. She also seemed very nice too. Friendly to the staff and chatty. She was travelling with her parents. I wonder why she has a tv style that's so annoying with her 'come on girls' business when she's clearly quite normal. If I'd been a bit braver I'd have asked her.
Did her skin look a good advert for her products BF?
I once saw the new Philosophy guy in our local Debenhams, it is strange when you suddenly see someone off Qvc
I'm not certain how old she is CG but she looked around 50 I'd say. Her skin seemed fine for her age. Her mother is a nice looking lady but must be well into her seventies and looked her age. So, once again, no miracles to be had. I read that Cathy used to work for Tova and learned the tricks of finding a selling point and setting up a range for shopping telly. I wouldn't be at all surprised if these people don't use their own products at all. It's just business and they cash in and can afford all the top of the range products and facials they want. They are just like the rest of us - they know no creams and serums really work wonders but they keep trying everything out there in the hope that something will really make a difference. Do we really think Lulu uses Time Bomb? I sincerely doubt it.
Oooo. You old cynic Bea. How can you possibly insinuate that our Lu is a bit of a fibber? Shame on you!:cheeky:
I'm not certain how old she is CG but she looked around 50 I'd say. Her skin seemed fine for her age. Her mother is a nice looking lady but must be well into her seventies and looked her age. So, once again, no miracles to be had. I read that Cathy used to work for Tova and learned the tricks of finding a selling point and setting up a range for shopping telly. I wouldn't be at all surprised if these people don't use their own products at all. It's just business and they cash in and can afford all the top of the range products and facials they want. They are just like the rest of us - they know no creams and serums really work wonders but they keep trying everything out there in the hope that something will really make a difference. Do we really think Lulu uses Time Bomb? I sincerely doubt it.

I don't watch the Prai shows so I'm only basing this on the odd glimpse when channel hopping, but I'd have put her much older than 50. I say that because I'm 45 and would have put a lot more than 5 years between us (though may be folk think I look much older than I am, who knows!) Perhaps it's her overall look that ages her, as I think she looks about 60. Same with Judith Williams, I think she looks about 50 but I'm sure it's been mentioned on here at some point that shes early 40s?
I don't think she can be much over 50 spartacus. I agree that her tv look is stiff and dated and makeup can sometimes be ageing. As I say, she was relaxed and casually dressed and not wearing much makeup and that can knock a few years off. Her parents are getting on a bit but not doddery yet.
Cathy is about 6 months older than me, so 51, possibly nearly 52 because I can't remember exactly which month her birthday is in. I think there's a trend for TV saleswomen in the States to dress older than their years because it gives an impression of an older woman with good skin for their perceived age.
Cathy is about 6 months older than me, so 51, possibly nearly 52 because I can't remember exactly which month her birthday is in. I think there's a trend for TV saleswomen in the States to dress older than their years because it gives an impression of an older woman with good skin for their perceived age.

Aaah, that hadn't occured to me but it's an interesting thought. Pat Riley from Clientele would fit into that category. I was just working myself up to trying Clientele when it vanished from QVC. You often have a different way of viewing things Akimbo which puts a new angle on matters. Then again, so much American fashion is pretty ghastly anyway. I think that if I lived over there and had the means I'd stick to Donna Karan who has lovely soft neutral and classy stuff.

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