Catherine Huntley


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Feb 9, 2013
I cannot stand this woman she spends 1/2 the show talking about qvc explaining easy pay.ways to order. ways to return etc etc. if its something i want to watch i have to turn the sound off or turn of altogether
Anyone else feel the same:mysmilie_51:
I'd rather watch an hour of her than five minutes of either Debbie Flint or Sara whatzername.
Don't mind her but she's a bit "gushy" at times. She does annoy me, however, when she keeps going on about her weight - Catherine, you look fine to me.

Dull. Fishing for compliments! Her Claims around pp dubious! Subtle hard sell but you can see through it. Not a fan!
I'm sure she's probably a lovely lady in her own life, but as a presenter she's probably the most irritating being I've ever encountered.
Personally, I find her rather pleasant to listen to and she's probably receiving instructions through her earpiece to remind us of the different ways to order, etc., etc. At least she isn't constantly talking over the guest presenters (AY must be THE absolute worst!) and we do get to hear more about the products. I acknowledge she comes across as "fishing for compliments" but I find that far better than shrieking, interrupting or "I only have x number available and I need you on the phones now"!!!
I find her voice so sexy and appealing!
I'm always amazed she has kids. She's perfect background listening if I'm not wanting to buy. No shrieking.
Personally, I find her rather pleasant to listen to and she's probably receiving instructions through her earpiece to remind us of the different ways to order, etc., etc. At least she isn't constantly talking over the guest presenters (AY must be THE absolute worst!) and we do get to hear more about the products. I acknowledge she comes across as "fishing for compliments" but I find that far better than shrieking, interrupting or "I only have x number available and I need you on the phones now"!!!

Meant to ask......just when did JF take full control of buying, selling, stock levels, etc. as I obviously missed such an important announcement!!:wink:
Meant to ask......just when did JF take full control of buying, selling, stock levels, etc. as I obviously missed such an important announcement!!:wink:

It was when they moved to Chiswick Park, she announced she was moving in and taking control of everything!! Why do you think they can't get rid of her!:mysmilie_13:
I can understand where some people are coming from, re la Huntley; personally, I don't mind her. Every time Jill tells us how dwindling an amount of stock SHE has, I have a little giggle to myself but, again, I can watch her no problem. It is just her manner, I don't think she intends it to make her appear more important than she is. There are, from memory, two presenters I simply cannot watch, Miceal and Dawbags. For me, the presenter is secondary to the products. Nothing any presenter says will persuade me to buy a product if I am undecided; conversely, if a presenter (above) I don't like is presenting an item, I would switch over and, consequently, not purchase. I find it extremely irksome, and this has been debated before on here, that Miceal goes on a brief course and is immediately a fashion guru! To pair him up with genuine fashion designers like Kim Mendelson is, I feel, an insult to her. Call my cynical, but I don't think the irishman is as green as he is cabbage looking; I think he saw the Q as a vehicle for promoting his aim to go into fashion design in some form, when he joined the channel. I can see him becoming a personal designer, doing one to one consultations, perhaps even creating his own line (God help us!) and, undoubtedly, having QVC in his pocket, would be a great selling advantage for him.
La Huntley just comes over as a bit gormless to me! I do dislike a lot of her me-talk and the forgetting to order an item routine, but I do agree that she is one of the few who is not strident and she does not interrupt or shout over guests. So a pleasant relief in that respect from the likes of Jill F and Sara G, oh and Anne Dawson, Pippa and Ali Keenan who has reinvented herself as a shrieker. I can't remember all of them, it would be quicker to list the ones who are polite, respect the guests' right to speak and give priority to the product!

And of course in light of bookreviewgate I would not consider Debbie Flint as an acceptable presenter, lol.
CHuntley is QVC's subliminal seller. Quite soft voice(I am your friend), I love this, QVC are so wonderful you really must buy this. Telling us how wonderful the easy pay is and the postage is such a great deal really it is, and how open QVC are at telling us up front. Then sticks the knife in, buying anything from the high street who really are the devil's spawn and for safety of your soul should be avoided. But still in the I am your friend cheery voice.

Inbetween telling how fat she is and I am not worthy(but really I know I am gorgeous oh should I let my followers on Twitter know when I went to the toilet last), to work for QVC who are so wonderful.
A concise and accurate CHuntley summary!

PS Miceal wants to get into mainstream daytime tv I reckon, QVC is his route to achieving that goal. He sees himself in a Philip Scofield role on something like This Morning (followed by ITV domination if Scofe is anything to go by).
I like micael one of the better presenters. Debbie flint can barely put a sentence together verbally much less write books. but she has her fans I suppose
CHuntley is QVC's subliminal seller. Quite soft voice(I am your friend), I love this, QVC are so wonderful you really must buy this. Telling us how wonderful the easy pay is and the postage is such a great deal really it is, and how open QVC are at telling us up front. Then sticks the knife in, buying anything from the high street who really are the devil's spawn and for safety of your soul should be avoided. But still in the I am your friend cheery voice.

Inbetween telling how fat she is and I am not worthy(but really I know I am gorgeous oh should I let my followers on Twitter know when I went to the toilet last), to work for QVC who are so wonderful.

I had forgotten about the false modesty! I do not believe that routine for one moment! She does bang on about the EP but so do they all. I laugh when they talk about the dreaded High Street, because you would almost think you are taking your life in your hands if you go there! I do not use Twitter but if I did I don't want to read about someone's toilet habits, thank you very much. That just demonstrates how it is used by the vain and the vacuous.

Reading your post Donna I am going off her even more than I was already! I was trying to be generous but won't bother in future cos I was wrong!!!!
Poor Micael, he's not the worst by a long chalk. At least he made an effort and went on a course, albeit a bit of a nonsense one, the rest can't even be bothered to do pre show prep regarding item numbers, sizes etc.
I like Catherine H and find her presenting style quite relaxing, I have never felt the need to switch her off or change channels. It would be a very dull forum if we all liked the same things/ people. Some presenters I like, some I am not keen on and some I refuse to watch/listen to.

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