Catherine Huntley - has she been targeted via online abuse?


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And we have a fair few laughs, don't we? I literally have tears of laughter running down my face sometimes.

Oh yes I remember that!!!!

Started because of a documentary about a lap dancing club. The woman who run/owned it said that one of the dancers who used to work there now appears on a shopping channel. She had a good laugh watching her ( I believe it was present? As the said person talked about products), knowing what she occasionally did to earn money. Now we are going back might have been 10 years and we worked out it was CHuntley, well after her discussing her poo on twitter shaking her arse on a table was nothing.

And there's a fine example of what I was saying!

Wow, I missed all that: I knew CH had worked as a nail technician, and as a dental nurse, but had no idea she had earned a living 'dancing'. I thought Q would have looked down on such occupations: wasn't there a model or two, who lost their jobs, because of some sort of risque pictures?
The problem with social media it usually how it's used.

I marvel at those who post every thing they do and think every day, as if it didn't happen / exist unless it's recorded on a timeline. Imagine if you kept up a running commentary of every single thing going on, and everyone else does the same... When could you have a conversation? How long before you are known as a self-centered bore and avoid by all your acquaintance? Can't they see that's what they're doing?

In my opinion, the presenters going on and on about "me, me, me" on QVC and social media are consummate bores!

And those posting vicious hurtful poison... Where would their circle of friends be?

Being faceless in cyberspace makes too many people think it is acceptable to behave in ways they themselves would not tolerate in real life.

It could be used, and is by some, for much kinder and more positive purposes.
I won't venture on Facebook or Twitter because apart from the obvious dangers, I don't think anyone would be really interested in what I had for breakfast or when my latest bowel movement was, so instead of documenting how my life is progressing, I'd rather get out there and actually live it. :mysmilie_17:
No matter what, she is one hell of an annoying woman!

If I met her in real life and she carried on the way she does on screen and SM I'm afraid I would find it very hard to bite my tongue and say nothing.
there are some real villains on Facebook though. really out and out abusive if they did or said 10% what the talk about in real life they would be arrested. i think it should be illegal to say some of the stuff that goes on in social media it needs tightening up
The point is as with anyone or anything that is shown or watched/viewed nowadays and with the advent of online forums (like this one), there is a 'fine line' and also of course what one person/group may see as 'light-hearted banter' others may see as hurtful, as when you are 'commenting' with a keyboard, then a person may not necessarily know of the repercussions that their 'banter', 'rhetoric' is causing the recipient, I stopped posting myself for a while as I became aware that members of Q read this forum and whilst I (hopefully), don't go 'over the line', it is nice to share with 'like-minded' the 'joys' of Q, whilst just having some 'light-banter' at their expense, I hope I don't go over, but this post has highlighted to me how different people may view the same posting!

This is interesting Y/rose, but when you say 'members of Q', by that do you mean employees ? because if they do, they clearly don't take on board what we moan about ! I think they see us on here as an irrelevance, and to be brushed away like a fly !
It's interesting reading this thread. Some people are posting things thinking they're just being "honest" or "funny"... but if I was Catherine Huntley, I would find some of it pretty personal and unfair.

To redress the balance a little: I like Catherine. There are far, far, far more irritating people on TV than her. To me, she comes across as warm, gentle and happy to make fun of herself. So what if she likes everything she sells? Maybe she does. It helps her do her job.

Each to their own, and it's all a matter of perception.
As you say Radiomike, each to their own. Personally I like Nigel Farage, despite what others think or write about him. Equally I cant stand Gary Lineker, or the Beckhams. Never met them and no doubt they are nice people, BUT again its just a preference thing.
I don`t think you can ever really know anybody who`se on the other side of a screen, whether that screen is a TV screen or a computer screen. At the end of the day you can only go by what that person either says on air or types on social media. Sometimes though,it is obvious the person on the other end isn`t a nice person, trolls are obvious examples but not all nasty people are trolls. Some people are just downright rude, some lie, some like to bully and some are simply controlling or try to be.
I`ve only ever taken one person to task on facebook, and I did it by private message but said nothing I wouldn`t have said to his face if I`d met him in person. I told him he was a liar, a bully, rude and a not very nice person and I`m only sorry I didn`t out him in front of everybody else in the group to save lots of others finding out what he was the hard way.
As my Dad always said, if you live by the sword then you die by the sword and when presenters chit chat on air or post their lives on social media then it leaves them wide open to other peoples opinions both good and bad.
Vienna .... when presenters chit chat on air or post their lives on social media then it leaves them wide open to other peoples opinions both good and bad. .......

This is the crux of the matter Vienna, and so true. Because I'm not on Twitter or Facebook, what people think of me stays with them and I will never know. Don't we have enough stress in our lives without having to worry about what others think about us, and seeing it in print ? Social media has its good points, but since its inception we've seen unprecedented numbers of young people suffering with depression and committing suicide because of body image, being trolled and bullied. When I was growing up it was unheard of, and even anorexia was in its infancy which was about as bad as things could get.
Vienna .... when presenters chit chat on air or post their lives on social media then it leaves them wide open to other peoples opinions both good and bad. .......

This is the crux of the matter Vienna, and so true. Because I'm not on Twitter or Facebook, what people think of me stays with them and I will never know. Don't we have enough stress in our lives without having to worry about what others think about us, and seeing it in print ? Social media has its good points, but since its inception we've seen unprecedented numbers of young people suffering with depression and committing suicide because of body image, being trolled and bullied. When I was growing up it was unheard of, and even anorexia was in its infancy which was about as bad as things could get.

I agree Brissles and that`s why I have my facebook settings to just family and a few friends. Nobody else can view my posts, see my photos or comment on my facebook page. That`s just the way I like it and can`t understand why some people have the World and its wife on their facebook page.I don`t do twitter or instagram and as I said in an earlier post, it was a means to keeping in touch with my soldier son when he was in another Country.
It's interesting reading this thread. Some people are posting things thinking they're just being "honest" or "funny"... but if I was Catherine Huntley, I would find some of it pretty personal and unfair.

To redress the balance a little: I like Catherine. There are far, far, far more irritating people on TV than her. To me, she comes across as warm, gentle and happy to make fun of herself. So what if she likes everything she sells? Maybe she does. It helps her do her job.

Each to their own, and it's all a matter of perception.

I don't, nor would I want to, know Chuntley on a personal level, and my comments go solely on the image she likes to portray, "funny" "honest" or "otherwise" I don't particularly like her slagging off the Highstreet and anything that isn't QVC related must be crap, even though she must know the item is cheaper on the dastardly, dreaded Highstreet, maybe it's because in my circle of friends, I don't have any simpering women who pretend they're no good at maths or all ditzy, prancing and preening at their knockers/cleavage flashing dresses in anything that shows a reflection, I like to think of us as all strong women so when you see the likes of Chuntley putting women back to the 1950s it's a tad annoying. But like you say, each to their own.
100% agreement. You have to be tough - or develop toughness - to be in front of the public in any media. Like you, I don't in any way condone the vile online abuse from sick, moronic people without any lives of their own who probably also look like Trolls, as well as behaving like them, and I appreciate that whilst I chose not to Nosebook, Twerp or any of these 'communication' methods that can be used, it's impossible for shopping telly presenters to do likewise, they have to have these accounts. But it seems to me all she's done is to give these sickos more ammunition by coming on and showing that it's upset her - they will just love that. You have to cultivate a toughness to deal with it, and if you can't do that, you are better off out of the public eye.

First of all I've got to say I don't agree with Troll behaviour and think it's vile, that's why I steer clear from Twitter and Facebook, Chuntley unfortunately doesn't and courts praise and admiration on all levels, to the point of being on all forms of Social Media including Instagtam, she even made it clear that she was on Yankee Candle Stevens side and his vile, potty mouthed partner when she knew that tensions were high over it, so I wholeheartedly agree, it you can't stand the heat..........
100% agreement. You have to be tough - or develop toughness - to be in front of the public in any media. Like you, I don't in any way condone the vile online abuse from sick, moronic people without any lives of their own who probably also look like Trolls, as well as behaving like them, and I appreciate that whilst I chose not to Nosebook, Twerp or any of these 'communication' methods that can be used, it's impossible for shopping telly presenters to do likewise, they have to have these accounts. But it seems to me all she's done is to give these sickos more ammunition by coming on and showing that it's upset her - they will just love that. You have to cultivate a toughness to deal with it, and if you can't do that, you are better off out of the public eye.

I agree, I know she likes to portray, for whatever reason, that she's thick as two short planks, but even she must know that not everyone will like you. Anywhoooo, she loves herself enough for everyone, so I think she'll be ok. :mysmilie_3: :mysmilie_17:
Don't believe a word of that on screen persona. She knows exactly what she is doing. That is what makes me so mad, if she was genuinely thick that would be ok, it's the falseness of it all which makes me want to give her a virtual slap.
Classic example of someone putting too much info on their FB page - FB friend of mine put out a big announcement yesterday that she had started dating a 'hot, toyboy firefighter' (bad enough) and has now made the poor chap her profile pic - it's not going to end well.

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