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A match made in hell!

SW is such a prissy prat and sells expensive, market stall tat ... Chloe, recently, always turns up for work at the Q wearing jeans and a sloppy jumper which is my usual attire when at home...

Such a contrast in personalities!
I only watched a short part of the intro as I'm not keen on the stuff he makes now, but it was priceless. Chloe was hyper, and highly over exuberant, trying her best to be a proper presenter and failing miserably. Simon must have been aware of it before they had even started. He kept telling her to calm down and take deep breaths, to slow down and not speak so fast and then suggesting she goes off to get some coffee! He also had to tell her to stick to talking about one thing at a time. The best part, for me, was when he took exception to the "tap the app" comment. He asked what she meant by that but wasn't able to explain it well. He said he had no idea what she was talking about as he doesn't have an app to tap! About time QVC realised not everyone is connected. I turned off about then, but I'm wondering what other laughs I missed now but I simply can't stand watching anything Chloe presents. I know SW is often up his own backside but it made a change to hear a guest tell it like it is.
Simon is a tough one and the only presenter that seems to manage him is Julia! Do find Chloe struggles with some of the Guest Presenters occasionally, don't think Selly Telly suits her style!!!!
Simon Wilson is hard work, however Chloe just is not a natural at selly telly and the show highlighted all her flaws. I find her really hard to watch, not at all relaxing or what you'd call 'a safe pair of hands'.
Have you noticed that Chloe Evertons name is an anagram of 'most of the time I just don't have a clue what I am doing, I just can't describe the products well and never do them justice, most of the time I just bounce around the set going hyper and talking rubbish' strange or what....:mysmilie_8:
:mysmilie_19::mysmilie_15: oh my goodness ...and all,the time money being lost that Simon feels could problably make in a Christmas show ...omg the threads are hilarious ...I must admit Chloe is a bit irritating for me ...cripes wouldn't want to upset Mr Wilson ...JR will be feeling smug I bet
I only watched a short part of the intro as I'm not keen on the stuff he makes now, but it was priceless. Chloe was hyper, and highly over exuberant, trying her best to be a proper presenter and failing miserably. Simon must have been aware of it before they had even started. He kept telling her to calm down and take deep breaths, to slow down and not speak so fast and then suggesting she goes off to get some coffee! He also had to tell her to stick to talking about one thing at a time. The best part, for me, was when he took exception to the "tap the app" comment. He asked what she meant by that but wasn't able to explain it well. He said he had no idea what she was talking about as he doesn't have an app to tap! About time QVC realised not everyone is connected. I turned off about then, but I'm wondering what other laughs I missed now but I simply can't stand watching anything Chloe presents. I know SW is often up his own backside but it made a change to hear a guest tell it like it is.

Cringe for Chloe .. bad day at the office :mysmilie_17:
Simon is a tough one and the only presenter that seems to manage him is Julia! Do find Chloe struggles with some of the Guest Presenters occasionally, don't think Selly Telly suits her style!!!!

Yeah the two prima-donnas JR/SW polish each others egos. I didn't watch the show as I can't stand the smarmy twit.He really is up his own rear end, anyone would think he was selling grade a diamonds instead of pantomine glass baubles. I don't like to think a prat like him could/would put anyone down....:mysmilie_503:
Don't forget you can watch the whole show back using the TV guide.

Simon and Chloe: a match made in hell... I bet that was a schedule change late in the day. I imagine Simon makes a song and a dance about which presenters he prefers to work with.

Well we all know he thinks Queen Julia is the best thing since sliced bread.
Chloe just doesn't have the maturity and it showed. She was struggling big time, and reduced to asking Ali the model to 'do' sultry looks on screen, which to her credit Ali refused to do, but still Chloe went on and on. Clearly she wasn't getting instructions through her earpiece so appeared to be winging it. She doesn't 'read' her guests, although by now she should know all of them, and can only do infantile small talk, a sure sign of lack of confidence. She never looks suitably groomed, and the earlier poster was right, being on screen in lounging clothes is not professional. But saying all this, SW sensed all this, and went into full gay man bitchy mode. (no offence to anyone on here in the gay community, but I'm sure you know what I mean)
Let's face it, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more airy air-head than Chloe, so I can understand that he'd be narked about it. Absolutely on the cards that he would treat her with withering contempt, as he makes sarky responses to even reasonable comments (and when was the last time she made a reasonable comment?). I should imagine she needed well-sugared tea and a couple of aspirins when the show was over. :mysmilie_17:

Don't forget you can watch the whole show back using the TV guide.

Simon and Chloe: a match made in hell... I bet that was a schedule change late in the day. I imagine Simon makes a song and a dance about which presenters he prefers to work with.
I think it's a crying shame that more of the guests don't "do a Simon" - perhaps it would stop these presenters from trying to cruise through their shows knowing little or nothing about the product they are selling, and just spouting platitudes. Also, viewers are sick and tired of the ruddy 'tap the app' crap, twittering and twerting that they ramble on about. We want some clear, detailed information on the product from someone who knows what they are talking about.

I only watched a short part of the intro as I'm not keen on the stuff he makes now, but it was priceless. Chloe was hyper, and highly over exuberant, trying her best to be a proper presenter and failing miserably. Simon must have been aware of it before they had even started. He kept telling her to calm down and take deep breaths, to slow down and not speak so fast and then suggesting she goes off to get some coffee! He also had to tell her to stick to talking about one thing at a time. The best part, for me, was when he took exception to the "tap the app" comment. He asked what she meant by that but wasn't able to explain it well. He said he had no idea what she was talking about as he doesn't have an app to tap! About time QVC realised not everyone is connected. I turned off about then, but I'm wondering what other laughs I missed now but I simply can't stand watching anything Chloe presents. I know SW is often up his own backside but it made a change to hear a guest tell it like it is.
He doesn't suffer fools gladly does Simon! Like to watch him for his reactions to the Presenters! :mysmilie_520:
I missed this! It is as annoying as when I missed the car crash interview of Prince Philip by Fiona Bruce.

It was a car crash... I think Prince Philip wiped the floor with Fiona, and it was a spectacle to behold. Age hasn't mellowed him one bit. I like that.
Sounds like it was comedy gold, will have to check it out if I get a chance over the weekend. Whoever thought those two would be a winning combo? :mysmilie_19:

I saw the first hour and I thought they really weren't getting on. I'm sure they've been on before and it was the same so why put them together? Simon was being quite cutting and it was a bit cringey as I'm not sure Chloe knew if he was joking or not - I'd say not. He does have his favoured presenters and models so maybe the producers should stick with them.

It was nice to see Simon Wilson wearing something other than his pyjamas. I quite liked that jacket he had on.


His go to model before Ali was that pouty one who fancied herself as a bit of a Jordan wannabe. Renee, was it?
Generally speaking I find Simon Wilson is very frequently rude. Generally speaking, Chloe uses hackneyed spiel and is absolutely tedious indeed when she does. However...

Having watched 40 minutes of the 2 hour extravaganza, I will now say that I think the show is fun, and Simon and Chloe are getting on like a house on fire, and having an "end of term" fun show. The banter seems to be in good humour. I will watch the rest later as I need to go to work.

So I retract my earlier comments, which were not based on having actually seen the show.
I only watched a short part of the intro as I'm not keen on the stuff he makes now, but it was priceless. Chloe was hyper, and highly over exuberant, trying her best to be a proper presenter and failing miserably. Simon must have been aware of it before they had even started. He kept telling her to calm down and take deep breaths, to slow down and not speak so fast and then suggesting she goes off to get some coffee! He also had to tell her to stick to talking about one thing at a time. The best part, for me, was when he took exception to the "tap the app" comment. He asked what she meant by that but wasn't able to explain it well. He said he had no idea what she was talking about as he doesn't have an app to tap! About time QVC realised not everyone is connected. I turned off about then, but I'm wondering what other laughs I missed now but I simply can't stand watching anything Chloe presents. I know SW is often up his own backside but it made a change to hear a guest tell it like it is.
I like Chloe and he is a big bully
He looks like a skeleton that's been draped in skin and dressed in a silk blouse and dinner plate brooch.
Quite a few on Facebook are going for Chloe now over this. Remarking about her being smutty on Sky TV before.

As for Prince Philip, I know someone who met him at a community thing he was attending a few years back. She said he just came out with some un PC comments to people. But he had a glint in his eye as if he knew it and was having fun with it. He asked one young woman late teens, are you a single mother then? She replied No. It was some training scheme venture to help them get into work. Person I knew was working there.

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