Cakes, lamb chops, pies, chocolates


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Jul 23, 2018
Brandizzo, Italy
I really enjoyed watching the 9 pm show with Jilly. She was having a lovely time sampling all the goodies, the lamb chops especially. Everything looked wonderful, except the chocolates when the filling separated itself when one of the chocolates was cut in half!
The only food items I have ever bought from QVC were Thorntons chocs back in the day, when they did the great TSV bundles. Wouldn't consider buying the drastically overpriced offerings these days, most have £5.95 p and p too. Absolutely nothing appeals, especially reading some of the reviews. If I want some good, fresh food I treat myself to M and S! Never been disappointed yet, although I have to admit, their prices have really gone up on some items.
The only edible item I've bought from Q was a tin of Lambertz Gingerbread, it was expensive and it was delicious. I knew at the time I was paying over the odds because of the fancy tin, which I didn't really need or want but what choice did I have if I wanted to try it. A short while later I discovered a supermarket version that was exactly the same product for a fraction of the price - I think I worked out that the tin ended up costing me more than £12. Lesson well and truly learned. Every BA who comes on with their mouthwatering products will harp on about the provenance of their goods eg Welsh butter, Beef from local farms, milk from the cow in the field down the road - I'm sure the stuff is delicious, but if you think about it so is the stuff made from butter/beef/milk from your own local area. Why spend £30 on a box of 12 chocolate brownies lovingly handmade in Wales? I'm about 200 miles away and I'm pretty sure that I could find a chocolate Brownie worth its salt in my own area and its surrounds and I wouldn't need to spend that ridiculous amount of money. Fairly recently I bought an absolutely wonderful home made blackberry and apple pie from a local farm shop, it was family sized and cost less than a fiver. I could imagine on Q you'd be offered a pack of two or three and you'd not get any change from £30!
About the tins. Some people might collect them, especially the ones with Churchill's biscuits inside. I don't understand this, but..... Other unwanted items for me are the bags/pouches skin care sellers on QVC include with your purchase. I'd rather they lower the price of the product rather than pay for a plastic bag I'd just throw away. BTW, your apple/blackberry pie sounds scrumptious, and from a farm shop, you could probably buy some fresh cream to go with.

I like Jilly, she was having a wonderful time, mind you, so would I trying all those things and getting paid for it :)
Yes. How could anyone resist tucking in? I don't mind watching people eat on QVC. It makes me hungry as, of course, it's supposed to do so you'll buy the food. Yum yum!
They don't do the foods to N.I. even going years back. The funny thing is many of these companies sold on QVC will ship to us if bought from their websites.

Jill Franks wolves down food when doing the food shows.
I don't understand why anyone would buy overpriced food items from Q, I really don't

Not only that, but using easy pays to buy it.
You would be still paying for them long after the items had been eaten. 😲
The only edible item I've bought from Q was a tin of Lambertz Gingerbread, it was expensive and it was delicious. I knew at the time I was paying over the odds because of the fancy tin, which I didn't really need or want but what choice did I have if I wanted to try it. A short while later I discovered a supermarket version that was exactly the same product for a fraction of the price - I think I worked out that the tin ended up costing me more than £12. Lesson well and truly learned. Every BA who comes on with their mouthwatering products will harp on about the provenance of their goods eg Welsh butter, Beef from local farms, milk from the cow in the field down the road - I'm sure the stuff is delicious, but if you think about it so is the stuff made from butter/beef/milk from your own local area. Why spend £30 on a box of 12 chocolate brownies lovingly handmade in Wales? I'm about 200 miles away and I'm pretty sure that I could find a chocolate Brownie worth its salt in my own area and its surrounds and I wouldn't need to spend that ridiculous amount of money. Fairly recently I bought an absolutely wonderful home made blackberry and apple pie from a local farm shop, it was family sized and cost less than a fiver. I could imagine on Q you'd be offered a pack of two or three and you'd not get any change from £30!
Oh Merryone, you've just reminded me that I also bought a tin of Lamberts gingerbread one Christmas too!!! Oops, totally forgot, along with Easyio bundle I've bought a good few years ago too🙄. But that's definitely it. Certainly wouldn't ever consider buying any meat products. By the way, as a matter of interest, which supermarket did you get the gingerbread from please? Agree Lamberts was delicious.
The only food items I have ever bought from QVC were Thorntons chocs back in the day, when they did the great TSV bundles. Wouldn't consider buying the drastically overpriced offerings these days, most have £5.95 p and p too. Absolutely nothing appeals, especially reading some of the reviews. If I want some good, fresh food I treat myself to M and S! Never been disappointed yet, although I have to admit, their prices have really gone up on some items.
Does anyone remember the year when there were complaints about a food item(s) on order for Christmas? Was it a pie or something similar - I can't remember the exact item, but I know there were lots of complaints about the quality when people received them just before Xmas, and it put me off ordering anything from them (that and the prices).
That actually happened over a number of years, the complaints on Facebook about the Xmas hampers not turning up. QVC kept insisting people would get their food in time for Xmas Day right up to Xmas Eve. No, many did not.
Oh Merryone, you've just reminded me that I also bought a tin of Lamberts gingerbread one Christmas too!!! Oops, totally forgot, along with Easyio bundle I've bought a good few years ago too🙄. But that's definitely it. Certainly wouldn't ever consider buying any meat products. By the way, as a matter of interest, which supermarket did you get the gingerbread from please? Agree Lamberts was delicious.
Waitrose Lebkuchen, exactly same product, only available at xmas though! Also the equivalent to make up the amount that was in the tin, you actually get about 6 more gingerbreads! Bargain!
I never watch the food shows because when I do get the odd clip I cannot believe why anyone would buy food from QVC, those prices!! There has got to be better value even from other online retailers!
I used to buy the meat parcels and never had any problems with them but I haven't bought for a long time as we go away now at christmas. I also tried that popcorn which I didn't like and I think I might have had the cheese once which was nice but really overpriced. Can't afford it now but I still watch sometimes.


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