Registered Shopper
I have handbags in my cupboard which I bought from bid/pricedrop years ago. They are good everyday bags, secure stitching, sturdy zips and came with a purse and make up/odds and ends bag. Even factoring in p&p they were worth the money.
Sheets and duvet covers also were good value. I'm still using them, they wash really well and always look fresh and clean and feel as if they have some quality material in them.
Costume jewellery and cheap and cheerful watches used also to be of good quality, .
There is no comparison to the goods sold then, to the cheap tat they sell now.
The mystery for me, is how do they keep going? Apart from good for a laugh, and getting ideas for things to buy elsewhere I can't see the reason for watching
Sheets and duvet covers also were good value. I'm still using them, they wash really well and always look fresh and clean and feel as if they have some quality material in them.
Costume jewellery and cheap and cheerful watches used also to be of good quality, .
There is no comparison to the goods sold then, to the cheap tat they sell now.
The mystery for me, is how do they keep going? Apart from good for a laugh, and getting ideas for things to buy elsewhere I can't see the reason for watching