Breast Cancer Care - 13/10/10


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Not the world's best picture - but here is a piccie of the Kipling BCC exclusive bag - complete with monkey wearing a pink ribbon...

This was shown in the most recent newsletter i received from BCC...
Bcc kipling

Not the world's best picture - but here is a piccie of the Kipling BCC exclusive bag - complete with monkey wearing a pink ribbon...

This was shown in the most recent newsletter i received from BCC...

Do you think the order details will be out before the day , as it will fly on air .
three items

Butler & Wilson Breast Cancer Care Enamel & Pave Panda Pin

Butler & Wilson Breast Cancer Care Enamel & Pave Panda Pin
Item Number: 338624
QVC Price £28.00
Availability In stock
UK P&P £2.95

Breast Cancer Care Mint Wood Bead 60cm Necklace

Breast Cancer Care Mint Wood Bead 60cm Necklace
Item Number: 338725
QVC Price £7.32
Availability In stock
UK P&P £2.45

Breast Cancer Care Silk Route 53cm Bib Necklace & Earring Set

Breast Cancer Care Silk Route 53cm Bib Necklace & Earring Set
Item Number: 338726
QVC Price £23.96
Availability Some choices not in stock
UK P&P £3.45

QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Weds 13th October 7pm

We are very proud to once again be a part of the

QVC Breast Cancer Care Event on

Wednesday the 13th October from 7pm-10pm on QVC

We have designed and donated TWO very special pieces for the show.
The Panda Brooch with the Pink Ribbon,
and the kitten T-Shirt with the BCC logo.

As always, all proceeds will go towards Breast Cancer Care.

Simon will be appearing between 9-10pm,
but the items will be on sale from 7pm.

For more details about the show, check with the
QVC website on the 13th during the day.

The Breast Cancer Care event is always lots of fun,
so please join us to raise money for this great cause!

See you Wednesday night! Take care.

Love Simon


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The pink Jack Lalanne juicer is in the Saturday Times magazine.
£49.99 at QVC for BCC.^831762,navlist^831762*831399*830670*,cm_scid^dtlr

Just noticed item 831762 which is a pink version of the compact juicer but with its own item number. It's also cheaper than the usual item 830544 which is on air today at £68 IP (QVC price £75.25).

Jude xx

The pink Jack Lalanne juicer is in the Saturday Times magazine.
£49.99 at QVC for BCC.

I cant believe the price hike on this item - it was a TSV on New Years day 2010 at around £54ish - i got it in an intro price £59ish and on easi-pay in early summer and its now £68 IP?!! The BCC price is good? compared to the current cost but ridiculous in comparison to the original cost both TSV and IP:devil: maybe down to the credit crunch/recession?. Its a great machine though for getting your "five a day" plus without really trying.
I have to go out that night, a function that I can't miss :mysmilie_455:

Sadly it's one night every year I have to go out as I can't watch. :sad:
I really do hope you all manage to buy some lovely items, raising lots of money.
I always end up very disappointed that I miss out on the items I want every year; I do always buy something anyway which I use as a gift for a friend, but I do wish I could get something for me just ONCE!

I seem to remember in past years that our forum supersleuths had uncovered far more item numbers by now. Have qvc been really clever at keeping things hidden this year, or do you think there will just be fewer items? Either way, I'd like to thank our sleuths as otherwise I'm sure we'd have virtually no chance in snaffling anything.
I seem to remember in past years that our forum supersleuths had uncovered far more item numbers by now. Have qvc been really clever at keeping things hidden this year, or do you think there will just be fewer items? Either way, I'd like to thank our sleuths as otherwise I'm sure we'd have virtually no chance in snaffling anything.

They do seem to be keeping things hidden and numbers more random than past years. That said I have not had as much time to look as I have been away the last week, only got back last night.
Must admit I have tried typing in every combination today, but still no luck, also can not order anything still yet,.
well 8 minutes in and the flamin website wont work for me, to heck with it I have never ever managed to get anything and looks like this year is going to be no different!!
Surprise surprise as soon as they put items on screen you can't add it to your basket on the web and even qcut is saying sold out or out of stock.
and now it begins tried for L'occitane but website wasn't recognising item no and now it has gone....

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