Brainwashed ?????


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When I first got freeview in 2007, I went QCut barmy and bought loads of stuff that I didn't need and ended up with stockpiles of things that I've since 'thinned out' by visiting the local tip. Finding this forum has been my saving grace because of the advice given and the links to cheaper places. I've only bought items on re-order, from QVC, since last year (and I know I can't buy them from anywhere else at the moment) and I've ordered nothing at all since early January and boy, my bank balance looks better!

If I want something I now browse the shops and if I can't be bothered to go out then I didn't really want it in the first place.

The other thing that stopped my spending in its tracks was when I rang CS to get an item number for one of the re-orders and they offered to send me ALL my order details since I first started shopping with them. It was pages long and the total amount I'd spent was horrific ...... I'm mortified to admit it was a 5 figure sum!! If the two items I re-order ever become available elsewhere (and they're bound to be cheaper if that does happen) then my QVC spending days will go into the vaults.
Fantastic thread!

I am now the proud owner of a Tim Holtz Vagabond machine costing £152. I also own a high def camcorder, bought about a year ago on easy pays - the price was above £300, even though we already had a camcorder. NEITHER of these would have been bought in a shop, as i would NEVER have parted with my money in "real life"! To add to this, I have bought about £150 of Lola Rose jewellery in the sale, which in the cold light of day, I don't need (but I do love it)!

I need to take a reality check, as it is so easy to get sucked in. Whoever said that it's not like real money is right, but it is real money, and I need to face it.
I didn't watch the l'occitane tsv or any of the shows that day as I knew I didn't need it but would've been very tempted had I watched!
I have bought far less having discovered other places to buy cheaper and other FMs posting great deals elsewhere!
Super thread.

I have been so guilty of this. I bought the L'Occitane Xmas TSV because I felt compelled to do so after being told to rush to the phones and order so I could enjoy a luxurious bathing experience second to none. Well the TSV came and I was utterly disappointed with it, I am still waiting for the difference in my bathing experience to become apparent. I don't think it will. Come to think of it, I don't think any of the bath products I've had from QVC have given me an amazing luxurious bathing experience yet. They've been a bit extra perfumey, but no extra foamy and my nips are certainly no cleaner than when I was using Mr Muscle on them*

Since then all I've bought from them was the LG TSV, and I am hoping it stays that way. I am liking the fact at the moment I can sit and watch and not feel compelled to buy everything they thrust in my direction...:nod:

*nb the using Mr Muscle on my nips might not be strictly true at all in any way, shape or form...
Last week was the first time in ages that I watched QVC and I nearly fell for buying some Bobbi Brown. Luckily I came and posted on here and even though the things I was asking about were recommended I resisted. I've only bought 6 things from QVC since August 2009 and they have been excellent value Ojon and Philosophy goodies that I needed anyway. However, I'm sure if that Lee was still the Philosophy guest I'd have bought every TSV. I wanted some more Philosophy serum but instead of spending over £30 (£60+ if they had the supersized one in) I bought an Olay one at £12 from Superdrug instead.
i can resist most things and i do stop myself and think if i was in town and saw this would i buy this answer is normally no but what gets me every time is the lure of the EASY PAYMENTS i always fall for it. Dont know why QVC dont have the option of them on everything but them again i would probably be declared bankrupt xx
Oh, I'm so glad I opened this thread & found I'm not alone in being a gullible mug sometimes....well quite often though I'm getting much much better since finding this forum.

What I have found is that if I do manage to resist the siren lure of some TSV that's calling to me, I feel SO smug & pleased with myself the day afterwards :grin: Much better than the guilty sick feeling I often get if I give in & press "submit order."

Do you think they use subliminal selling to lure us all in?
Quick flashes on the screen, invisible to the naked me, buy me, buy me, buy me..............................:nod:
I am the same, I see it on TV or the internet yet I would not dream of buying it if it was in the high street shops.
Fab thread, I am so glad I found this forum, I thought I was alone in my weakness and gulliablity. I think I get hypnotised sitting on my settee, lap top all fired up, AY baying like a demon from the fiery pit convincing me that I wil have the complexion of toddler fresh from its day time nap if only I drop this pot of gunk into my shopping cart (as has been said in an earlier post QCUT is so time consuming!). I am to the external eye an intelligent, educated woman but seem to have an inner core of weakness and plain daftness as evidenced by some of the tat I have bought from QVC.
I guess all these incredibly irritating presenters we spend so much time on here pulling to bits, are very good at what they do otherwise they wouldn't still have a job.

This Elemis TSV, although a good price for what you get, is actually costing £78.07 altogether which is an awful lot of money. I must say I was tempted but then when I thought about it, it was only really for the night cream as I have only just got another Decleor hydrofloral for daytime. I would have put the Decleor one away and started using the Elemis but then Decleor is expensive in its own right, too expensive to be slung in a drawer.

It's only good value if everything is used. I wonder how many of us actually finish everything in a TSV to the very end of the pot and then re-order.

Sad, but I always finish a pot of cream before I allow myself to open a new one - whatever the temptation.

I'm excited about this Elemis TSV because I've just opened (two days ago) a PCMC (from a previous TSV), having finished my Decleor Hydra Floral and by the time the TSV arrives I will have finished the Decleor Night balm too - and today I finished my Boots P&P serum, so the timing is perfect!

That said, I'm no goody two shoes - as I do have loads of masques, peels, scrubs etc unopened, you know the travel sized extra bits that get thrown in - but they are never the reason I buy a TSV.
Fab thread, I am so glad I found this forum, I thought I was alone in my weakness and gulliablity. I think I get hypnotised sitting on my settee, lap top all fired up, AY baying like a demon from the fiery pit convincing me that I wil have the complexion of toddler fresh from its day time nap if only I drop this pot of gunk into my shopping cart (as has been said in an earlier post QCUT is so time consuming!). I am to the external eye an intelligent, educated woman but seem to have an inner core of weakness and plain daftness as evidenced by some of the tat I have bought from QVC.

I have the perfect cure for us all - visit the QVC Outlet at Birchwood Warrington! When you see the cheap and nasty stuff being off loaded in there that the presenters have extolled the virtues of, then your credit card would be safe and you'd never buy another thing from them.
There is a good research project in this for someone! ]I think so many of us think and act the same.I spend very little as I go round the shops, nowhere near what I have spent ( & the things) I have bought from QVC.Some of my more recent purchases have been returned as & realised I acted on impulse--- or more laptop at the ready & glass of wine in hand!I know I have spent the p&p but it's a lot less than keeping & spending the full price.I think we should have a Summer School ( somewhere nice) to help the cure along.

We should celebrate QVC as without it we wouldn't have so many laughs on here! Now we just have to crack the 'WATCH BUT DONT SPEND'!!

What a brilliant topic to be researched , we can all be guinea pigs . It sounds as if we all have FAR too much experience of impulse buys off the tv.

That should be our motto WATCH BUT DON'T SPEND !! :mysmilie_17:
I read an article by some psychologist-type person about why we spend, and one thing really struck a chord with me.

It was that we buy stuff not because we really need it, but because humans are curious creatures and we want to look at it.

It made me realise how often I'd pick up a pretty scarf or a bit of sparkly jewellery in a shop and buy it, even though it was in a colour I never wear or I had nothing to go with it.

Add to that the QVC patter from your on-screen friendly face who smiles and tells you that 'you can have this in your own home' or to 'just get this and try it out' and it's constantly yet subtly feeding our human need to look at things in more detail.

And you can do it without even handing over cold, hard cash, so it's a sure fire winner.
I have found that I have gone off the jewellery - just doesn't interest me anymore. I'm not sure why. I think I have decided I just have enough nowadays and the more you have the harder it is to find the individual items when you need them. You can have enough Honora pearls and Suarti Silver.

I think the quality of the jewellery is not as good. Gold and silver prices have gone up so much that the rings have become quite flimsy - lots of lacey type designs. B&W in particular is less impressive these days. The stones tend to fall out after a certain time and many of the designs are too frou frou.

The clothes are too similar. Kim & Co, Michele Hope etc are not inspiring. I'm sick of Birkies, I know I can get Clarkes shoes cheaper from their website and that goes for Liz Earle and Lola Rose too.

I don't find the expensive skin and haircare is worth the extra expense. I used to be a bit of a fan of these overpriced toiletries but now I'm happy to pick up middle of the road ones from Boots (and get points on my advantage card and no P&P).

QVC is still attracting new customers from its Zone time on ITV but after these new ones become bored I think it is going to have to have a rethink - some more exciting brands and some kind of point system for loyal customers.
There is also something quite hypnotic if not brainwashing about Denis Basso's voice after midnight launching another TSV that makes me think i have got to have that FAUX FUR leopard print swing coat i imagine myself walking into the schoolyard to pick up the kids swishing the furry folds about my ample frame so all the other mothers get a glimpse of the shocking pink lining and gasp in amazement!!! it could also have something to do with the glass of wine aswell mind lol i have resisted so far but i feel it is only a matter of time before i ditch my parka x
To add to this, I have bought about £150 of Lola Rose jewellery in the sale, which in the cold light of day, I don't need (but I do love it)!

I wish I had your restraint LOL - I went sale crazy on the Lola site but I keep telling myself that I won't buy any more jewellery now (unless the Lola TSV is fab) and buying stuff at 75% was actually saving money - hmmm clutching at straws a bit there though! :wink:

I'm pretty good in that I could watch certain shows all day long (like the beauty ones, the clothes and the technology) and won't feel the slightest temptation to buy as I have little interest in them. It's certain jewellery ones where I have to watch myself. I'm getting in the habit of putting stuff in the basket, taking 10 mins to walk away and give myself time to think about what I am buying. Sometimes giving myself a stern talking to has resulted in me emptying the basket :angel:
I haven't seen the TSV today and am not interested in it really - but today is a classic example of how QVC can draw me in............................If I went into my local town/high street today - would I buy myself some jewellery.

Nope absolutely not.Would not cross my mind to even look at Jewellery - let alone buy.

Yet,I've just come in from work - having my lunch,and after watching hours of QVC and possibly what? 2?3?4? airings of the TSV - I could easily convince myself I need it,its a fab price,it won't be hare tomorrow blah blah.This is how silly really I am,that I can be taken in so easily.

Its like NN.I love NN.I've now accepted that you can only have so much bedlinin.But I was still almost DESPERATE to see the show last night with 3 easy pay AND a OTO!!!! I wouldn't consider buying any more bedlinen on a day to day basis.

Luckily I haven't bought anything for ages (it is easier if you don't watch!!) but I'm truely brainwashed:doh:
Am I allowed to actually say this out loud??

I ordered the Elemis TSV. There is absolutely no way I would normally pay for £70 odd pound for some creams but I am in my 30s and interested in whether the eye cream would actually make a difference.

Now don't get me wrong....I am no where near 'the letter' stage but...

I have ordered it BUT I have absolutely no intention of keeping it!!! (unless it is absolutely amazing!!). I just see it as an opportunity to try something for the price of the P&P there and back!! For about a tenner I have a months go at the products (which is fine).

I reckon QVC get plenty of money out of me so sometimes I like to take advantage of the 30 day money back guarantee on purpose. I get to trial brands and only keep what I like.

At the end of the day I keep plenty of products and they make plenty of profit from me so sometimes it should work the other way too!!!
Funny you should mention the whole brainwashing thing... Recently I've been reading some articles on teleshopping and I thought they might be of interest. The first one deals with some of the tricks they use on shopping channels to get you to buy. The second one is on how to resist these tactics. I hope they are of interest. They seem to be aimed at readers in the USA, but the same things probably apply wherever you are:'t_Need

While I haven't been addicted to buying stuff from shopping channels (I think I've bought about two items total in my life), I have had my "gotta have it" moments. Many years ago, my father used to watch the DIY and gardening shows. I'd always liked gardening and would often think "I want that!" whenever I saw any plants I fancied. There was also a show selling Beanie Babies that stuck in my mind long after it had finished and everything had sold out (this was during my collector phase). This all happened a long time ago, before I understood that 1) I could get better and cheaper stuff elsewhere and 2) my parents' pockets weren't as deep as I thought they were. Nowadays I still watch these channels, but I am not tempted by most of the stuff they offer. The products just aren't for me.

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