Body found in hunt for Tia


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I have seen houses like that too. But if they thought she had been hidden next door, why admit human error? It doesn't make sense. I should imagine next door wouldn't be searched as a matter of course. It's very odd.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
You're right it is very odd. I posted that about the loft space before I knew about the 'human error' statement. Like you say, how can you miss a body in a small loft like that? Oh well, I suppose all will be revealed in time.....
I don't know quite how to put this, but the poor little soul wouldn't have been very fresh either in this hot weather. I don't like Grannie one bit either, I don't like any woman who's happy to bring in a man (whether he did it or not) with a known dodgy history where there are any children, let alone a pretty little adolescent. Whoever did it, I hope Grannie pays dearly.

Why on earth would the neighbour involve himself(?) in such a grizzly business? There's obviously more to this than simple friendship with a neighbour.

As for these current outpourings of public grief over every unnatural death by anyone, let alone people who don't even know the person, I don't think it has anything to do with "community" but a question of getting in on the act and is just another chance of possibly receiving some attention. Something is deeply wrong with our society that so many of us have this need to be seen. xxxxxxxxx
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I hope nobody on here lives there but New Addington is a bit of a dodgy area, I lived about 5 miles from there and my sister's husband comes from there. Lots of nice people there but some dodgy ones too.

Poor Tia, everything seems so strange doesn't it. You wouldn't believe her Grandma would be involved, I can't get my head around that!.
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I hope nobody on here lives there but New Addington is a bit of a dodgy area, I lived about 5 miles from there and my sister's husband comes from there. Lots of nice people there but some dodgy ones too.

Poor Tia, everything seems so strange doesn't it. You wouldn't believe her Grandma would be involved, I can't get my head around that!.

What some women will do to hang on to a man is truly beyond the comprehension of most right thinking people.
I truly think that there is nothing, not hours of daily torture, death or so called rehabilitation that can ever pay the debt to society of those who harm or kill the helpless, be they children, disabled or elderly.

As a side note I can categorically assure anyone that being a respected doctor does not preclude you from being a negligent and/or cruel abusive parent.
Hurrah for the multi-agency review that's been called for...that'll bring the poor girl back!

Jude xx
As a side note I can categorically assure anyone that being a respected doctor does not preclude you from being a negligent and/or cruel abusive parent.

Totally agree, especially this point.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I have no ideas about the other case but do most certainly agree about doctors. That quack Harold Shipman comes to mind, a much loved and respected man - gives me chills just thinking about it - his victims are likely to have been in the hundreds. If wives can live with husbands without knowing their horrible crimes, mothers can inflict torture upon their own children, doctors and nurses can put away their patients, then absolutely no-one can be considered "too respectable" to be a criminal. There's just as much crime in the middle and upper classes as there is amongst so-called "chavs" and it would do us well to remember that, as this is how seemingly nice people can get away with living a whole other life the one we see. The only difference is that the wealthy can afford the best lawyers, "cleaners", or to escape abroad and often go unfound or impossible to bring back xxxxxxxxxxx
It seems the granny's already been pronounced guilty and sentenced to death on this forum!!! I reckon the granny's boyfriend probably did it but I'm not sure that she was involved and to speculate on guilt (and talk of hanging!) when not in full possession of the facts isn't right imo.
Oh I'd only advocate hanging after a guilty verdict PP, and then I'd be happy to pull the lever myself. Even if Granny didn't take any part in the actual murder of Tia herself but aided or abetted that scum Hazell in any way then she should get life. And that goes for the neighbour too.
There's a story in the DM today :)blush: I know I know!!) about a chap (British) languishing in an African jail. He happened to come across a pile of bodies and reported it to the authorities ~ as you would! ~ but the baying mob were out for blood, revenge and money and he now finds himself banged up completely innocent. Growing up in Africa where it could be pretty hairy sometimes, I've got a bit of a fear of mob mentality taking on the role of judge and jury.
That aside, we'll have to agree to disagree over the death penalty PPC! We fall on completely different sides of the fence on that one! And although I loathe the despicable scumbags who perpetrate disgusting deeds, everything in me says it's not right for the authorities to punish by death. That's not to say that I wouldn't quite happily push them off a cliff myself though!
I remember the Joanna Yeates murder a couple of years ago, I doubt the landlord, who was completely innocent, has ever recovered from his trial by media.

I would like to see the death penalty reinstated for specific crimes that are proved beyond doubt.
I'm sorry PP (although I agree the death penalty has no place in this country) I hold the grannie greatly responsible. She brought him into the house knowing him to be of dodgy character and simply has to take responsibility for that. Even if, and it is a big if, he's innocent, she still brought a man with a catalogue of crime behind him into the house with her grand-daughter. Have him as a boyfriend by all means if that's her taste, but keep him out of the house. xxxxxxxxx
Looking a bit odd has always been a crime in this country where certain members of the press are concerned. They proceed to whip up hatred and we, like sheep, go bleating after.

Trouble is Frazzled, "proven beyond doubt" has been the considered opinion of a number of courts in the past, and we aren't half as clever as we think we are. xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry PP (although I agree the death penalty has no place in this country) I hold the grannie greatly responsible. She brought him into the house knowing him to be of dodgy character and simply has to take responsibility for that. Even if, and it is a big if, he's innocent, she still brought a man with a catalogue of crime behind him into the house with her grand-daughter. Have him as a boyfriend by all means if that's her taste, but keep him out of the house. xxxxxxxxx

There's no doubt she made a huge mistake leaving her grand daughter with this man, but presumably Tia's mum also knew him and thought he was ok to look after her daughter. There are lots of people with dodgy pasts who make great parents/grandparents. Who knew this man was a psycho? He probably seemed quite normal. I really doubt Tia would have been left in his care if anybody was suspicious of him.

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