BLITZ bed bug spray


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Never been troubled with them think it's cus Mrs Snoop is a right mucky minger and her body lice eat the bugs :)
London is FULL of bedbugs: the warm winters and international travellers/migration contribute to their increase. I never sit down on the tube or buses as they are well known to house the buggers. A friend of mine works in a posh hotel, and even they have loads of them. Guests bring them in, and after a few weeks they cause an infestation in the room. It has nothing to do with cleanliness, but it is a real pest.
Once you have them inhouse, it is difficult to get rid off, you need loads of chemicals to be used regularly and it is not guaranteed they wont come back
I read about London and bedbugs. The easiest way to get them is by sitting on the tube or via your luggage in a hotel. That`s why we never visit london. I got dozens of bites once, when on a course and staying in a student hall of residence in nottingham

I never brought them home thank goodness. The very thought makes me itch
FFS!! :YIKES: Never mind blitzing the feckers with a spray, I'd have to chuck the whole feckin bed out if I found one of those monsters in it!! :YIKES: :Eeeew: :pPC:
Snoozy Madams says maintains that ALL beds have bed bugs doesnt she? ie that its nowt to do with infestations, or cleanliness, theyre just a fact of life.
So what are those little teeny weeny bugs that are in every mattress and live off dead skin cells?? Are they mites .. or bed bugs?? I'm confused.
All mattresses and pillows have dust mites and their excrement, they eat our dead skin cells, all mattresses do not have bed bugs. They are very different, dust mites are minute but bed bugs are visible to the eye, they are flat and round in shape and are a reddy browny colour, they live in crevices in beds out of site, except when they come out to feed on us. No I`ve not experienced them, just studied communal health and hygiene at college.
All mattresses and pillows have dust mites and their excrement, they eat our dead skin cells, all mattresses do not have bed bugs. They are very different, dust mites are minute but bed bugs are visible to the eye, they are flat and round in shape and are a reddy browny colour, they live in crevices in beds out of site, except when they come out to feed on us. No I`ve not experienced them, just studied communal health and hygiene at college.

Thanks for clarification! Never seen a bed bug either ... and hope I never do!!! Urgh.
here you are cupcake
they can grow double in size after drinking your blood. At night, the clim up the walls, on the ceiling, where they pick up your scent from breathing (they do not bite all peopl, they have a preference for certain bloodtypes...)
When they smell the victim, they just drop down on go for your arms, face, leg....
here you are cupcake
they can grow double in size after drinking your blood. At night, the clim up the walls, on the ceiling, where they pick up your scent from breathing (they do not bite all peopl, they have a preference for certain bloodtypes...)
When they smell the victim, they just drop down on go for your arms, face, leg....

Oh My God!!! I think, from now on I will sleep either standing up or on a bed of nails! I have a phobia about all things buggy and insecty, to the point that I have a special netting over my open windows to stop 'things' flying or crawling in. The thought of 'things' living in my bed is my worst ever nightmare. Right I'm off now to hoover and steam my mattress Thankyou so much for the information.
Thanks for clarification! Never seen a bed bug either ... and hope I never do!!! Urgh.

I`ve only seen them in books but I suppose the colour will vary depending on whether they have just ate or not....I can`t remeber if they carry any infectious disease or not as with the tick that carries Lymes Disease.
here you are cupcake
they can grow double in size after drinking your blood. At night, the clim up the walls, on the ceiling, where they pick up your scent from breathing (they do not bite all peopl, they have a preference for certain bloodtypes...)
When they smell the victim, they just drop down on go for your arms, face, leg....

Um thanks for that Tia, LOL!! Urgh. Quite vile!!!
apparently memory foam is too dense for bed bugs to survive in...also, steaming helps to eliminate them!

I've got the memory foam- off to buy a steamer!
Perhaps a nice kind moderating person will come along and close this thread. I'm sure it needs fumigatin'.

Those are dust mites I think cupcake.

You can minimise them by hoovering the mattress - or use a memory foam mattress cos they can't live in memory foam :)

Not sure how bed bugs react to memory foam. I guess if you notice loads of little holes appearing in your foam, your little buggy friends must enjoy them :30:

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