Birthday Honours!!


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Jun 24, 2008
So Leighton Denny has been made an MBE and John Barrowman an OBE.................get ready to lose count at the number of times presenters mention this on their shows!!!!
These Birthday Honours have turned into a joke! More recognition needs to be given to the likes of the recently late Stephen Sutton (his MBE more than well deserved) and others who put in tremendous effort to help charities, etc. rather than these jumped-up personalities who long to be associated with "celebrities" just to name drop. Yes, I'm getting on a bit but it seems these awards are being given out willy-nilly!
Dear Lord, they dish out these things like confetti to anyone these days - a nail polish seller for gawds sake what next ? giving an award to the person who sells most copies of the Big Issue ????

How on earth can he compare to that young man who deservedly received the award just before he died for raising so much money for cancer ?
I saw it first on this Tweet. Clear as mud!
@Team_Barrowman: John Barrowman has been appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire in HM The Queen's Birthday Honours, just announced!

I had to do a bit of Googling for the truth.

Was very pleased to see this one:

Stephen Sutton, the teenage cancer sufferer who raised more than £4m for charity, has been honoured with an MBE in this year's Queen's Birthday Honours.

Stephen, who was 19 when he died last month, had been told about the honour before his death.
On retrospect, I feel the blame has to lie with the plonkers who nominate the non-entities to begin with, and those in the awards office who actually agree to it. How old must these people be? certainly not of an age where they are old to ask questions about suitability.
At this rate it wont be long before all the Q presenters have them .

Well done to Stephen and i guess Leighton deserves it too , however John Barrowman your having a laugh !!!
Leighton Denny for services to the nail and beauty industry???? FGS, what's so special about that....he's doing a job and making pots of money out of it?! I can immediately think of people in my own and surrounding villages far more deserving of recognition from HRH and they aren't eager to name drop either!
Stephen you were a wonderful human being and such a pity you are not still with us.

John, who knows perhaps he does a lot charity work????

Leighton no doubt because he sells a British brand all over the world.

The honours are now nominated by the public and Dave hug a hoodie and other MPs these days.

Our Lu is the one I would be most afraid of, they are already up her arse if she got one some of the presenters would never seen daylight again.:mysmilie_11:
I don't mind people who are doing things for the community - well deserved - or people who are making big bucks for this country from what they sell overseas, but ac-tores and singers who make big bucks for themselves by having a nice, cushy stage job when the rest of the country is working in sweat-shop conditions??

I reckon it won't be long before QVC nominate Julia Roberts for being the world's longest-serving shopping telly presenter. Vuvulezas to the ready! But seriously, I wonder how many minutes of a show I'll watch when anyone with an award appears on QVC.
Ooh, do you think the LD stuff I'm about to stick on flea-bay will fetch a higher price now because of its noble connections?
According to the BBC website 73 % of the awards are for people who have done outstanding work in their own community but I guess it's the big names who attract attention. As for Leighton Denny his business will have generated revenue in the UK and also created jobs (aren't the products made in South Wales?) so good for him.
I'm happy for Leighton Denny to be made an MBE. Well done Leighton for creating an award winning brand and giving people at home jobs. In my industry, IT, I am into the 7th round of redundancy in 2 years. At each round jobs go to India.
Angelina unlike many special ambassadors for UN has for years actually got stuck in and done work. Others like Geri Halliwell etc only turn up for the photo call.

Brad and her have charities in the US for children and New Orleans building houses etc for people.
Our Lu is the one I would be most afraid of, they are already up her arse if she got one some of the presenters would never seen daylight again.:mysmilie_11:

If you mean Lulu, she's had an OBE for donkey's years - services to the Entertainment Industry I believe.
Stephen Sutton was, thankfully, awarded and accepted his MBE personally, prior to his premature death. We have to be minddful that these awards are made to different categories, i.e. charity work or "services to...", although we may believe that some are more deserving than others. Whilst raising £4 million for charity is an astonishing achievement, which a MBE medal cannot even begin to recognise, creating a nailcare brand, which sells globally, thus aiding the british economy is also an achievement. I would not honour JB for "services to light entertainment", but he does do a lot of charity work, so I can understand that being one of the reasons he got it.
I am by no means a monarchist but, for me, the best thing about the honours system? The americans are so envious of it. The United States, originally being part of our nation, will never have the history we have; history is, by definition, not retrospective. I do think the UK behaved shamefully, on the world stage, with it's treatment of the Princess of Wales. Consequently, the US was only too willing to open it's arms to her.
John Barrowman got his for services to the Entertainment Industry and his contribution to charity. "Barrowman has worked extensively on fundraising for a number of charities over the years dealing with cancer, HIV, Down's Syndrome and animal groups."
I do think the UK behaved shamefully, on the world stage, with it's treatment of the Princess of Wales. Consequently, the US was only too willing to open it's arms to her.

It wasn't the UK people, it was the ****** royals - "that f***ing family" as Diana herself so rightly referred to them.

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