Usually there is some much-vaunted product touted in the run-up to Christmas. What do you think it will be this year? Dyson hairdryer, perhaps? A Kitchen Aid to help you prepare your lovely meal as you feel comforted by the warmth of your aga in your beautiful white kitchen while the little ones play in front of the roaring inglenook fireplace? Or how about a combination microwave oven to serve as a veritable culinary workhorse?
Maybe it will be a new Dyson vac to pick up all those pine needles from your beautiful Christmas tree? Or how about an Andi Peters food hamper containing a selection of items to keep in your food closet? Or it could be a tech item such as an enormous widescreen telly that synchronises with an app on yer 'phone.
Let's hear your predictions - the funnier, the better!
Maybe it will be a new Dyson vac to pick up all those pine needles from your beautiful Christmas tree? Or how about an Andi Peters food hamper containing a selection of items to keep in your food closet? Or it could be a tech item such as an enormous widescreen telly that synchronises with an app on yer 'phone.
Let's hear your predictions - the funnier, the better!