Did anyone bother watching his return, I certainly didn'tuke: I was expecting a flurry of posts.
Not a dickybird.
I watched, nothing much to write home about though. Same old, same old. Found the account of his holiday to Italy amusing... then went to bed :grin:
I got as far as the stupid introduction, with the wobbly camera shots of the plasma that was bigging up the no doubt crap that what was coming up so I switched over to News at Ten.
I never bothered tuning back in.
So I clicked on this thread hoping for a bit of insider gossip lol. So how much do they earn? I was always under the impression that TV presenters earn a fortune. Some of them seem to wear really nice and expensive looking suites and I have noticed a few flash wristwatches on the male presenters. But them some of them dress like supply teachers in awful looking suites and shirts? And the shoes! Oh dear some of them really need new shoes!
They probably get basic plus commission and all the ice cream they can make with the companies Yonanas machine(got on myself they are great)
As for foot ware why aren't they all in Cringles? I bet they save them for Sunday best and don't want to scuff them at work ;-)
They don't get any commission PJ.
You must have detailed chats with Mike ;-)
So ballpark figure what do they get?
You must have detailed chats with Mike ;-)
So ballpark figure what do they get?
i doubt they get much/any commission these days, however like any sales based business if targets are not met/maintained they will not last long
no idea what they get paid, personally i find this quite a personal question and have no idea why anybody would feel the need to no?
Just curious, we help to pay them![]()
If I was to have a punt I would guess they get paid per shift, some of the dross like Birkett and Mani probably get £150-200 per shift. I would imagine Steve Macdonald,James Russell, Sally Jaxx and Mike Mason would all be equally paid around £500 a shift and Peter Simon being the longest serving, high profile probably gets the most around £600 a shift.
Well Birkett should just be happy he's got a job, I have heard on the grapevine that our very own Adam82 is going to replace Birkett. But I can't confirm that in the same way that Mikeyboy couldn't confirm the JPD Debenhams contract.:grin:
If I was to have a punt I would guess they get paid per shift, some of the dross like Birkett and Mani probably get £150-200 per shift. I would imagine Steve Macdonald,James Russell, Sally Jaxx and Mike Mason would all be equally paid around £500 a shift and Peter Simon being the longest serving, high profile probably gets the most around £600 a shift.
Moet&Muffins please tell us whose guess is more closer to reality - me or wirral70
There have been a few of them over the years who give the impression they would turn up for a packet of **** and their bus-fare home.