Before and after pictures


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Gem Genie

Registered Shopper
Jul 30, 2008
North East Wales
Do they think we were born yesterday? Whether it be hair products, skin products or cosmetics, we are not so daft as cabbage looking.

1. The lighting is always better on the after shots.
2. In the before shot the model usually never has any make up on.
3. Hair is straight and lank in the before shots and styled and bouncy in the after shot.
4. The facial expression is usually grim and gaunt in the first shot and grinning and lively in the after one.

Take a look at the Ojon before and after.
I always notice this in women's magazines (which I read in waiting rooms LOL) that not only have they been using the featured anti-aging cream but they have also had a complete makeover as well. Usually their clothes are much more flattering too.
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shaping underwear before shots make me giggle. you can virtually hear the photographer saying 'and now really push your belly out love for this last shot'
I always notice this in women's magazines (which I read in waiting rooms LOL) that not only have they been using the featured anti-aging cream but they have also had a complete makeover as well. Usually their clothes are much more flattering too.

Methinks the gentleman doth protest TOO much... :nod: :wink:

I've always been impressed by products that can apparently change your dress sense, give you a complete makeover, and have you grinning away like a clown on LSD. :devil:
The elderly ojon model reminds me of the radiator lady in Eraserhead...but more disturbing! Her grinning in the after bouffant shots is terrifying!

Jude xx


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I caught 3 minutes of the PRAI hour tonight and Charlie was gushing and exclaiming at some kind of gunk the woman had put on his hand.

"Look at that!" he proclaimed pointing at his hand. I looked and couldn't see the miracle. The shopping channels have a habit of doing the Emperor's New Clothes bit of shouting "Look at that!" when there is nothing obvious to see.

I don't know how you ladies pick the wheat from the chaff.
I don't know how you ladies pick the wheat from the chaff.

short answer: most of us cant.
long answer: usually we buy the chaff, then the next chaff, then the other chaff. after a long time, and a lot of money, we decide to sod the chaff, get on a forum somewhere and ask everyone else what they think about 'product X'. often we get our hopes up when someone starts shouting "wheat!!!" but unless your skin is virtually a mirror replica then the wheat turns to chaff.
basically we have to buy all the chaff until we find our wheat. then we still keep buying the newest chaff because, as beauty experts tell us our skin is not only aging it is also changing, our wheat is only good for today so we are forever doomed to continue searching for tomorrow wheat. Doomed! Doomed i say!
I know what you mean ive watched endless beauty hours, scoured different sites, ebay, tried allsorts and theres no getting away from the fact that despite trying loads of different make up and getting quite skilled and knowledgeable I ve still got that same ****** black circles and baggy eyelids and that across line thing on the top of my nose ............. and no foundation will cover any of it without making me look like a powderer smeary old hag. I give up lol.
I always notice this in women's magazines (which I read in waiting rooms LOL) that not only have they been using the featured anti-aging cream but they have also had a complete makeover as well. Usually their clothes are much more flattering too.

All the more reason to buy the product. :talking: After all, if I can have their clothes and their make-up just because I've bought an anti-ageing cream, I'm happy!! :happy:
I'm watching the BE show right now and OH suddenly started laughing. I asked what's going on and he told me: "I just had this thought about the before and after pictures. You have the before picture, and then you have the after picture and she has a bag on her head!" and continued to giggle to himself for another minute or two. Made me chuckle considering the discussion here.
I have to say a big thank you for your last post Craftology, as I've been having a rotten day today with a flare-up of my arthritis. You made me laugh out loud at your husband's comment about the paper bag. Give him a hug from me, he made my day!

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