Beauty SuperSize Of The Month


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I've noticed that prices in Australia are higher than we pay here for Alpha H and this is Australian local brand so to speak.
I've converted the price for rejuvenating cream and it's around £53 when we paid £45 over here and £40-something when it was in a TSV kit. What surprised me the most was the eye gel, around AUD 70 for 15 ml. It seems that qvcuk really twists the brands' arm to give value for money to the customers. I also noticed that qvc in the USA don't stock Alpha H.
There's also a catch up which I'm trying to buffer is it keeps stopping every couple of minutes, they have two alpha h hours today in Australia with Michelle. Your Skin!&airdate=01/03/2015-13:30:00
I've just spoken to CS trying to order it but they could't do it yet as it's not live on their system however they were able to give me the price which is £37.50 plus £3.95 P&P. They also said that they are waiting for an email confirming the product details and it's possible that it may be a free P&P or on EP. Wasn't the 30 ml £36 if I remember correctly? They said that the product will go live at 9 pm but on TV guide it's the no!no! hour.

I paid £27.84 + £3.95 P&P for the 30ml when it first launched on QVC, so £37.50 + £3.95 for 50ml is a good price. Wish we were getting the TVSN kit - perhaps in the future we will get it! PS Alpha-H showing on live TV at 2.30pm today (Monday) on TVSN website.
Wish we were getting the TVSN kit - perhaps in the future we will get it! PS Alpha-H showing on live TV at 2.30pm today (Monday) on TVSN website.
I so enjoyed watching the catch up on TVSN, Michelle was talking the whole hour with lots of demos, charts, stories, examples, customers' questions etc, and she looked beautiful as well, glowing. When she is in the UK she is probably tired after a long flight. They never mentioned once you can break this expensive kit or another kit three ways for mother daughter and sister.
Ani and Savyshopper, I may have some good news for you. I have finally finished catching up with Alpha H presentations on TVSN channel and it was said in the very last hour that Michelle is flying to London to launch the Liquid Laser kit and around the world. So now the question is "How much?" but it better be between £50-60 ( it was 199.00 AUD = 101.928 GBP). I guess it's like a TSV, but not the official one, shame it won't be on AD. On the TVSN they started with 200 kits and I thought it wasn't anywhere near enough but it lasted for one and a half days still a small amount for the UK so we better hurry when it's in stock. I also think there's a good chance that it will be on EP because it's not cheap.
They also will be doing a limited edition tote bag next week
That' s sooo nice of you, thanks for posting! :) I am looking forward to the shows and well, maybe I'll order something. ;-)

I am not that interested in the bag though. By the way, did you see the set you had bought is also availible in the Alpha-H page, but more expensive? I am hoping for the Liquid Laser set the same, i.e., to be cheaper than in Australia.
Yes, I saw the same kit on AH and it was £57 so I grabbed the one above. I used it last night for the first time but didn't see any miraculous results this morning like people described in their reviews , so I shall keep on trying and will make up my mind before the anniversary shows. Not sure about the claim on hydration by 211% but not bad. What I'm trying to say is that I didn't see total "uncreasing" of the skin, and I did expect a lot after the claims made. Mind you I use 15X mirror :)

I also would like to see this kit on the anniversary shows

I'm not keen on the tote bag either.
That's also a nice kit! I hope there will be tons of anniversary offers.:)
I have one for sale in the drop. It has only been tried once, my skin didn't like it.
It's Judith Williams' 6th anniversary show on QVC next month with on air items offered with 6p postage
As posted by Akimbo on another thread I'm hoping for a 15p P&P on Alpha-H on their 15th Anniversary next week. This would be great.
I wish they'd do more of these postage offers- so on April 4th they could offer 4p postage etc - the March 3 easy pay offer only tempted me to buy the Charlie Bears Glove Puppet (rabbit ofcourse) - I'd have preferred 3p postage!
I think that they used to do this Akimbo. I remember buying Emma Hardie TSV on the 12 December with 12p P&P, don’t remember the year but probably 12/12/2012.
I think that they used to do this Akimbo. I remember buying Emma Hardie TSV on the 12 December with 12p P&P, don’t remember the year but probably 12/12/2012.

I think that date is correct Marina as I remember on 11/11/11 we had 11p postage on some (not all) products.
I wish they'd do it more often...oh and the next Beauty Day with free p&p like that one many moons ago with a MOP haircare TSV!
How long does a BSS OTM offer last? It was launched on 10th March and still on free P&P.
And what's happened to the next supersize beauty product of the month?

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