Ani, my guess is that we won't have this kit on the anniversary show as all Laser products are now being sold as individual products but I may be wrong. Ian has just posted the Laser Cleansing Oil details.
I've just spoken to CS trying to order it but they could't do it yet as it's not live on their system however they were able to give me the price which is £37.50 plus £3.95 P&P. They also said that they are waiting for an email confirming the product details and it's possible that it may be a free P&P or on EP. Wasn't the 30 ml £36 if I remember correctly? They said that the product will go live at 9 pm but on TV guide it's the no!no! hour.
I so enjoyed watching the catch up on TVSN, Michelle was talking the whole hour with lots of demos, charts, stories, examples, customers' questions etc, and she looked beautiful as well, glowing. When she is in the UK she is probably tired after a long flight. They never mentioned once you can break this expensive kit or another kit three ways for mother daughter and sister.Wish we were getting the TVSN kit - perhaps in the future we will get it! PS Alpha-H showing on live TV at 2.30pm today (Monday) on TVSN website.
As posted by Akimbo on another thread I'm hoping for a 15p P&P on Alpha-H on their 15th Anniversary next week. This would be great.It's Judith Williams' 6th anniversary show on QVC next month with on air items offered with 6p postage
I think that they used to do this Akimbo. I remember buying Emma Hardie TSV on the 12 December with 12p P&P, don’t remember the year but probably 12/12/2012.
I wish they'd do it more often...oh and the next Beauty Day with free p&p like that one many moons ago with a MOP haircare TSV!
i know there is a beauty day coming with 4 easy pays on everything