Beauty bash 2016


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If no samples, then what is the point of going? I have been to some food shoes and have always come away with a bag of stash and a full belly. Perhaps the 'no sample' thing is because QVC like selling sample sized products for top dollar...

So you can feel so lucky to go met these wonderful people in person, that is gift enough:mysmilie_15:

QVC deem it privileged you get to go to a giant hall and look at upcoming beauty TSVs and brands that sell on QVC.
i did not like the set up last year there were a lot less stands. some of the reps were really stuffy and some of the qvc presenters thought they were posh and becs lol
From the posts on here it would appear that some get invited every year and others not at all. Hardly seems fair to any who may wish to get a chance.

Not of interest to me as I'm not into beauty and live too far away anyway.

Agree, have been a customer for years + years and never been invited to a Beauty Bash or anything that QVC do really! Same people yet again, do wonder how they choose names etc :mysmilie_10:
Years ago I used to get invites to the opening of Q's canteen fridge door but no more. As geographically attendance is a total no no I never went to any although I would have loved the jewellery ones.

I think Q and their dos are a whole different kettle of fish now, between twatter, hard sell etc I wouldn't be their target any more.
i remember years ago one of the cs persons told me that people that spend a lot of money with qvc get invited to events. qvc look after thier best customers. and dont go thinking if you spend £500 a year on on make up, clothes, gardening you would get a look in. its big bucks...someone else also said it depends on how you spend. so if 90% of your sales is jewellery you are more likely to be invited to a jewellery event.
When I first went to a Q event (Models Prefer) about 10 years ago, several of the ladies there were ebayers, buying lots of sets to split up and sell. So I'd agree there's an element of consistently high spending within a certain department that helps them to pick their invitees "at random" as the official line goes! I've been to the NYNY events and Beauty Bash on and off a few times and seen the same ebayers at these events too. But, I also went to a Silver Jewellery event a while ago and have only ever bought a few bits of jewellery from QVC in the 20 years I've been buying from them.

I went to the BB last year with my daughter and we had a good time but compared with previous years the goody bags were ok but in previous years we'd be offered products on the stands tailored to our skins or colouring having chatted with the brand reps on each stand. I seem to remember I and others who commented on the relatively poor goody bags last year were told on here that we were being ungrateful.:mysmilie_11:

I'll be interested to hear if this year has changed at all. I can't understand Q's stinginess - surely it's up to the brands to decide what freebies are offered - as happens at most trade shows. QVC weren't doing themselves any favours because more than half the stands were apologetic at not being allowed to give out samples in addition to the goody bags; the Josie Maran rep offered to let my daughter keep a product she'd opened specifically for DD to test but as I was putting it in my bag a jobsworth with clip-board swooped and told me to give it back! I was gobsmacked!

I can get into London in 90 minutes by train but the goody bag last year didn't really cover the train fare, which it had in previous years. But I've chatted to ladies who had travelled down from Scotland and were staying at a hotel for one or two nights and hoped that they were planning to do or see something else in London to make their expense worthwhile.

Whoever came up with this new formula for the BB need to go back to PR school!

PS At last year's Bash was anyone else virtually frog-marched to the PCs to order their mascara by the Code VLM desperado. We were politely telling her we hadn't tried the product when she got very pushy, ranting about limited stocks and advanced orders. Put me off ever trying her pricey product!
I too went with my daughter and yes, the brands were really apologetic about not being able to give out samples. One of the brands did give my daughter and I a primer each, but it was done in a very covert way!

Not sure if I would buy tickets again.
I have said this before, the US version has been going for years.

Everyone pays to go, they have different levels including staying in a hotel and having lunch with the beauty reps. Gold tickets at the lunch got Clarisonics under each chair, that was on top of the goodie bag.

They open the lines to buy the tickets for 4 hours(Not sure it could be less??), so no favours you got a ticket or not depending if you phoned in time.

I have seen photos of the goodie bags up on their forums my people who went. Normally worth $$$ in each bag no how much you paid for your ticket.
Just shows how much they value their UK customers then? We're obviously bottom of the heap.
It's the same people every year that gets invited and then they have the cheek to moan when the goody bag isn't what they expected , they seem to forget nobody forces them to go every year and that there are plenty of other people that would like a free ticket to the event lol.
It's the same people every year that gets invited and then they have the cheek to moan when the goody bag isn't what they expected , they seem to forget nobody forces them to go every year and that there are plenty of other people that would like a free ticket to the event lol.

anyone will complain if the format has changed so dramatically. its really not that great last year was awful. half the vendors some not enjoying the event like previous years. mean refreshments and no freebies. poor show
In years gone by, stuff popped up on Ebay for sale after the Beauty Bash. People bringing people who had no interest in the products(which was their right, just to have someone come along with them), so the extra person also got a beauty bag for attending.

SpaceNK have beauty events a number of times a year, great goodie bag which all high end stuff in it(half size Diptyque candles). After them I love having a nose on Ebay as some will try to sell the complete goodie bag for £150-200, a 5mls Algenist sample I see for £8. I got 10mls of Sunday Riley Good Genes, lasted me nearly a month using everyday. But they where up on Ebay for £14. Now many times items do not sell and hang round Ebay until the next event months later.

So just like the QVC Outlets you will get Ebay sellers attending the BB just to sell the contents.
In years gone by, stuff popped up on Ebay for sale after the Beauty Bash. People bringing people who had no interest in the products(which was their right, just to have someone come along with them), so the extra person also got a beauty bag for attending.

SpaceNK have beauty events a number of times a year, great goodie bag which all high end stuff in it(half size Diptyque candles). After them I love having a nose on Ebay as some will try to sell the complete goodie bag for £150-200, a 5mls Algenist sample I see for £8. I got 10mls of Sunday Riley Good Genes, lasted me nearly a month using everyday. But they where up on Ebay for £14. Now many times items do not sell and hang round Ebay until the next event months later.

So just like the QVC Outlets you will get Ebay sellers attending the BB just to sell the contents.

maybe thats why qvc dont give out goody nice bags anymore. still poor show on qvc. maybe they dont want to do bb anymore sounds like it to me
In years gone by, stuff popped up on Ebay for sale after the Beauty Bash. People bringing people who had no interest in the products(which was their right, just to have someone come along with them), so the extra person also got a beauty bag for attending.

SpaceNK have beauty events a number of times a year, great goodie bag which all high end stuff in it(half size Diptyque candles). After them I love having a nose on Ebay as some will try to sell the complete goodie bag for £150-200, a 5mls Algenist sample I see for £8. I got 10mls of Sunday Riley Good Genes, lasted me nearly a month using everyday. But they where up on Ebay for £14. Now many times items do not sell and hang round Ebay until the next event months later.

So just like the QVC Outlets you will get Ebay sellers attending the BB just to sell the contents.

I've been to one beauty bash a few years ago. Really enjoyed it. Had my eyebrows done and an Emma Hardie facial by Emma herself. The goody bag was ok. I took my mum and both of us kept and used some of the items. I had a full size JW haluronic concentrate and used it all then bought a duo of it. We had some 100ml cleanse & Polish that we used and some Laura Geller. I used all the pots of Emma Hardie Moringa balm too. But I sold the unwanted bits of both mine & mum's sets on eBay (not samples as they were full sizes). I sold the Algenist, Perricone, James Reed, Prai and Rodial & Gatineau items that were in mine. Sold them as individual items with people bidding as auction not buy it now. Also sold the Gatineau raffle prize I won as I don't use Gatineau. Made a nice amount and there's nothing wrong with doing that. It's what I do with any unused things I have cluttering up my house! I can't stand clutter and feel compelled to use everything up or sell it. I donated some of the money I made to the lifeboats and air ambulance. (The former my best friends favourite charity the latter who tried to save her). Thought this was only right seen as my ticket was free.
I seem to remember I and others who commented on the relatively poor goody bags last year were told on here that we were being ungrateful.:mysmilie_11:

It's the same people every year that gets invited and then they have the cheek to moan when the goody bag isn't what they expected , they seem to forget nobody forces them to go every year and that there are plenty of other people that would like a free ticket to the event lol.

Thank you for you input. :mysmilie_59:

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