Bargain haulage - a bit lemony, a bit cushiony (and all Argey's


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Jun 24, 2008
Church of Schumacher, recruiting again!
So there I was innocently minding my own business, and suddenly Argey tells us all that there are some great bargains in the Gems clearance section. Like Pavlov's dog, I'm conditioned to respond to the keywords bling and bargain, and off I trotted, to be confronted by some chunky silver loveliness at ultra low prices. I just couldn't resist...
Then, as I was trying to decide which bits really needed to come to Brighton for at least a short visit, I found a 15% discount code in my junk mail box - of course, I had to make the delivery up to £150 to take advantage, oopsy...
Then somehow or other, I ended up adding a few more bits. I had meant to have a bit of a cull before dispatch, but I was too late, so here they all are:


£10.21 (£8.68 after discount)
Wow, this really blew me away on opening the box. A bit Suarti, an absolute bargain. It is very large, I reckon around a size P rather than an N, but hopefully resizable without any aggro. A real deal, it just looks very expensive indeed.


£13.69 (£11.65)
OK this is my absolute favourite from this delivery, I confess. It's sooo bright and shiney, and I love the shape of the stone. The citrine is really bright and vibrant, and so is the silver, and I think the ring as a whole is massively flattering. Just gorgeous, reminds me of something from the Sarah Bennett collection in the early days of Rocks, with that huge stone and unusual cut. Yummy, I'm wearing this already!


£32.56 (£27.69)
I'm afraid this one failed to blow me away - the fluorite is very like green amethyst, but seemed pricey compared to my other bargains. It's not awful, and if it had been a gift I'd have been very pleased with it, but I didn't love it enough to keep it so it's off home.


£45.56 (£38.74)
Another that went home - I have the paraiba version of this, and was always intrigued by the rubies, and at a great discount it seemed an ideal time to have a look. But the opals are really flat compared to the other version, and I'm not a lover of white opals, so after a bit of thinking time it went back to Gems.


£18.86 (£16.04)
This was a last minute addition to the order, but it failed to impress. The citrine version knocks its socks off, while being about half the price. This one is a large size too.


£21.64 (£18.40)
Another of my pricier choices, but I love Swiss blue, and I don't have a cushion cut one, so I thought I'd have a look. Oh my goodness, this is well blingy in the flesh. Another one that reminded me of the Sarah Bennett range. I just adore this, well worth the money - looks really expensive. Yum!


£21.34 (£18.15)
The last of the returns. I was sure this would be a tiny little thing, and it was - it was actually due to be culled from the order. But it's not the size that put me off, it's just that in most lighting conditions, the rubies are pretty much invisible against the black. In my living room at night they do come alive and are kind of pretty - and if it looked like that by sunlight or at work, I'd have been tempted to keep it, but mostly it just looks black!


£10.41 (£8.85)
Another sub Suarti bargain, another I can't believe how low the price is. I wasn't sure if this was a bit too similar to the other one, but at this price, with no resizing costs to add, I just couldn't send it back! I do think I prefer the other one a bit, but both are lovely.


£12.90 (£10.97)
This was another that was due to be dumped, but clung on - and I'm glad this one did. I had the same ring in citrine and green amethyst in the original basket, but this was the only survivor! This one took a bit of thinking about, as it's massively bright and chunky, but it definitely grew on me. I don't have a lot of rose quartz, and this stone is quite a nice one. And I'm very fond of a cushion!


£9.92 (£8.49)
Love the concave cut on this one, and the whole thing is very pale, fresh and springlike. This one's a bit like the Rocks Tookalon range, and another absolute steal. I really like the setting on this ring, even if that makes number four in lemon citrine from a single haul! The price is just astonishing.


£20.34 (£17.30)
This was a bit of a shocker for me, as I generally avoid amethyst due to having so much already. Also a last minute addition to the order, so I didn't really have a long time to think about it. And not the cheapest item in the delivery either. However, it's just lovely! Maybe a bit wide for my finger? But it is a gorgeous colour and a good deal IMO, so it's staying anyway! I will say, the iolites fade into the background a lot more than I expected.


£16.12 (£13.71)
I have far too many watches, and I'm not meant to be buying any more, but the price of this one made it irresistable! In the flesh, it's very pretty, though I'm not so keen on the colour of the strap. However, that can be changed and it's perfectly nicely wearable as it is anyway.

So that's the extent of my naughtiness this time - I guess it could have been worse, though bling spending should not be at the top of my agenda at the moment, it was a bit of fun and I got some fantastic bargains and gorgeous things. My index fingers have grown a bit over the last year, and now I take an M, so I can get away without resizing shopping telly rings if I'm happy to wear them on that finger (apart from that much larger citrine ring above!), so at least there won't be much extra cost this time, as they're all chunky enough for index wear.
I'm not sure if I'll get to keep the discount, as the returns take the order back below the minimum spend, but either way they're mostly very good prices anyway.
Takes me back to the old days, with great designs, great prices and a big discount voucher leading to massive haulage. Maybe Gems is heading back to the glory days after all? Oh, and I had a problem with checkout, which meant I actually missed the deadline for using the voucher, but CS were massively helpful the next morning and honoured the deal, for which I have to give them praise too.
What a fabby Haul PQ, the stunners for me are the Swish Blue and the Amethyst:mysmilie_697:

I don't know what it is about the black rhodium plating, but it doesn't do it for me either.
Hi PearlyQueen,

Love the Swiss Blue ring - I can see it sparkling from here (I'm not too far away from you, I'm in Lewes) :mysmilie_697:! My second favourite is the concave cut Lemon Citrine. That must have been a very exciting parcel to open!
Ooooh PQ I have so missed your excellent photos of your latest bling bargains.

You've got yourself some stunners there at unbelievable prices. My favourites are the blue topaz and the rose quartz
.... I love cushion cuts too.

Thank you for sharing. :mysmilie_687:
Great clearance haulage....

Congrats PQ on a splendid haul and all those lovely colourful photos. My faves, I think, are the Swiss Blue Topaz and the pretty pink Rose Quartz, it looks much nicer and brighter in your pic than in the link. Shame about the Opal/Ruby ring.. it did look very sweet, but I think I prefer your Opal/ Paraiba version.

Gems watches are superb aren't they? I also got some very good deals in the clearance (and with discount) and got meself yet another watch also. Btw your returns shouldn't affect your discount as I 've just returned a piece which brought the original spend below £150 and also had my refunds done ultra quick.

You have managed to get yourself some really lovely rings, think I might have to revisit Gems to see if they have any more bargains.
How lovely to see you back in business Anne. Some lovely pieces that are sooo you! :mysmilie_61: Just need Schumie to come up with the goods and you'll be a very happy Lady! :mysmilie_17:
Thanks for all your lovely comments! That Swiss blue is a stunner, no wonder you all picked it out!

Hi PearlyQueen,

Love the Swiss Blue ring - I can see it sparkling from here (I'm not too far away from you, I'm in Lewes) :mysmilie_697:! My second favourite is the concave cut Lemon Citrine. That must have been a very exciting parcel to open!

Hope I haven't blinded you Greenie, it is a very shiny beastie indeed!

Congrats PQ on a splendid haul and all those lovely colourful photos. My faves, I think, are the Swiss Blue Topaz and the pretty pink Rose Quartz, it looks much nicer and brighter in your pic than in the link. Shame about the Opal/Ruby ring.. it did look very sweet, but I think I prefer your Opal/ Paraiba version.

Gems watches are superb aren't they? I also got some very good deals in the clearance (and with discount) and got meself yet another watch also. Btw your returns shouldn't affect your discount as I 've just returned a piece which brought the original spend below £150 and also had my refunds done ultra quick.

Brilliant news on the discount Sacha, the lower the price the more I love them :mysmilie_61:

How lovely to see you back in business Anne. Some lovely pieces that are sooo you! :mysmilie_61: Just need Schumie to come up with the goods and you'll be a very happy Lady! :mysmilie_17:

Yes indeed NR, that would definitely put an even bigger smile on my face!
Gawjus haul, i love that swiss blue topaz ring, soo gorgeous and sparkly, thanks for putting the piccies up xx
Wow! Do you want to my shopping for me PQ? What fabulous bargains you got yourself there! Like most others, I love the Blue Topaz ring in particular. Well done you.

Off topic - are you changing your allegiance from Ferrari now that the Fantastic Michael's making his comeback for Mercedes? I can't wait, just haven't been able to watch F1 without Schuey - only a week to go :mysmilie_696:
Someone had a good delivery then! :mysmilie_696: My fav has to be the second ring, so unusual! And the Blue Topaz and Amethyst are lovely. I have to say your photos are always top draw! :mysmilie_82:
Quite a few in there missus that'd be very at home in my bling box! Well done - some real bargains too xx
this is for Argy had an email from the little man says he's going to ideal world!!! How did he escape from your bussoms!!!!.....You slipped up there ! xxxxx yvonne
PQ - what a haul! It's great to see you back to your blinging best Mrs! :rock:
this is for Argy had an email from the little man says he's going to ideal world!!! How did he escape from your bussoms!!!!.....You slipped up there ! xxxxx yvonne

He kept whining on about "bein' a big boy now" so I had no choice really. Just wait 'til they've dressed him up in Itsacraps and Fleaflaps often enuff, and he's been chased around the desk by Loen, he'll soon be crawlin' back to old Argey's snugglybits. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a
Gorgeous haul PQ, LOVE your lemon quartz rings! Right up my boulevard those! Let me know next time you find bargain bling...i'll join you for a looksie!

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