Ballantyne - Terrible


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I like Julian, met him at a craft custoner event with Anthony. It was a hot humid crowded affair and they worked the room the whole afternoon. he was particularly nice to a shy tweenager (girl) who had come with her Mum, was just about the only non adult there
I like Julian but agree that he should stick to products not meant for "the ladies !", then again watching some of the girls do DIY etc is off putting ,my OH turns the sound off as they look totally out of place.
I like Julian also - reason being is he comes across as very down to earth - he knows he's 'only' a shopping tv presenter and doesn't try to be the big star unlike some of them. He's kept his local accent and hasn't put on a fake stage school or posh one like some of them have done...he seems like just an ordinary bloke, affable, polite, good sense of humour and easy on the eye. Plus he's not all greasy smarm either...
I didn't see the demo mentioned but I would say imho Julian is probably the least "fake" of all the presenters on QVC. He comes across as a lovely genuine guy.

Anyone remember that awful Flamingo garden ornament OTO he had to sell?! Even he couldn't keep a straight face and said buy it as a joke pressie! :D
Another Julian fan here,didn't see the demo yesterday so can't comment on that particular one.
Like many others on here,I like him as he's honest,good looking & really down to earth :star:
Yep,Red,remember the flamingo well :giggle:
I like Julian too, I prefer the more 'real' presenters to the slick ones.
Something I never understand is why they don't just match the presenters to the products, it's not difficult just make sure blokes don't do make up etc. At the end of the day qvc are all about selling so why make such a rudimentary error? It really can't be that difficult to timetable the right presenters in can it?
Bliddy cheek!! :YIKES: :banned: I don't fancy Smarmy Charlie, Richard Jackson or the Shouty Flower Tower Man....see Missy Puss, I'm positively virginal. :innocent: :pPC:
My apologies, oh virginal one, I didn't realise you had suddenly become so fussy...But I take it that you do fancy Dale? (As do I...)
Difficult for me with the agoraphobia...Anyway, you can talk with your taste in presenters...

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