back magic TSV arrived!


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Back magic

Hi all

Mine arrived yesterday. Had a go last night on the lowest setting and was surprised that it was more comfortable than I expected after reading some of the reviews here. Could have dozed off! Had another go this morning. Don't want to raise the setting too quickly so will try and use twice a day for a few days.
I find mine very comfortable also and wonder whether I should go to Level 2 as I have quite a curved spine. Don't want to overdo it though if that's the level that Julia uses and she's advanced in Pilates!
Can't believe how long some of your Back Magics are taking to arrive when mine took zero working days. It isn't a heavy item.
I find mine very comfortable also and wonder whether I should go to Level 2 as I have quite a curved spine. Don't want to overdo it though if that's the level that Julia uses and she's advanced in Pilates!
Can't believe how long some of your Back Magics are taking to arrive when mine took zero working days. It isn't a heavy item.

Only used mine once (last night) but was suprised that is was pretty comfy. Haven't tried it on my upper back yet - and maybe I don't need to as my whole back felt lovely after my 5 mins last night. Looking forward to using it again tonight.
Mine hasn't arrived either, and it must have been one of the first orders they received.:(

Maybe tomorrow..................
Finally! today! lay on the floor with it, it was really uncomfortable, as I have painful lower back anyway, but bearable and will persevere.

Pugs were too funny. could not understand me lying on the floor at their level, they thought it was wonderful and had lots of snuffles and kisses.

going to keep going with it twice a day and see how it goes.
Nope, nothing arrived here either - I can't believe they're sent out when they say, none of our regular post takes that long even if it is 2nd class. :(
Hi Tilly, oh yes, I have seen a little bit about these machines - didn't realise they did massage type exercises. Thanks for the links, I'll have a read up later and maybe check them out at the local gym. Thanks as well for the kind offer of trying your machine. :)

It is essentially an exercise machine. It has warm up, exercise and massage programmes. The back massage is heaven!
I bought the Back Magic when it first came out earlier this year, but I haven't had much success with it. I have had quite serious lower back problems (been on the operating table 4 times last year), but had recently been getting better. When I first got it, I found it very painful to use so put it away. After the TSV launch, I got it back out last weekend. It wasn't too bad whilst I was on it, but shortly after coming off it, I bent forward to pick something up off a shelf and got sharp back pain and lost most of the sensation in one of my legs. This was quite scary at the time and OH had to come to my help. Thankfully the symptoms eased, but things still aren't quite right even almost a week on. I suppose the moral of the story is that if you do have a history of back problems, it is probably better to seek medical advice first, as they always say in the small print, but I somewhat foolishly did not.
My back has locked in the past just bending down in the cupboard and my chiropractor said this can happen as easy as that.
Mine has now arrived it was sitting on my door step when i got back from town at lunch time.
I have tried it and although I would say it was not comfortable it was bearable, I actually found it better striathening my legs and putting my arms over my head.My back did feel easier after coming off it.
I stupidly put my arms over my head last night and my left hand has been partially numb for most of the day (got pins and needles now). Am in agony with pains going up and down my arm. My own fault (I have permanent nerve damage on that side following an accident). I should have realised it might have bothered it. Won't be doing that again in a hurry!!!!:(
Mine arrived today. I used it for 5 minutes and found it very relaxing as I felt the muscles in my back relax. I know that some people were worried being small but I am
5 ft 1 1/2 and it was fine on my back.
mine arrived....hurrah! thanks for this post and everyone who helped me to go for is surprisingly comfortable yet strong...will be interested to see if it does live up to its claims!
How long, do people think, before you experience any kind of a result?

Used it 3 times now, managed 5 minutes tonight. feeling fine, no ill effects apart from dog trying get on as well, but back only hurts when I have been standing for some time.
I tried my Back Magic today and felt my back click as it released. It felt slightly uncomfortable at the time as it is hard, but I am feeling great now. I will certainly keep going with it in the hope it helps permanantly. How is everyone else doing?

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