Back In The Day


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Jul 19, 2014
South Ayrshire
Those of a certain age i.e. over 40 , (I am 72) can you honestly say you have or would ever have seen any designers of fame or note, ever imagine them selling on any outlet other than their own, and if it existed “back in the day” on a shopping channel. Personally, I think it would have ruined their standing and reputation in the market. I also think they would have found it beneath them!
Yes Kelly Hoppen too. I won’t miss Debenhams in the slightest it was never a store I liked, even if the new owners will have it online only.
I have lost my sense of direction, & occasionally my temper, in every Debenhams store I've visited. Were they designed to be retail mazes?
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Yes Kelly Hoppen too. I won’t miss Debenhams in the slightest it was never a store I liked, even if the new owners will have it online only.
My sister used to work in the Wallace concession in our local Debenhams.

During the first lockdown her daughter happened to be in that part of town and saw that the Debenhams store was being cleared out, she phoned her mum, who phoned her manager, who phoned the area manager and it was a complete shock to all of them.

Debenhams hadn't bothered to tell anyone that the store would not re-open.
My sister used to work in the Wallace concession in our local Debenhams.

During the first lockdown her daughter happened to be in that part of town and saw that the Debenhams store was being cleared out, she phoned her mum, who phoned her manager, who phoned the area manager and it was a complete shock to all of them.

Debenhams hadn't bothered to tell anyone that the store would not re-open.
What an appalling, ignorant & downright cruel way to treat people.
Debenhams Belfast I only did the beauty hall. The clothes were very thin and buttons fell off a coat I bought on the first wearing.

Our shops open today as far as I know Debenhams will not be opening shut for good.

Someone in a perfume forum was complaining about the House of Fraser. Shops opened in England, and they had sale of 50% off it seems. He is in Scotland which opened their shops later than England, so he emailed and asked if the sale would continue in Scotland as they did not open their stores until the following week to England. Answer back sorry no. Hell, N.I had no chance.
Back in the day....I don't even recall the designers selling anything in my home town let alone on a shopping channel. We had our share of posh boutiques as well as the main high street staples, but until the 1980's designer wear meant the chic Paris fashion houses and if you wanted that sort of thing you'd need to take a trip into Knightsbridge at the very least. The explosion in the 80's came with pop culture, and the t shirts with slogans on, Vivienne Westwood in the punk and post punk era. Back in my day, pre Primark it would I'd be trawling the shops looking for sales, rummaging through baskets of reduced stuff and of course there was always good old C&A clock house....Designers were never even on my radar!
I grew up in the era of Mary Quant - but unless you lived in London there was no chance of getting her frocks anywhere else, and as for getting a Vidal Sasoon style hair cut, well, think again ! Other than that, I had barely heard of Dior, Chanel or Yves St Laurent which were the only designers of note back then. Even Vivienne Westwood and Jean Muir were not names that had been heard of down on the Kent coast in the 60's. Chelsea Girl opened a shop in Ramsgate and us teenage girlys thought we were in 7th heaven - now we could REALLY look like those we saw on Top of the Pops and Ready Steady Go !!!

The huge Debenhams in Stevenage opened their doors only about 4 years ago and now its boarded up. Gone the same way as the Marks and Spencer store. Latest reports are that the Debenham's building is going to be a huge M & S Food Store ! :rolleyes: Weird, but it shows that M & S food is where their profits lie.
Our nearby Debenhams was a bit like pic n mix. Sometimes you`d go in and wouldn`t have a clue where to find anything and then the next time they`d have had a shift around and everything would be in a different place again and all mixed up. The only thing which never changed was having the beauty counters on the ground floor.
Back in the day I used to buy Clinique products and became friendly with the girls on the counter. When they had their freebie gifts with 2 or more purchases they always slipped an extra one into my bag. I`d buy their infamous yellow moisturiser, a palette of their almost powder foundation and I really liked their mascara because I have sensitive eyes. I no longer buy the brand and I honestly can`t remember the last time I was in the store.
I won`t miss Debenhams but my late sister used to buy lots of Christmas gifts from there because she was in a wheelchair until she fell ill with cancer and our nearby Debenhams did have really good disabled access and sis could move around quite easily unlike in other shops.
The busy shopping centre outside the actual town centre had Debenhams as its anchor store but now that it is closed down I’m not sure what will happen. I never saw hordes of people in the store but just the fact that it was there had a knock on effect so the centre was always full
Our Debenhams was a brand new one about 6/7 years ago.
It’s open at the moment to sell off all the remaining stuff.
I’m quite sad (probably in all senses of the word!) as I am sorry to see it go.
I’ve bought a lot from there, rarely at full price, owing the their many offers etc.
The staff were all very efficient and friendly and I hope they have somewhere else to go.
Our Debenhams was opened in the 80s, all the other departments store famous independent ones all closed down by then. There were always bomb threats as Castle Court was being built which delayed it. I worked in a loss adjuster and had to type up the new claims and endless ones for it. It was the only department store we had until the mid 00s.

Victoria Square were all the high-end shops opened was held up by the Kitchen Bar a pub holding out for more money to move. We have a House of Fraser which has done so well it is now classed as just Frasers which means it one of the top three HoF in all the UK and Ireland. Glasgow and us swap for no 1 then comes Manchester or London not sure as all we care is our one is up there. :cool:

Our Debenhams did not open yesterday all closed for good. Mike Ashley has bought the Debenhams in Derry and turning it into a House of Fraser.
I'm actually jealous of those of you who've got a Debenhams or anything remotely upmarket. We have nothing left here. It's depressing going down the high street. ☹️

bowed head at the memory of what once was 🆘
In the small town where I was born and bred we once boasted a small shopping arcade aptly named Victoria Arcade because it was built in Victorian times. There were only around a dozen shops in it and each shop had a bay window and wrought iron work around the doors and fancy plaster coving and ceiling roses inside.
There was a herbalist who had large jars of dried herbs on wooden shelves behind the counter and scales to weigh out whatever you bought. The shop smelled aromatic and at one side was a small counter where you could sit and drink a glass of what was called blood tonic. It was served warm and tasted delicious. My Dad used to take me in there and buy me a glass.
There was a tobacconists and under the glass counter were rows of cigars and trays of pipes. They sold smart cigarette cases and cigarette holders and leather humidifiers for those posh folks who could afford to buy expensive cigars and of course there were the usual behind the counter shelves with packets of No 6, Embassy, Benson and Hedges, Senior Service, Players etc.
The two shops which I loved most of all were one on each corner of the arcade entrance which meant they had two windows instead of one. They were both owned by a well know character who I`ll call Mary B. I`ll omit her surname just in case she has living relatives who may read this.
She was a tall ironing board thin woman who spoke with a cultured voice and she wore too much face powder in a too light shade which gave her a kind of ghostly look. Her hair was dyed auburn and even in the early 60`s which is the era I`m talking about, she still wore her hair in a 1940`s wavy style and she always had bright red lips and matching bright red finger nails. Nobody had a clue how old she actually was but she seemed to have been around forever.
One of her shops sold bags, purses, umbrellas and small leather goods. There were sequin evening bags, leather day bags, fancy patterned umbrellas and large cumbersome purses which would last forever. The shop smelled of leather and the bags were regimented in rows by colour and you weren`t allowed to touch them, only Mary or her sales assistant could do that.
She had two tiny yorkie terriers which slept in a wicker basket behind the counter but they`d yap whenever the shop bell rang with a tinga-ling sound and she`d shoo them back into their place.
Her other shop was the one I really liked. It sold costume jewellery, scarves, powder compacts, jewellery boxes and other eye catching fancy goods. Mary split her time between both shops and you`d regularly see her walking through town with her two terriers and she sashayed as she walked, a bit like the runway models of yesteryear did. She always wore a hat which was usually the size of a dustbin lid, a velvet creation in Winter with a fancy pleated crown and a straw hat in Summer with a chiffon scarf tied around it. She wore a real fur coat which reminded me of seeing Liz Taylor on TV and if ever a woman walked tall then it was she. She looked as if she had the World at her feet.
My parents loved ballroom dancing and would hit the floor at Blackpool Tower Ballroom whenever they could and they`d swirl to the Wurlitzer organ as it rose up through the stage. Of course this meant Mum had to own the required silver sparkly dancing shoes and whenever she could afford it she`d go to Mary`s shop and treat herself to a new pair of sparkly clip on earrings or a box of embroidered handkerchiefs.
I remember my Dad buying Mum a jewellery box from Mary`s and it was a wooden piano, handpainted in white with roses on it and when you lifted the lid a tiny ballerina danced to the tinny tune it played. Mum died in 1987 and she still had that jewellery box on her dressing table along with a hand mirror, brush and comb which were large with silver handles and the back of the mirror and brush had embroidered fabric under a perspex covering.
Come the late 1960`s the powers that be, decided Victoria Arcade should be no more and in it`s place they were going to build new shop units for the likes of Burtons, Rumbelows TV rentals, Boots, Freeman Hardy Willis etc and what was once a shoppers delight of character filled Victorian style shops filled with colourful and original wares had gone. No more browsing windows on your way home from school or work, no more Marys or her ilk, no more young courting couples sneaking a kiss in an arcade shop doorway on their way home from an evening viewing at the nearby Odeon and they called it progress.
Long after her shops had gone you still saw Mary sashaying down the streets with her fur coat, dustbin lid sized hats and reminding us soon to be young ladies of times gone by. We all wanted to be like Mary that is until Twiggy arrived and then we all wanted fake eye lashes and a Vidal Sasson haircut and we called that progress too.

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