I am watching less and less of QVC. Over the last year or so the presenters have turned into a bunch of idiots. Falling over themselves to promote their own interests. The women in particular are a complete turn off. Chuntley has turned into a completely unwatchable presenter. She is constantly admiring herself in the monitor changing her hair colour and now has long dark pretend hair. Jackie has also morphed into a half wit with the childish antics and she too has pretend hair. The women presenters have all felt the need to have long hair and unfortunately it looks ridiculous and has made them all look rather horsey. They constantly shriek giggle like children and tell you nothing relevant about the product they are trying to sell. Even Julia who was once a really good presenter has mentally turned into a silly teenager. Time to get rid of them all I think. The guests would be better doing the presentations alone as these presenters make me switch off.