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Have a play from Irfan - open a photo then go to File/Save as - will show where it is now and give you the opportunity to save it elsewhere? Create a folder somewhere familiar first and drop the save-as in that?
Right, here we go., remember this is just what I have worked out for myself. I'm sure the techy's on the forum will have a good laugh!! Don't take offence if you know most of it, I've written this for someone who knows even less than us lol!

Carol, I noticed in PB, after you click Upload, underneath the drag & drop box it says - Discover other ways to Upload, Photobucket desktop - automatic uploading!! I'm quite happy with what I do, don't take a lot of photos, but would this be better for you?

Resizing Photo/jpeg in IrfanView Editor

With photo open in Irfan:

Go to Image/ Resize/Resample which will display the options below:

Check the "Set new size" button

A Width of 400 is a good starting point for an average size photo for the forum, reduce for smaller, increase for larger.

The Height will adjust automatically if the check box "Preserve aspect ratio" shows ticked, which is an automatic default. Remove tick to edit Height manually.

"Apply sharpen after Resample" is optional, tick check box if required.

"Adjust DPI" (Dots per inch) is optional, tick check box if automatic adjustment required.


When finished click OK - then Save

Go to File/ Save (original folder) - or use Save As icon on task bar

The Save in: box will be displaying the current location of the photo folder - make a note of this should you wish to locate it manually from Explorer/Photobucket.

Save the resized photo either with a new File name or override the original when prompted.

At this point you have the opportunity to save the resized photo in a folder elsewhere by browsing to a new location at Save in:


You can also resize the photo/picture using "set new size as percentage of original".

Less than 100% for smaller, greater than for larger.


I find the easiest way to upload to Photobucket is to:

Open the photo folder on your PC and locate photo, then minimise the window.

Open Photobucket, click on Upload, then minimise window.

Adjust the two windows so they don't overlap, and then click, hold & drag the photo from PC into the "drag & drop" section" of the Photobucket window and release.


Open Photobucket, click on Upload, select the Browse Files button, find and double-click on photo.

Once the photo is uploaded, select it in Library which brings up an Image Links list on the right. Click in Direct Link option which copies automatically. (I don't bother with Albums, but I assume it works the same from there)

In a Quick Reply, Go Advanced, paste the link into the URL option from the Insert Image icon - removing the tick from "Retrieve remote file" like minim told us, then Preview Post to check picture size.


If it's not suitable, come out of quick reply without submitting, delete the photo in Photobucket and start again!

I hope this all makes sense, it works for me! Have fun!
Thanks Fraz..I'm skimmed thru but will read properly tomorrow and print out if I can, then I'll have a go and let you know!

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