Attitudes by Renee Fashion Designs TSV 18/02/16


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Well the buyers have excelled themselves this time, this is the worst top I`ve seen for a long long time and believe me they`ve had some bad ones !
Oh God, there's now a 'New Today' top with holes in the sleeves !!! right up Jill Frank's street. Why do I think this type of top is only fit for hookers ?
...and the tunic top and printed flared trousers look like PJ`s to me and all for the price of £58.20 +P&P
Good Lord, that is a hideous TSV. It looks like a maternity top for women who grow the bump on their backs.
What got me was not only is it something I would need to be paid and paid a LOT to be seen out in, in her pro-mo video she goes on and on about her clothes being for all sizes but they stop at a size 20 which isn't that large by todays standards.
I don't think Catherine is very pleased having to wear that monstrosity, bless her she says it makes you look streamlined...:mysmilie_845:
shes doing jeans now. looks like renee empire is growing. jewellery too!

She's probably cottoned on that Marla Wynne has £1 fashion jewellery and flogs it for £20 plus and has decided that she wants a piece of that too.
Presenters really earn their money when they rave about some of these hideous "fashions". I'm sure they can't possibly actually like these things.
This top is incredibly awful ! It's interesting how awful it looks on all the models , who usually look attractive , even if the outfits aren't to everyone's taste .
I'm a regular at the Birchwood outlet shop & I bet it'll be flooded out with these in a few weeks !!! I won't be getting one , though !
Even my OH glanced up from his notebook, guffawed loudly & asked 'What the hell is that supposed to be.....?' :tongue:

It reminds me of something one might have done in Needlework (a subject I despised!) at school - hoping to scrape through with enough marks by possibly fooling the teacher into thinking you were being creative & edgy, when it reality you just sewed together the first two pieces of fabric you laid your hands on because you really don't give a sh*te!

She may have done it for a bet or bought the pleated curtain stuff for a song and that`s the best she could do with it !! She`ll be doing PJ`s next going off what she thinks passes for day wear!!

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