Being a woman of age I get very hot in bed and end up throwing the covers off myself and Mr Loveheart. I don't want to cause a fire with the sudden movement. Doggy Loveheart only likes cotton sheets and may slide out of bed with nylon bedding. Am I painting an attractive picture here?
Being a woman of age I get very hot in bed and end up throwing the covers off myself and Mr Loveheart. I don't want to cause a fire with the sudden movement. Doggy Loveheart only likes cotton sheets and may slide out of bed with nylon bedding. Am I painting an attractive picture here?
Can't wait to see what any bedding is made of - she can't possibly make it out of 'super static slinky', can she...........can she? :confused2:
Just think - it'll bring new meaning to :song:come on baby light my fire:song: