Article ABout QVC Cutting Down On Returns


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Thanks for the link, I know QVC probably dismiss our views as those of a zealous minority of ST viewers but it's reassuring that others are drawing the same conclusions!

Quality? Where?

Value? Nope!

Convenience? Theirs!

This comment could have been written by me, it's spot on with its observations:

I agree with the consensus the fault of the returns lies at the decline in QUALITY of QVC’s products resulting in returns….I used to buy clothing items from them, but now I find their merchandise to be ill-fiting, chintzy, and the quality and sizing just isn’t what it used to be—I’ve ordered the same exact item in a different color and the fabric and cut is not the same at all — so I’ve given up and shop for clothing elsewhere. .

And perhaps instead of being an “entertainment”, “social media” channel if they actually devoted more time ON AIR and gave merchandise DETAILS, ESPECIALLY CLOTHING SIZING, or what it will take to set something up) INSTEAD OF DANCING AROUND, GIGGLING, AND ACTING SILLY, OR SPENDING MORE TIME ON THE FACEBOOK QUESTION OF THE DAY…OR BEGGING FOLKS TO CHAT, they might actually have less returns! Some customers don’t want to have to use several devices to obtain product info—one host in particular loves to joke around and then tells people if you want more product info go to your computer—if you are relaxing, and do automated telephone ordering maybe you do NOT want to boot up your computer to obtain info that the hosts ON AIR should be providing to the customer!!!

QVC’s management is CLUELESS!!! Like others have said actually read CUSTOMER REVIEWS to see why folks are returning stuff!

Oh and they need to stop using their 30 day money back guarantee as a sales gimmick, just bring back unique QUALITY merchandise if you want less returns…..

Spot on!
love this do think that everyone who buys from them are simpletons with nothing else to do well that article proves otherwise
Makes for very interesting reading Donna. Looks like Q are not doing themselves any favours!!
What frustrates me is that all returns are classed as "returns", yet the reason's are very different. 3 of my returned items last year were faulty! Yet they're just classified as a return. If QVC upped their product standards then they might have half a chance in cutting down the damn returns..
Then they also need to stop mentioning the 30dayMBG at 5 minute intervals, and insisting that customers can take home clothes, shoes and even underwear etc, wear them for 30 days and send them back or use duvets, sheets/bedding for 30 days and then send them back. The presenters are the ones encouraging customers to use the 30dayMBG by talking about it non stop in any given hour. It's funny how qvc want everything on their terms. They are lying to people basically.
What frustrates me is that all returns are classed as "returns", yet the reason's are very different. 3 of my returned items last year were faulty! Yet they're just classified as a return. If QVC upped their product standards then they might have half a chance in cutting down the damn returns..

Couldn't agree more! I hardly ever order from QVC now due to the inconsistent sizes etc...would love to order some of their 'fashion', but all the sizes vary so much and also they will give the size chart and then the presenter will say something along the lines of ' I am usually a 14/16 but am wearing the xs! huh! how on earth then are we to know what will fit us. What with their P&P at approx. £5 to send and then to return, it is not worth the grief..... also, I ordered for Christmas a Kipling bag, now, I thought that I would not go wrong with that, BUT it was completely different colour to what was onscreen plus they advertised it as a wristlet but no wristlet came with it nor could it be converted... so hence that went back, but why should it just be put as a 'return' when it was a misdescription on their part....
Spooky have just seen my quote on their page. Great, the more Q pick up on this here and over in the states they might just recognise that fairness is what will keep loyal customers. You only have to look at Facebook to see there are more grumbles than praise lately!
It really annoys me that all returns are classed the same.
I ordered a Kipling bag before Christmas for a present. What turned up? A jar of face cream!! Not even a same sized parcel that would hold a Kipling. Still marked as a general return on my account.
It really annoys me that all returns are classed the same.
I ordered a Kipling bag before Christmas for a present. What turned up? A jar of face cream!! Not even a same sized parcel that would hold a Kipling. Still marked as a general return on my account.

It is beyond belief to me that in this computer age they do not have a system which categorises the type of return made on each account which can then be analysed. It would only take one additional input when processing the return - how difficult could that be?? This is vital surely if they are making decisions based on their returns data which can lead to someone being barred??? I would be beyond furious if I sent back stuff which did not fit or was wrong/damaged and they then had the cheek to send me the letter. I would certainly point out that their presenters actively encourage us to get things home and try them based on the "no quibble" 30 day MBG, so what is their problem.....
I have only ordered 6 items from Q in the last year 1 was lost by royal mail and 2 where left on my door step by Hermese and taken by a passer by. Now all 3 are showing as returns, what the heck I never even received the items to see if I wanted to keep them but my "returns" rate is showing as 50% but in reality I have KEPT the 3 items I did receive . So I am waiting to receive the letter about my returns rate.
God how annoying!!!!! I would be beside myself if I then got the letter!!!!! If you do get it, I hope you reply to the CEO telling him that in fact your returns rate is zero.
I have only ordered 6 items from Q in the last year 1 was lost by royal mail and 2 where left on my door step by Hermese and taken by a passer by. Now all 3 are showing as returns, what the heck I never even received the items to see if I wanted to keep them but my "returns" rate is showing as 50% but in reality I have KEPT the 3 items I did receive . So I am waiting to receive the letter about my returns rate.

I believe they phone you first to see if they can help 'you' to get your return rate down. That would be an ideal opportunity to give them what for - politely, of course!
Good point! Especially in this type of case where you could say, no my returns rate is zero.... but actually your delivery rate is only 50% so is there any way I can help you??? Lol.
I have only ordered 6 items from Q in the last year 1 was lost by royal mail and 2 where left on my door step by Hermese and taken by a passer by. Now all 3 are showing as returns, what the heck I never even received the items to see if I wanted to keep them but my "returns" rate is showing as 50% but in reality I have KEPT the 3 items I did receive . So I am waiting to receive the letter about my returns rate.

I just had a other thought about this. Wouldn't the three failed deliveries (or returns as Q would call them) be covered by their insurance??? Or terms and conditions of the contract with the delivery firm? So no loss to Q but to RM or hermes. I mean when a Lovefilm DVD goes astray they claim from RM. So why on earth should they penalise you with the letter and it's ramifications? Am I missing something here??
I think QVC do try to claim from Royal Mail as, months after the event, RM wrote to me to check whether the items had been delivered when I had a couple of parcels go astray.

It's the vendors who stand the cost of actual returns, not QVC, so their bleating about returns seems hollow to me.

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