Are the people selling these stuffed toys all there?


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Well for the presenters sake I hope so! They really are sinking to new depths now, saying that people should buy these bears for people who are ill & need a hug! Mind you, apparently according to the woman from the company "a hug" means a collection of them so maybe they're hoping people will buy multiples for very ill people, heaven forbid! That's all someone whose ill needs!

I'd rather have a box of chocolates if i wasn't feeling well.

They're not for me but each to their own.
Apparently they said these bears are good for people who cant have pets for what ever reason because you can cuddle up to them and pretend .....that is so sad
Apparently they said these bears are good for people who cant have pets for what ever reason because you can cuddle up to them and pretend .....that is so sad
That is hilariously ridiculous! How can you even compare the two hahaha I'm having visions of Mr Bean with his teddy on a leash :wonder:
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I've got a big bear from the Bear Factory he was pressie a few years ago and I spent ages choosing his outfits... I know he's an inanimate object BUT he is still lovely to cuddle on the sofa sometimes.

I also have three bears from my childhood that I will never get rid of - despite their shabby looks.

Oh, and I'm officially sane AND hold down a respectable job, so there :happy:.
I've got a big bear from the Bear Factory he was pressie a few years ago and I spent ages choosing his outfits... I know he's an inanimate object BUT he is still lovely to cuddle on the sofa sometimes.

I also have three bears from my childhood that I will never get rid of - despite their shabby looks.

Oh, and I'm officially sane AND hold down a respectable job, so there :happy:.

I have a cuddly penguin that hubby bought for me last Christmas and I snuggle up with him on the sofa. He's called Henry - well, Henguin (see what I did there? lol). I love it and it's nice to cuddle something while DH is on the mind-numbing XBox.
Haha I think I will have to build up my nausea containment levels for that one lol! It was hilarious watching it but in a cringing kinda way, a bit like when you first watch David Brent in "The Office". Don't get me wrong there are many products on QVC that are excellent value & I loved the recent Elemis TSV, the high street couldn't touch it for value. I just think that resorting to such tactics to sell kapoc stuffed material is odd & felt a bit creepy lol! Then to cap it all they suggested buying one as a "hug" for someone you know who is ill! QVC are better than that surely?! My friend has been diagnosed with cancer this week & I certainly won't be buying her a bear because that presenter suggested it! Elemis, Decleor, something to make her feel good about herself yes an odd looking green bear NOOOO!
There's nothing wrong with having a comforting sentimental toy as an adult but to present a show having conversations with stuffed toys and articulating their limbs to imagine they're responding to you!! HUH?? WELL WIERD & insulting to the majority of viewers in my opinion, (but very funny none the less)!
Again, though, let's remember that they are selling those stuffed furry animals not playing a little game - those customers who thought it was weird will have moved on to something else. However, those that are of the same persuasion will have lapped it up and probably jumped to the phones.

They used a sales pitch that was tailored to their target market - clinical and targeted to those that are most likely to buy.
Very true Tiddlywinks! And they must have sold masses of them. They had one one for £230 odd quid & it sold out in moments! I just have an issue with the cynical side of QVC's recent sales tactics. They used to be far more professional than that, mind you I haven't seen that Charlie presenting them yet, apparently I ain't seen nothing yet!
I don't think it is cynical - it's just sales tactics... they have a profile of their target customer for whatever product they are selling and they tailor their pitch accordingly.

I think we get too hung up on stuff like this... QVC is a business and they offer airtime to companies to sell their wares... to get the best possible return they have to sell effectively and that means being able to engage with the customer in any way necessary to make them part with their money.

It isn't ever personal - it's business - that's why I don't think it's cynical; it's just sales tactics.
People collect all kinds of strange stuff, teddies being one of them. I`d hate someone buying me a cuddly toy but some folks would love it. As for talking to cuddly toys , well that kind of takes things to another level. I have friends who collect lifelike dolls, fairies, frogs and ducks, to name just a few but as far as I know none of them talk to their collections or move arms and legs to wave at people or move their mouths to say quack quack or ribbett ribbett. I bl*ddy hope not anyway ....
I used to work in a vets , and one of the surgery's clients was a lady about 50 who had severe learning difficulties , she had a teddy that she brought to the surgery to see the vet, the surgery where fine with this as was everyone else seemingly.

She clearly found a lot of pleasure from this teddy & I dont see anything wrong with anyone taking a form of comfort from a teddy , its like these people who have dolls as baby substitutes , if there not harming anyone else by collecting dolls or talking to them then who are we to say its wrong or wired or mental
I don't think it is cynical - it's just sales tactics... they have a profile of their target customer for whatever product they are selling and they tailor their pitch accordingly.

I think we get too hung up on stuff like this... QVC is a business and they offer airtime to companies to sell their wares... to get the best possible return they have to sell effectively and that means being able to engage with the customer in any way necessary to make them part with their money.

It isn't ever personal - it's business - that's why I don't think it's cynical; it's just sales tactics.

My thoughts exactly. My personal view is that an adult who does not suffer with a degree of learning disability who buys soft toys for themselves is a little odd. But it is each to their own, their own money etc etc. This is the demographic they are selling to. Looking at the amount they sell, the prices they go for then they are succeeding and fair play to them. If I tried to do it I would hold the bear, say "isn't it cute" and then be lost for words. Noone would buy any!
I used to work in a vets , and one of the surgery's clients was a lady about 50 who had severe learning difficulties , she had a teddy that she brought to the surgery to see the vet, the surgery where fine with this as was everyone else seemingly.

She clearly found a lot of pleasure from this teddy & I dont see anything wrong with anyone taking a form of comfort from a teddy , its like these people who have dolls as baby substitutes , if there not harming anyone else by collecting dolls or talking to them then who are we to say its wrong or wired or mental

Nothing wrong with taking comfort from a teddy in those circumstances hence everyone's willingness to play along with it in the vets. How would anyone feel if they heard that such a person with severe learning difficulties was found without food, no heating, no electricity & all because they'd spent money they couldn't afford on this stuff?! QVC don't give a stuff if such people end up on the streets so long as they get as much money as they possibly can. That's their role on TV as a shopping channel fair enough, but I don't regard them as friendly, reputable QVC currently, more like a shopping channel who is so greedy for sales they don't care what they have to do to get them or who they take as much money as possible from.
How would anyone feel if they heard that such a person with severe learning difficulties was found without food, no heating, no electricity & all because they'd spent money they couldn't afford on this stuff?! QVC don't give a stuff if such people end up on the streets so long as they get as much money as they possibly can. That's their role on TV as a shopping channel fair enough, but I don't regard them as friendly, reputable QVC currently, more like a shopping channel who is so greedy for sales they don't care what they have to do to get them or who they take as much money as possible from.

Oh come on now... that's a bit OTT... let's get back to the real world.

Firstly, I very much doubt the baby talking and waving of bear paws in that SALES PITCH was targeting those with learning difficulties - it would have been directed at those people who do collect bears and attribute personalities to them.

IF someone finds themselves in personal financial difficulties (regardless of any learning difficulties or mental health issues) then that is NOT the responsibility of QVC - it is not a requirement of any sales outlet to test the competency of the buyer now is it?

There are vulnerable members of our society that need to be supported and protected BUT that is not QVC's role that is the job of family, friends or care workers.

If someone wants to buy, has the apparent means to pay and appears freely able to make that call / mouse click then that is all a RETAILER needs to worry about when selling cuddly toys.

Sorry, but I sometimes really can't understand all this hatred directed at a shopping channel... a SHOPPING channel.
It's not "hatred" towards a shopping channel at all. Personally I think that if a presenter wants to degrade themselves like that on TV it's hilarious to watch. There are posts on here where articulate, intelligent people have found themselves spending literally £1000's on stuff they wish with hindsight they hadn't by their own admission on shopping TV. 100% it's everyone's own choice to buy or not. I just feel that QVC has recently sunk to new depths of getting sales at any length. You only have to read numerous threads on here.
Oh & in answer to your question not everyone who is mentally or emotionally vulnerable has an entourage of people caring for them. Aiming for people who are perhaps not the brightest & suggesting presents for the very ill is cheap & immoral in my book, end of! (We're all entitled to our opinion).
Oh come on now... that's a bit OTT... let's get back to the real world.

Firstly, I very much doubt the baby talking and waving of bear paws in that SALES PITCH was targeting those with learning difficulties - it would have been directed at those people who do collect bears and attribute personalities to them.

IF someone finds themselves in personal financial difficulties (regardless of any learning difficulties or mental health issues) then that is NOT the responsibility of QVC - it is not a requirement of any sales outlet to test the competency of the buyer now is it?

There are vulnerable members of our society that need to be supported and protected BUT that is not QVC's role that is the job of family, friends or care workers.

If someone wants to buy, has the apparent means to pay and appears freely able to make that call / mouse click then that is all a RETAILER needs to worry about when selling cuddly toys.

Sorry, but I sometimes really can't understand all this hatred directed at a shopping channel... a SHOPPING channel.

I couldn't agree more. About 3 years ago my issues led me to become addicted to spending money. I hadn't got the means to keep up though, and as such I landed our family in 8000 pounds of debt. But did I blame the bank for giving me a credit card? No. Did I blame the various lenders I got loans from? No. It was entirely my fault for not going straight to my CPN when I knew there was a problem. I was leaving our family without money for food just so I could get a 'hit'. But I do not blame any of the shops who allowed me to purchase nor the lenders. It was me and me alone. I still sometimes (very rarely now) overspend to the extent that it causes issues but guess what? It's still MY FAULT. Nobody else's.

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Sparkles, it's very easily done & looking at the threads on here you're certainly not alone. Chin up Hun, you're "looking back" at that now not bang in the middle of it & even if you have a relapse you know that that's exactly what it is rather than denial xx.

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