Are QVC sitting on a mountain of smokey quartz enhancers?


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Jun 24, 2008
Church of Schumacher, recruiting again!
Aaarrrggghh, I am sick of the sight of another TSV, another necklace with a smokey quartz enhancer!!!!
I know it's a cheap stone, but for all our sanity please mr qvc kindly don't do any more smokey quartz (or onyx!!!) TSVs pleeeeeaaaassseee!!!
I genuinely couldn't believe it when I switched on this morning, surely everyone in the world that wants a SQ heart has one by now???????

I can't even see a thread about it, that's how bored everyone on the forum is with the concept!

And it's extortionate too. And the presentation I saw it just was not sitting properly on that string of pearls!
I know what you mean. Smokey quartz always looks like its been made out of recycled beer bottles to me!

Lol that's great. Phone and say how pleased you are to see QVC's green credentials, recycling and all that.....

I think the pearls and pendants look mismatched anyway or is it just me?
Not a winning combo!

I agree Anne, seems they've had this heart enhancer already several times as a TSV, evidently loads of SQ hearts left unsold, so decided to put it on a string of pearls?:11: They do look very mismatched. I would never wear these together. And the pearls aren't great quality. I don't know what their planners/buyers were thinking, to offer this combo as a TSV and at such a bad price.:33:
I said on another thread, I hate smokey quartz! It just reminds me of the 70's when it was really in and cheap silver jewellery with big smokey quartz in it. I was a teenager then and wouldn't even look at it.
when JR was wearing it yesterday, i noticed it kept moving round and she had to adjust it. I agree it's a put together at the last minute kinda TSV cos the planned one wasn't delivered on time.
The necklace and the SM heart just don't look good together.

They look like they have been thrown together at the last moment just to get rid of the hearts.

I don't like smoky quartz at all so maybe I am biased.
I'm so glad others think the same. I loathe smokey quartz it's such a dull stone and I cannot understand this current vogue for all things brown and drab, smoky quartz, chocolate gold, tigers eye etc. They can call them coffee, latte, caramal all they like but it's still brown to me.
I have not seen any presentaions today, but QVC have been featuring alot of smoky quartz lately.
I am not a smoky quartz fan either, my passion is rose quartz.
The TSV isn't my thing style wise but I do like smoky quartz.......and tigers eye(wearing it today in fact!)............*runs and hides*

The TSV isn't my thing style wise but I do like smoky quartz.......and tigers eye(wearing it today in fact!)............*runs and hides*


Took the words out of my mouth sweetpea. SQ and tiger's eye suit my colouring.......................and I love them!!!! Can we hide together? :lol:
Thank god we're all different :)

If I had my way everything would be black and/or red with masses of sparkles and I'm sure there are people out there who hate black and red (they're completely mad of course ;-) )
i like tigers eye too & loads of other way out stones the ones you can find on ebay..........picture jasper & snowflake obsidian etc.......can i hide wiv you too plzs
I love most things heart inspired in fact it is my nickname but I draw the line at this TSV. It looks cheap and nasty. Have ordered a nice Anna Lou heart necklace on last clicks for under £12.00.
I wonder where else these chunky brown hearts will turn up... Sewn onto Indigo Moon clothes? As charms on KVZ bags?
I had a genuine smoky quartz bracelet as a free gift with a magazine not long ago - and there was about 15 carats of it in's a nice stone, but there has been an awful lot of it on QVC of late
i like tigers eye too & loads of other way out stones the ones you can find on ebay..........picture jasper & snowflake obsidian etc.......can i hide wiv you too plzs

No hiding!!!!! You seem to have great taste and these beutiful stones have to be shown off, so no hiding.....:59: lol

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