Anyone remember the ZILO?


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I remember that Zilo - the steel disc/tablet fell in my sink and cracked the sink. Wouldn't have minded except the sink was victorian and it survived 100 years, until I purchased that darn Zilo from QVC

Other useless purchases from old:
... solution to change silver to 18ct Gold 'electro-plating' AKA turning things reen
... Rack you place in microwave to dehydrate food (apple or potato slices) - Useless
I remember that Zilo - the steel disc/tablet fell in my sink and cracked the sink. Wouldn't have minded except the sink was victorian and it survived 100 years, until I purchased that darn Zilo from QVC

Other useless purchases from old:
... solution to change silver to 18ct Gold 'electro-plating' AKA turning things reen
... Rack you place in microwave to dehydrate food (apple or potato slices) - Useless

sorry i know that's not funny but honestly.....i have tears!! i laughed so much i scared the cat.
I love threads like this.

I was thinking only the other week that I hadn't seen the Discgear CD storage gadget for a while, and lo and behold a "new generation" one was shown within a few days -spooky eh ?

Next time I'll think of a russian diamond ring and hope it appears in my Xmas stocking !

What about cognac diamonds (AKA dirty brown industrial strength lumps of carbon ?). Swimsuits that tan you through tiny holes in the fabric (does your stomach end up pixelated ?). Sets of suitcases that could be linked together so you just pull the first one and the rest follow on. What they didn't tell us was that you need arms like Popeye.

Did anyone buy the mirror that opened up into 3 sides so you could see properly when styling the back of yr hair? Did it work or did you just get dizzy ?

Linda xx i've revovered a little....yes i remember the silver to gold thing. was a very impressive demo.
how about those rolly storage things? rolled out flat then up into a cylinder. they used to have a big lorry standing on 4 of them. were that any good??
I possess 2 joy Mangano roly kits (jewellery) that are still going strong.

I did used to own a Octagonal roly kit - it was very sturdy, but I was having a clear out, was so tired of going up and down the stairs to the garage, I asked my mother to stand on the front lawn to catch my rolykit that was full of sewing oddments (cotton reels, material, embroidery thread - no needles)

Sadly I got the trajectory completely wrong, the rolykit missed Mum, bounced off the garden path narrowly missing my car, landing in next doors patio. They really thought it was a visitor from Outer Space (they are SciFI eccentrics)

Im not sure what durability test it was supposed to pass but, it failed mine, as Mum and I and neighbours, progressed to pick up the kit with a brush.
It sounds like one I have, bought before I discovered QVC. I used it for tools, but eventually found it a bit tedious to keep rolling and unrolling and it took up a lot of floor space when opened so I changed to a conventional toolbox.

I haven't seen mine for years, but it must be here somewhere as I never throw away useful gadgety things like that! I will probably stay awake all night now, wondering where it is.

PS mine is a light brown plastic, is that like yours?
mine was lipstick red, but yes! Same product - The unravelling bit was a Pain in the A*** I agree

Your one would go for a fair price on Ebay I imagine, as they are quite a rare thing those RolyKits.I think they are still being produced in the Netherlands however

I haven't seen mine for years, but it must be here somewhere as I never throw away useful gadgety things like that! I will probably stay awake all night now, wondering where it is.

could it be on ebay item number 140620695741 ?? LOL
I possess 2 joy Mangano roly kits (jewellery) that are still going strong.

I did used to own a Octagonal roly kit - it was very sturdy, but I was having a clear out, was so tired of going up and down the stairs to the garage, I asked my mother to stand on the front lawn to catch my rolykit that was full of sewing oddments (cotton reels, material, embroidery thread - no needles)

Sadly I got the trajectory completely wrong, the rolykit missed Mum, bounced off the garden path narrowly missing my car, landing in next doors patio. They really thought it was a visitor from Outer Space (they are SciFI eccentrics) Im not sure what durability test it was supposed to pass but, it failed mine, as Mum and I and neighbours, progressed to pick up the kit with a brush.

jre - your posts need to come with a warning! this time i nearly wet myself and the cat's gone out!

bearing in mind my cupboards, which to an unsuspecting person would appear ****y-trapped, as they're so overstuffed, i could never imagine actually being able to roll it up properly so never got one.
I have a roly kit - bright yellow. I use it to store small bits and pieces of crafting stuff......but as others have said you need such an area to roll it out I very rarely use it. Reading previous posts re the strength of the roly kit gave me an idea...........I could use it as a 'step' enabling me to reach the top shelves of my kitchen where can I store my new 'step'. Oh well - perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all.

I remember Ivana Trump too. One of my first purchases was a pair of her clip on earrings............I've never worn them. Didn't she also sell moisturising cream in a huge pink pot. Also does anyone remember the lady who came over from the US with her curtain track brackets etc. for making swags and tails and fancy pelmets. That was back in the day of Paul Lavers.
My kids (now 15 and 17) still have their rolykits which are now like little time capsules of their childhoods; they were only allowed to take on holiday things which fit in the rolykits and so had many tiny items like MacDonalds toys and the toys from Safeways cafe lunchboxes, badges, crayons, minature power ranger figures etc. The contents have survived many clearouts so when they're opened (at approx 5 year intervals) it's lovely "wow remember this?" moment! Theirs are bright yellow, one with a pink strap and the other turquoise.

Jude xx
I have a roly kit - bright yellow. I use it to store small bits and pieces of crafting stuff......but as others have said you need such an area to roll it out I very rarely use it. Reading previous posts re the strength of the roly kit gave me an idea...........I could use it as a 'step' enabling me to reach the top shelves of my kitchen where can I store my new 'step'. Oh well - perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all.

I remember Ivana Trump too. One of my first purchases was a pair of her clip on earrings............I've never worn them. Didn't she also sell moisturising cream in a huge pink pot. Also does anyone remember the lady who came over from the US with her curtain track brackets etc. for making swags and tails and fancy pelmets. That was back in the day of Paul Lavers.

i had clip on earrings!! and the big pink pot of cream - prob both still at the back of the cupboard somewhere!

i also remember the curtain swag lady and donna dewberry who used to paint in a very unique way. came over with carol somebody who did crafts.
Carol Smith did the crafts especially at christmas, tree skirts and lots of applique stuff

I remember the zilo but didnt buy it

I have a yellow roly kit with pink banding, bought for my DD to put all her bits and bobs in at the time but never actually used it as could never decide what to put in it

I does anyone remember the lady who came over from the US with her curtain track brackets etc. for making swags and tails and fancy pelmets. That was back in the day of Paul Lavers.

I Was a victim of this item as I went through my Chintz phase LOL pulling my glazed laura ashley fabric through plastic hoops, Im sure she was the same lady who also gave us the dehydrating powder to dry flowers in an instant -- which in honesty DID work, as long as you didnt blow on the flowerhead afterwards.. leaving you holding a stalk

I miss Carol Smith and her Bucilla & Plaid (but not the gallery glass - nightmare to remove), and I also thought I was Michelangelo for a while as I painted my walls with those one stroke roses! See Video ...

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I still have my Zilo and my kids and grandkids still have the rollikits I bought them all one year. It was the same guest who brought the "tuckit" bucket, a mop bucket with a little notch where you could rest your mop without it falling over. I always coveted one (sad, I know) but never got round to it....

My daughters and I all had swagged curtains and pelmets, thanks to the handy gadget that did all the work.

At this very moment, I am wearing a South Lodge jacket/leisure suit top which I must have had for about 14 years. It is trimmed with studs, has 2 generous pockets and a zip front and looks as good as the day I bought it. I liked their stuff because the tops all had a decent length and the leisure trousers didn't have those awful knitted cuffs.
I remember those detergent free wash balls they were forever flogging, I think they cost about a tenner and were supposed to do 80 washes..yup, like a sucker, I bought some..included in the pack was a little stain remover stick which you had to pretreat stains with, if you didn't use it, then the stuff came out dirty, the stain remover contained detergent, so it defeated the whole purpose of the thing..not only that..80 washes..yeah right....they dried out before I even got about 10 washes out of them, but by that time I'd gone back to me trusty old Persil lol!

Can't remember if it was QVC, but one of the channels was always pushing those air purifiers that you filled with water, fragrance, and it changed all accounts the water would quickly stagnate and take on a murky colour, the motor made a cacaphonous noise...not the ambience they were trying to sell you!

I'm sure I can think of plenty more if I cast my mind back enough!
I have a lovely pic of my Zilo in its gorgeous blue dish and wanted to put it on here.

However, it is not a normal pic on my PC but is within a Word document. This was copied and pasted there from the QVC website when I bought it, together with all the details about it (I do this for all my orders).

Try as I might, I cannot get it out of the Word document, copying/pasting etc does not work.

Do any of the experts know how to extract a picture from Word to put it up here?

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