I had my jabs last Friday. I got the new Moderna jab. Nurse told me that because you are getting two jabs I should drink plenty fluids, more than normal and for 48 hours take paracetamol every 4-6 hours if you feel you don't need it.I got the flu and Pfizer yesterday, I was chatting to the nurse. So, cannot remember if the flu was the left or right arm?
So four hours later, I have intense pain in my right arm and feel like I am taking the flu. I think it is the Covid jab which is sore, but the left arm is fine. The weird thing is no marks or redness on the sore arm. Now the last Covid jab that people over 75 got earlier this year a woman I know was really ill from it, she swore the nurse had hit the bone in her arm it was so sore. But I know both needles were not that long.
Anyway, good thing I took the day off as I do not feel the best, and it is painkillers are us. Even had to get up in the middle of the night to take two.
Really hope everyone else has a problem free experience?
The arm that I got covid jab in has been much sorer than flu arm. Also had glands under arm a bit swollen but overall not felt too bad, bit groggy but compared to my first AZ one which put me in bed for couple of days.