I drop in and out of chat because I usually have rockstv on at work - as I mostly work on my own in an office, it is good company.
I have said in the past, and I stand by what I said, which is, any group - of whatever kind, will appear to an 'outsider' as cliquey, because people within the group will start recognising names of those who join in. People who don't join in, or pop in once or twice only, will not be recognised at all. I therefore believe that you have to jump in with both feet and persevere with your side of 'chat' and then you too will be recognised by other names. It is difficult when you have no visual side as well.
I hope this has come across in the way it was meant, it is only by making an effort yourself that you will benefit from the chat room - like all things in life - nothing comes to you for free, you always have to go and get it.
PLEASE try, it is fun and it is worth it. (please excuse any spelling mistakes lol)