I have the flu jab as I have kidney disease and this year I had a bad reaction to the jab, red hot lumpy skin at the injection site, itchy skin and a black bruise that looked like a stripe across my arm. Arm still itches at times. Also have had this effing virus that seems to jut flare up two weeks after I have felt that i have recovered. Am currently poorly with streaming eyes, sore throat, aching joints etc. Took time off the first time I had it as I do home visits and felt it was not good to be doing this while potentially infectious. Really fed up to be ill again, don't want to be off work again after such a short time back. Can't wait for Spring to come and to feel truly well again, best wishes to all who are suffering, let's hope we have a long hot Summer and build up our immune systems.
it may be heroic going in when you're ill but that's how it spreads. i certainly didn't want anyone hacking and sneezing and using soggy tissues round me when i was at work. as well as the dreaded a/c there are always things everyone handles.
Although I agree with you, I spend my working life surrounded by children sneezing and coughing but, during the winter, if they all stayed at home we'd have no pupils to teach because these kinds of bug sweep through a centrally heated building like wildfire. Either I've now developed an immunity or I'm considered unworthy to be attacked by the viruses because I've not had a cold for about six years and thankfully have never had flu or this awful 'coughing' virus that's currently doing the rounds. I've no doubt that'll tempt fate and I'll be posting soon to say I've been laid low with the lurgy.
I hope that those of you who are currently unwell are soon back to full health.