Another 24 hours of being patronised by Margarine Burgervan


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Jun 24, 2008
switch over or slit wrists... hmmm #decisionsdecisions

i wish someone would just force feed the scrawny old witch with a custard slice.
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She's hardly someone to wheel out as an example of how pilates can help you.

The woman has skin like a strange combination of old leather and beef jerky, and for someone who's apparently not that old she looks ancient and scrawny.

So, I may have the BMI of a small hippo, but at least I am happy in my own skin and am not depriving myself of what I enjoy most: good food when I want to have it.
Why does she insist on staring down the bliddy camera all the time, even when Ms Huntley asks her a question she doesn't look at her when she's speaking. Bit rude.

And "don't put it away, leave it out and pop on there for five minutes while the potatoes are boiling. "
Of course love, we all have room to leave an enormous great contraption like that lying about permanently. :taphead:
Are but she's Australian and don't they all llive in big open plan places - called gardens ! so they have bags of room, and the weather ! I wonder what sales figures are like in qvc Germany, Italy and Japan where most of the population live in apartments !

Sorry, but when demo-ing her crouched position, her arms were almost skeletal and every sinew could be seen moving - ugh ! I really cant see how looking like that - whatever age- is healthy !
Personally I wouldn't want to look like her as she does seem scrawny to me, however I thought the blonde lady who was using one of the machines on the show with Catherine looked lovely and was a great advert for Pilates.
I'd love one of those machines but there is no bleeding way I can fit that into my house, even though it's a 1940's semi. Well I could, but not have a sofa at the same time...
Her neck looks like that of a turtle. She may well be very fit and probably healthy, but her "look" is certainly very unattractive. If she thinks otherwise, then in my opinion she's deluding herself.
We are ok now the other pilates expert (JR) has joined Margarine, The only bit of scrawny on said lady are her arms and legs....would I want arms and legs like she has got....nah I don't think so.:grin:
kinda reminds me of this picture :giggle:

i have met gilian at my local library and she looks even worse in real life. she is wizzened her daughter looks lovely though.
I have to chirp in and say I love my pilates machine and have noticed a big difference in my flexibility and muscle tone since I got it. Margarine has taken diet and exercise to the extreme and isn't a good advert for it. She looks like she desperately needs several good meals in her asap and while she may be exceedingly healthy she doesn't look it.
I was genuinely surprised to hear her say she was 58. I know TV is suppose add a few years to your appearance but isn't JR 56? - she looks considerably older than Julia IMO.

It's good to be fit but prefably with flesh! :muscle:
I had the misfortune of switching on this morning to see her wittering on about how balanced pilates makes you, hysterical when she is sitting there looking totally lopsided, one shoulder miles lower than the other!!
I had the misfortune of switching on this morning to see her wittering on about how balanced pilates makes you, hysterical when she is sitting there looking totally lopsided, one shoulder miles lower than the other!!

Maybe it's "balanced" with a silent "un" in front of it? :tongue:
(mum writes)

I took a bet last night that JR would have to be on there showing off and pointing her diddy little dancer's feet ad nauseam. I couldn't bring myself to watch but reading this tells me I won!

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