Animal print!


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Totally Loopy Lou

Registered Shopper
Jul 20, 2013
East Anglia - UK
Hello again. Sorry to rant but am I the only one here who loathes animal print?! Leopard print is my particular bug bear!

It seems as if nearly every product on qvc (ok, slight exaggeration but almost true!) comes in an animal print design. There's bedding, accessories, clothes obviously, bags even torches?!

I stayed up to see the Lola Rose scarf tsv today as I was thinking about it as a Christmas pressie for my mum. But they've ruined what could have been a great design (lace print) by printing every colour option with leopard print alongside it :(*

My mum (early sixties) wouldn't be seen dead in animal print and I (30) certainly wouldn't. It looks either cheap and tacky or worse slightly tarty!

Why do qvc think it's classy?! And who wants to sleep under a leopard print duvet?? Or am I on my own on this one and missing something?!*

Take care, Katiex
I don't like animal print either never have never will :vampire:
I totally agree with Katie. I had a look and just thought the design and colours clashed and looked cheap. The lace on its own would have been ok. I won't be buying today.
I really loved the scarf and got one for me and my mum. I think it is good that everyone has different tastes. Otherwise QVC would be out of business very quickly!
I like a bit of leopard print -sometimes I think I like it because of the horror it seems to evoke with some others.
I have a pair of fleece leopard skin gloves that I wear with a plain camel coat - even they get comments. These negative comments are always from women. Oh yes i 'd forgotten I have a pair of faintly printed tights - think I might wear those this weekend.
I don't do animal print and never will. Don't do scarves etc(I do own a few pashminas which I class differently, their are bigger softer and more a shawl if you need), hate things tight around my neck.
You are not alone. I can't stand it either. I think its tacky and cheap looking no matter how expensive the item is that its put on.
I think the Lola Rose scarves are a rip off and I don't think they are particularly anything special.
I don't mind a subtle animal print as an accessory. I like the look of the scarves, if I was buying, which I'm not, I'd go for the taupe/coral one though I did think the grey/lemon one looked nice on Jill Franks; made a nice change to see her with something more colourful than her usual neutrals. I do think Lola Rose scarves are over priced, but I can't wear them anyway - like some other posters on here the wool content makes them too itchy to wear.
I love scarves but I`m not keen on animal print. I think it`s like marmite, you either love it or hate it.
Yes the taupe/coral is the most versatile but I like the fuschia/liliac one as well. The taupe/coral has now sold out. I won't be buying as it is too expensive as a scarf and dry clean only.
Another vote here for loathing animal print (always reminds me of Bet Lynch). I agree that it is each to their own, but if this was the case at QVC then this scarf would have been offered in a variety of prints, some of them not animal print.
Phew glad I'm not the only one! But no offence to anyone who love the look. Just as someone said wish QVC didn't think it was what women want (or at least not all of them and def not in every type of product...
have they said if this scarf is dry clean only? Am not buying but that would be a definite put off for me.Re the animal prints I think some do look tacky but I have a silk chiffon long scarf which I bought ( quite expensive) about 30 years ago & it always IMO looks classy as the tones are very muted.

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