And the Gold goes to…..


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Sense of humour intact
Sep 26, 2009
Planet Earth, mostly...
First time I've watched for weeks and FGS! If there was a gold medal for sinking to new depths TJC would win it hands downs. The horrendous graphics, the so called music and klaxon makes it unwatchable, even Chloe was being drowned out!!

Clearance? you can keep it, totally unwatchable - even with the sound off!
Frazzled I've just logged on to make the same comments! I switched on to watch the clearance only to have my ears assaulted with the awful music if you can call it that, the ridiculous drumming noise which was so loud poor Vicky is having to shout to try and be heard over it and have switched straight off again. We can't be the only one's who have been put off and if I'm not watching I'm not buying, I've emailed the studio to complain, FGS sort it out TJC
I have also just come on to the Forum to ask, please tell me this awful music, if you can call it that, is just for the clearance shows? Wont be watching at all. If it aint broke why fix it? It was bad enough with that awful heartbeat (trying to get customers really worked up, must buy, must buy tactic). I was so glad when Derek Marks banned it from his shows. But this is just too bliddy awful for words! Well done Diamond Diva for complaining. Felt so annoyed I nearly chocked on my sarnie!! Why oh why have you done this TJC? You say you listen to your customers, well, we cant listen to you with that awful racket. Wont listen to you if this is the new "sound". Rant over!!
so agree -awful music and graphics, thought i had tuned into one of the bid channels at first ,come on TJC you can do better than this! not going to mention the new presenters just that some arent to good at it, imo.
Absolutely Roxy, I too thought I'd actually flipped over to a sit-up channel what with the din, the clipboards and the cheap graphics, not to mention Miss "aren't I just too beautiful for words, keep your eyes on my lovely slim waistline and not on the jewellery" Hadley, and the "wash my mouth out with soap" Leah. This channel was the last bastion of jewellery channels with any grace - now it seems to be taking lessons from the worst. Very sad, as it's a good honest clearance as well, unlike some I could mention. xxxxxxxxxx
I really hope TJC go back to the way they where, when the lovely Derky :clapping: starts his shift on Monday! Even though he is my favourite presenter, I will not be tuning in if they carry on as they are at the moment.
To be honest I'm fine with the whole setup. It's just for the weekend and Monday it seems. It's a genuine clearance, sincere and honest. I would even go as far to say the best shopping channel out there. Yes it's a little chaotic and therefore lacking the usual TJC "class", yes the graphics look a little cheap and yes the music is a bit OTT but it adds to the pace and ambiance. Clearly tons of people are watching and are selling more than ever, some of the prices are just amazing.

I think we just need to enjoy these special prices whilst they are here. Back to normal next week, though it's like a clearance everyday at TJC :D
I'm glad you're enjoying it MediaM and I'm sure you are not alone, but clearly tons of people aren't. The usual TJC "class" has been missing for some considerable time now. Obviously they've had to adapt to a changing market but seem to be incapable of getting it right, clearly indicated by the lack of threads this section use to attract.

Mike Wall contacted me a while ago for my comments about TJC which he said reflected the general feeling from most the of the people he had spoken to. He also stated that there were planned changes which would be coming soon to improve things - if this debacle is one of them then it's failed IMO.
Thanks for your reply :)

What changes CAN be made? I have to say the only irritating factor for me today is Derek Gibbons on air now and his shouting!!!!! I did enjoy Vicki B earlier and I adored Leach Charles, but all that's irrelevant because in terms of presenters we all have different tastes and that won't change.
Clearance wise they are selling out of everything, and just amazing prices! Just I don't really know how else they could go about such a clearance.

You say "TJC Class" as a reply to my quote, but what call do you mean? When the channel launched they used to spend ages on one product and the prices were far higher weren't they? I would consider that boring myself!
"Affordable Luxuary" is one of their slogans and that they do... Better than any other shopping channel.

What apparent improvements would you like to see??

One thing though I WISH someone would wipe their studio down with a damp cloth! I'm sick of seeing that stain on their studio wall lol :D
They've obviously been taking everyone's comments on board because although they haven't removed the dreadful sound effects the noise level is much better today and they're only playing it in small chunks !
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I'm so with you on the stain MS, but sadly this is the type of thing many of us abhor and is simply another symptom of the lack of "class" as is Leah (and I do apologise to you, as I see you like her so please don't take this badly). Anyone who thinks it's okay to say "bugger" when presenting jewellery because "it's late at night", is totally lacking class. A word I use myself, but then I know I've no class and wouldn't dream of presenting anywhere other than a sit-up channel. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a

I am loving this American young lady though, Roxie(?). When I first heard the strong American accent I'll admit my heart sank, but jumped straight back up after she pronounced Paraiba correctly, demonstrated good humour and a healthy knowledge of her subject. All I can say is that if she is typical of the standard of American presenting RocksTV, (GemsTV's venture into the States), don't stand a chance in hell. xxxxxxxxxx
Argey like you when I heard Roxy's accent this morning I thought oh no but she's got a good presenting style with a sense of humour it's quite refreshing to watch, unlike the American woman on GEMS who's on late at night her accents dreadful and she shouts all the time, it's not a pleasant experience I have to switch off I can't watch her !
Omg I'm so glad you all picked up on that American woman from Gems... Talk about unsuitable... Never mind fog horn!
This American presenter on TJC at present (Roxanne Wilson) is BRILLIANT! she's apparently on for 2 weeks from The Liquidation Channel (American TJC!) is she here because they are technically one down due to Anoushka being off? Please lord tell me Roxanne is taking over from Jean-Luc!!!!!
This Roxanne has apparently been on the American apprentice also, rather clever!

It does all seem a lot more polished today, but then again like I said yesterday the slight manic atmosphere adds to the ambiance of the clearance. The sound does seem better, rather unnecessary yes, but overall still very impressed! The studio is dull though isn't it? I preferred the one when they first launched!

In regards to Leah (yes I do love her... I can still remember her presenting CITV)
No, she isn't the most classiest for the use of a better word, but I do like her! Entertaining and unique :D like I said you can't like every presenter, it's a viewing taste thing... Leah brings something noone else has on there BUT if they bring anyone else in whose similar, then it will be too much!

Who is this Mike fellow by the way? Does anyone have his contact details?
I used to really like the young American woman from Gems, gentle and charming, but she's now been to the Gems School of Presenting and thinks she's selling out of the back of an old van in the crowded market where no-one can hear you. xxxxxxxxxx
"What changes can be made?"

TJC read these threads. All comments and pleas made here, and directly, over the last couple of years concerning format, quality and presenters have fallen on deaf ears. And talking of ears, a real bugbear with a lot of customers is their policy on earrings returns.

"TJC Class" now on a par with Bid TV

"Affordable Luxury" - bygone era

"Better than any other shopping channel" - not anymore

In fairness to TJC the economic crisis and an obvious drop in sales at the high end have governed this. Many of the luxury items of 3/4 years ago were close to half the price they are now, and with much higher gold and stone weights. There is no intermediate jewellery between the high end and, apart from a few nice silver pieces, the "shambolic tat" at the low end. I'm not a particular fan of Gems TV but they still manage to have some nice gold jewellery at less than a £100.

Mike Wall is TJC's Operations Manager and oversees customer care
Derek has just complained that he's losing his voice - lol. Well stop bliddy SHOUTING then. I've got my volume lower than even for Gems. I find if I have it on mute then I can't do anything else (like making my own) so have to suffer the din. Clever really how the mind and ear work together. Even with the din turned down as low as possible I can still feel him shouting. xxxxxxxxxxx
I used to love TJC but haven't bought from them in years. Why? The prices are much higher now for far less quality. I don't believe they are better than any other channel AND to those who know about gemstones they have seriously mis-sold in the past and continue to be less than truthful with some of their current descriptions.

Each to their own I guess!
Well luckily we all have our own opinion and our own minds! A shopping channel can't get everything and do everything right to please everybody. They are doing their best in tough times and for ME, TJC is the best! Times have changed since 2006 and we all can't or don't want to spend hundreds on jewellery. Now they are at the right stage with a mix of both and excellent quality. I love how they have started doing random accessories also!

For me, comparing this to Gems... It isn't even on the same radar, for me, Gems is common and like a visual jewellery salon with the types of presenters it employs and none of their jewellery appeals.

Rocks and Co is for me in the middle, but the fact is they are far too high. What I mean by that is nothing under £20! It all seems a bit "snobby" but what they do sell is decent.

Does anyone have contact details for Mike Wall?
Well luckily we all have our own opinion and our own minds! A shopping channel can't get everything and do everything right to please everybody. They are doing their best in tough times and for ME, TJC is the best! Times have changed since 2006 and we all can't or don't want to spend hundreds on jewellery. Now they are at the right stage with a mix of both and excellent quality. I love how they have started doing random accessories also!

For me, comparing this to Gems... It isn't even on the same radar, for me, Gems is common and like a visual jewellery salon with the types of presenters it employs and none of their jewellery appeals.

Rocks and Co is for me in the middle, but the fact is they are far too high. What I mean by that is nothing under £20! It all seems a bit "snobby" but what they do sell is decent.

Does anyone have contact details for Mike Wall?

Hello MM,

I share you views regarding TJC and the other jewellery channels!

I not a fan of the music at the moment I think they borrowed the drums from the Olympics ceremony. If you do stick around and watch which I do off during the day. I have bought a couple of silver bracelets (copy of links of london) for under £50 similar to lots of polo like silver links and a torque bracelet very Grecian and pretty (very determined to buy and got in first) The auctions are very fast and the prices are truly reduced.
This is a clearance on the scale of a few years ago when I bagged lots of Iliana and Rhapsody jewellery. This time round less opportunities and not so cheap but you can pick up some amazing bargains but you have to be fast!

I met the management of TJC last year. I was forthright in my scepticism of Elanza and other ranges as I am a bit old fashion and few anything less than 18ct as brass. I said this to the MD who was taken aback but very gracious. He said that they are trying to attract a wider audience going forward. I have succumbed and bought several silver chains, shamballas (union jack) and ceramic watch together with yet another Iliana emerald and diamond necklace!

Mike details

Mike Wall

Operations Manager

The Jewellery Channel Ltd

Direct Line: 0208 783 3444


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