Like Bristols? :cheeky:
:mysmilie_847:Can I ask politely if you like it Jan??
Welcome India! Congrats to the lucky parents, a beautiful baby and i love her hat!
i know i wanted very strange (to other people lol) girl names when i was pregnant, mostly greek mythology names, and nearly everyone sighed in relief when we were told we were having a boy. and nearly everyone hated his name too, Teague. my attitude was 'i like it, sod them'. luckily we cant all be john or david
Congrats to Ali and partner. Beautiful baby and with a stunning Mum like Ali that's no surprise. India?? No sorry didn't like the name the first time round when it surfaced in the 80s and still don't, and that also goes for all the other 'place' names like China, Chelsea, Phoenix, Brooklyn, Orlando etc