An uncomfortable moment for all concerned during last nights Phillip Kingsley 11pm


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as this is not a forum for the counselling the sad and the dispossessed i will say no more.
wish you well BFT.:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

There's no need to wish me well Boffy,save that for someone who may actually need it.I'm a content and happy human being.
Thanks for your concern though,it's quite touching :)
If you don't want to "go there" BFT, then don't! Nicky-j was correct about how this played out on QVC and you're not! You're not at PC as you make try to make yourself out to be ("tap-dance"!!?? "rainbow posse"!!??) and are just being downright argumentative.

ROTFL,I never offered myself up as Captain PC,by the way Afro-Americans have a saying which goes"all in the Kool-Aid,not knowing the flavour",that's is you at this point in time.

Firstly,I maintain that I DID NOT hear the t-caller say she was African-European but everything I witnessed and felt remains the same.
Playing Devil's Advocate for a moment,if she indeed is of African descent why was Jilly so quick to truncate her thoughts?
And the point remains I would no more refer to a person as coloured as I would call you the pink lady,unless you're in the cast of Grease??

And the words "tap dancing",I could have easily used any other dance lingo and it would have been appropriate,tango,foxtrot,Salsa....insert one of your choice.
Rainbow posse(not derogatory),not a term coined by me,coined by Afro-American's so if you take exception to that take it up with them,lol.
You never offered yourself up as Captain PC right enough.

Jilly was "so quick to truncate her thoughts" because the T-Caller refered to 'coloured' hair in a questioning, ambigious manner - she's a middle aged woman of colour probably used to hearing the term 'coloured' - both Jilly and Philip Kingsley both asserted that the product was suitable for 'hair that has been coloured or in any other way processed'.

"And the point remains I would no more refer to a person as coloured as I would call you the pink lady, unless you're in the cast of Grease??" - who's talking about how you refer to anyone?? as for being the pink lady in Grease, well I did say in a couple of other threads that I had a pink nose at the moment (probably because of my age lol!) and had oily skin in my youth, so did you spot those references and are thinking you are sneaking a couple of digs at me??!! LOL LOL!!

"And the words "tap dancing", I could easily have used any other dance lingo and it would have been appropriate,tango,foxtrot,Salsa....insert one of your choice." Well... I choose "tango"... you didn't though, did you... ?

"Rainbow posse (not deragatory)... ": well, not in the original sense in which it was used - you, however, used it sarcastically.

Disingenuous: 1. not straightforward; not candid or frank; insincere. 2. slyly deceptive or misleading, typically by means of a pretense of ignorance or unawareness.

Think about it.
Oh, and: "... "all in the Kool-aid,not knowing the flavour",that's [sic] is you at this point in time", well "that's" is you, me and every other human being on the planet, my friend!
Just looked up the meaning off the Kool-aid phrase, and actually, I do know the flavour of the Kool-aid (ie how the T-Caller scene played out on QVC), and so does nicki-j, you're the one who doesn't know the flavour, that was our point.
Kool-aid phrase clarification for any others still tuning in: I initially thought the phrase referred to genetic background, hence my first reply. Then I looked it up and see it actually refers to someone spreading gossip from a position of ignorance, hence my second reply.

I think I'm off for a cuppa.
You never offered yourself up as Captain PC right enough.

Jilly was "so quick to truncate her thoughts" because the T-Caller refered to 'coloured' hair in a questioning, ambigious manner - she's a middle aged woman of colour probably used to hearing the term 'coloured' - both Jilly and Philip Kingsley both asserted that the product was suitable for 'hair that has been coloured or in any other way processed'.
And if people would bother to emply basic reading comprehension skills you would see that I stated she may could be a lady of a certain age who has been subjected to this word.So,does this make it right?"And the point remains I would no more refer to a person as coloured as I would call you the pink lady, unless you're in the cast of Grease??" - who's talking about how you refer to anyone?? as for being the pink lady in Grease, well I did say in a couple of other threads that I had a pink nose at the moment (probably because of my age lol!) and had oily skin in my youth, so did you spot those references and are thinking you are sneaking a couple of digs at me??!! LOL LOL!!
As for your pink nose,I swear on my life I didn't have a Scooby Doo,neither do I care,neither do I have the time to read every thread on this forum,so please reign your paranoia in."And the words "tap dancing", I could easily have used any other dance lingo and it would have been appropriate,tango,foxtrot,Salsa....insert one of your choice." Well... I choose "tango"... you didn't though, did you... ?

Well i'm glad you're happy with Tango,why the offence at tap-dancing?,now who's reading??.....hmmmmmm"Rainbow posse (not deragatory)... ": well, not in the original sense in which it was used - you, however, used it sarcastically.
I'm not even sure how to disect this mess of a response.
Who are you to tell me how I was using this term?? especially when most of the people participating in this thread didn't even know what the term means!
It is jargon,it is a colloquialism. mmmmkay??

Rainbow is used in a lot of different contexts to mean bringing together a diverse group of people.
Rainbow Coalition,founded by Jesse Jackon.
Rainbow flag which you will see outside of a lot of gay establishments,which represent FOD's,gay,lesbian,transgender,intersex....etc etc.

If people insist on puffing out their chests and getting all hot under the collar about anything I have to say,you'd better come with some better ammo.

Disingenuous: 1. not straightforward; not candid or frank; insincere. 2. slyly deceptive or misleading, typically by means of a pretense of ignorance or unawareness.

Think about it.

Oh, and: "... "all in the Kool-aid,not knowing the flavour",that's [sic] is you at this point in time", well "that's" is you, me and every other human being on the planet, my friend!

Just looked up the meaning off the Kool-aid phrase, and actually, I do know the flavour of the Kool-aid (ie how the T-Caller scene played out on QVC), and so does nicki-j, you're the one who doesn't know the flavour, that was our point.

Kool-aid phrase clarification for any others still tuning in: I initially thought the phrase referred to genetic background, hence my first reply. Then I looked it up and see it actually refers to someone spreading gossip from a position of ignorance, hence my second reply.

I think I'm off for a cuppa.

Please don't rely on your computer for all your info,google is not your friend,lol.
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You know what? I wish I'd never read the bl***y thread in the first place! Never mind decided to comment in what I thought was a helpful way. I'm really going to have to think carefully before I add to any threads at all.
I do appreciate that several people have been supportive, I really do, but I have to say this has all gotten very heavy. BFT is right, having black friends does not make my view any more valid about what happened, but it does tint the way I feel. When you've witnessed your friends being subjected to this it does affect you. And, as a result of this, I think I am particularly sensitive to those issues. That was the only reason I mentioned it. I'm not into flag-waving, nor am I one of those people BFT so abhors.
I can't help feeling that no matter what I say, BFT has me down for something I am not, which is a shame because I am pretty sure we're both on the same side!
Anyway, this has certainly gone far enough and I am too fed up (and rather upset) with it to carry on. I'm going to bed and I might not be back for a while. Which will probably make BFT rather happy.
"So, does this make it right?" - Make what "right"?? It just is what happened.

"... please reign your paranoia in." - I'm not "paranoid" that was just a clever light-hearted suggestion on my part.

"... why the offence at tap-dancing?, now who's reading..... hmmmmmm" - you tell me BFT.

"Who are you to tell me how I was using this term??" - a good reader that's who, and I know a sarcastic tone when I read it: it's the tone in which you used the word, nothing to do with whether or not it's "jargon" or a "colloquialism".

The only person "puffing out their chests and getting all hot under the collar" is you BFT , and as for your remark that "... you'd better come with some better ammo", well I don't need to, you've already shot yourself in the foot.

"Please don't rely on your computer for all your is not your friend,lol." - who says I rely on my computer and use google? I said I "looked it up".
Thread closed.

C'mon chaps this has all been blown way out of proportion.
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