An uncomfortable moment for all concerned during last nights Phillip Kingsley 11pm


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Ladies & Gentleman if we are talking politicaly correct I have to share this one with you.
My son got told off in one of his class a few months ago for describing the American president as 'mixed race' Although not told at the time by the teacher (disgracefull) Apparently the correct term is now 'Dual heritage' !! Needless to say my son was mortified at the time, had never heard of Dual heritage before, me neither, and the BBC still used 'mixed race' in their broadcasts. ....Sometimes you are scared of opening your mouth for fear of 'saying the wrong thing' I just wish we could be told about these things instead of being aloud to make a fool of ourselves!

It's hard work isn't it? My son is forever asking me what it's okay to say and what's not. One of his friend's seems to have a grandfather who takes great delight in telling racist jokes and I'm horrified when my son asks me about the terms he uses. It's a complete minefield knowing what's PC which changes day by day. In the NHS it's the same, simple 'terms' are no longer acceptable.
It's hard work isn't it? My son is forever asking me what it's okay to say and what's not. One of his friend's seems to have a grandfather who takes great delight in telling racist jokes and I'm horrified when my son asks me about the terms he uses. It's a complete minefield knowing what's PC which changes day by day. In the NHS it's the same, simple 'terms' are no longer acceptable.

Well no,I don't think it really is hard work at all.You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there is a world of difference between calling someone a *****,******,ni55er,wog,***** etc........than calling them oriental,coloured,mixed raced,dual-heritage bi-racial,what ever.
Well no,I don't think it really is hard work at all.You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there is a world of difference between calling someone a *****,******,ni55er,wog,***** etc........than calling them oriental,coloured,mixed raced,dual-heritage bi-racial,what ever.

Perhaps you don't, but I do. I think it is because for whatever reason, the word 'coloured' is not always acceptable -my friend prefers people to say that she's black and be done. I may not be a rocket scientist but I wouldn't dream of using any of the first expressions you mention as I'm sure you know. One of my best friends is Indian - gujarati to be precise, and I know how he gets cross when people get his caste wrong so that's what I mean by hard work - you can upset people without ever meaning to.
I'm not gonna go down the "I have many friends who are black"road with you,i've seen and heard that tap-dance one too many times.
And i'm sure your cultural sensistivity credentials are peerless,let's just take that as read.

So let's just say we see and experience things differently and leave it at that.

I abhor people who 'tap-dance' as you put it just to prove they are not racist. That is not me! The only point I was trying to make was that I was not someone who was insensitive to these issues and yet I hadn't detected as much of a problem as you had! I assumed the fact that I had heard the caller mention she was African-European while you had not might have been the reason we read it differently. I hesitated before mentioning my (genuine) friends precisely because I didn't want to sound like one of your so-called 'tap-dancers'. I assumed that people on this forum might see the difference. I am disappointed that I was wrong, and frankly hurt that you are assuming the worst of me, and not just taking what I say at face value. I am not some do-gooder trying to make a good impression, whatever you may think. My opinions are not based on some attempt to be correct or in some way seen as doing the right thing, they are based on a lifetime of having friends (some of whom, coincidentally, happen to be of different cultures etc than mine), and of sometimes experiencing and witnessing some of the appalling comments that have been aimed at them ( some of which have been quoted on this thread!). But mostly it comes from a lifetime of knowing that drawing conclusions about people based merely upon their colour, language, culture, orientation or religion is unintelligent. I am appalled that I have apparently caused some sort of offence, although I am still not entirely clear how!
Anyway, since you have already drawn some sort of seemingly immutable opinion about me, there is very little point in defending myself in this regard and I am replying now only to set the record straight on this forum.
I am sorry that this thread seems to have taken a rather dark turn, with accusations flying all over the place. I only contributed to it because I saw what happened differently to you and thought I could contribute usefully. I shall know not to make that mistake again.
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a few months ago there was a local news report about manchester university who had labelled their toilets in some weird way, i cant remember but it was some way of making them non-gender specific in order appease "people who do not identify with a particular gender".

so this girl from the students union was being interviewed, hardly out of nappies, she was your typical sandal wearing beansprout munching hessian wearing do-gooder. the reporter suggested that having non-gender specific lavvies was "political correctness gone mad" to which clever arse replied "we dont support the use of that term, as it is in itself politically incorrect". the reporter asked why this was the case... "because it is offensive to people with mental illnesses".

i suspect we are fighting a losing battle.
ah.. i googled and found it. Manchester Uni renamed their toilets "Toilets" and "Toilets With Urinals" at the request of a transgendered student.! Now that probably is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

ah.. i googled and found it. Manchester Uni renamed their toilets "Toilets" and "Toilets With Urinals" at the request of a transgendered student.

I had to go outside for a bit of chain smoking when I read this to calm myself down......all the while imagining dragging the silly c*w off to said 'freak bog' & shoving her head down it to visit the 'blue goldfish'! (I mentally stopped flushing before she actually lost consciousness though, I'm not completely heartless......! lol)
I abhor people who 'tap-dance' as you put it just to prove they are not racist. That is not me! The only point I was trying to make was that I was not someone who was insensitive to these issues and yet I hadn't detected as much of a problem as you had! I assumed the fact that I had heard the caller mention she was African-European while you had not might have been the reason we read it differently. I hesitated before mentioning my (genuine) friends precisely because I didn't want to sound like one of your so-called 'tap-dancers'. I assumed that people on this forum might see the difference. I am disappointed that I was wrong, and frankly hurt that you are assuming the worst of me, and not just taking what I say at face value. I am not some do-gooder trying to make a good impression, whatever you may think. My opinions are not based on some attempt to be correct or in some way seen as doing the right thing, they are based on a lifetime of having friends (some of whom, coincidentally, happen to be of different cultures etc than mine), and of sometimes experiencing and witnessing some of the appalling comments that have been aimed at them ( some of which have been quoted on this thread!). But mostly it comes from a lifetime of knowing that drawing conclusions about people based merely upon their colour, language, culture, orientation or religion is unintelligent. I am appalled that I have apparently caused some sort of offence, although I am still not entirely clear how!
Anyway, since you have already drawn some sort of seemingly immutable opinion about me, there is very little point in defending myself in this regard and I am replying now only to set the record straight on this forum.
I am sorry that this thread seems to have taken a rather dark turn, with accusations flying all over the place. I only contributed to it because I saw what happened differently to you and thought I could contribute usefully. I shall know not to make that mistake again.

I wonder where in any of my posts i've made accusations toward you?

Again,I would suggest,tis just another case of us seeing things differently.
Perhaps you don't, but I do. I think it is because for whatever reason, the word 'coloured' is not always acceptable -my friend prefers people to say that she's black and be done. I may not be a rocket scientist but I wouldn't dream of using any of the first expressions you mention as I'm sure you know. One of my best friends is Indian - gujarati to be precise, and I know how he gets cross when people get his caste wrong so that's what I mean by hard work - you can upset people without ever meaning to.

Yes but in your first post you said your son has a friend whose grandfather takes great delight in telling racist jokes and that your son often has to confer with you about what it right or wrong.
Now i'm assuming this grandfathers jokes aren't the kind which go "did you hear about the bi-racial this that or other",or did you see the mixed raced this that or the other"...??
More likely,he would be using the words you would never use.Which is why I said I don't think it's hard work AT ALL to know when something is completely unaccepatable.
Yes but in your first post you said your son has a friend whose grandfather takes great delight in telling racist jokes and that your son often has to confer with you about what it right or wrong.
Now i'm assuming this grandfathers jokes aren't the kind which go "did you hear about the bi-racial this that or other",or did you see the mixed raced this that or the other"...??
More likely,he would be using the words you would never use.Which is why I said I don't think it's hard work AT ALL to know when something is completely unaccepatable.

I see what you mean - I guess what I was trying to say is that there is a 'blurring' of acceptability when using terminology - and that's the 'hard work' if that makes sense? What some people would prefer - other people would be upset by. As you say, a lot of it is about personal experience as well. We are not supposed to say husband or wife when dealing with patients, because that assumes they are heterosexual - we have to say 'partner'. We have to be careful when discussing relationships i.e. mother/father because you cannot assume someone is related by birth. A lot of the pregnancy materials that I've worked on - we now use 'she' instead of 'he' when referring to the baby as it was felt to be more PC for whatever reason. You can imagine, the list is endless in the public sector.........
I see what you mean - I guess what I was trying to say is that there is a 'blurring' of acceptability when using terminology - and that's the 'hard work' if that makes sense? What some people would prefer - other people would be upset by. As you say, a lot of it is about personal experience as well. We are not supposed to say husband or wife when dealing with patients, because that assumes they are heterosexual - we have to say 'partner'. We have to be careful when discussing relationships i.e. mother/father because you cannot assume someone is related by birth. A lot of the pregnancy materials that I've worked on - we now use 'she' instead of 'he' when referring to the baby as it was felt to be more PC for whatever reason. You can imagine, the list is endless in the public sector.........

Yes, well I think initially PC had some good intentions but it has clearly gone off the rails in some sectors of society.
I wonder where in any of my posts i've made accusations toward you?

Again,I would suggest,tis just another case of us seeing things differently.

As it happens the accusations of which I wrote were not directed by you at me, but by others in the thread at each other! (The argument about which words were offensive etc/and people complaining about too much or too little sensitivity etc) But, since you draw attention to it, your comment 'I'm not gonna go down the "I have many friends who are black"road with you,i've seen and heard that tap-dance one too many times' did upset me, whether it was intended too or not and, since I am not of that persuasion whatsoever, I chose to defend myself.
That was all.
I agree, we should just move on from this. I think that we are actually of the same mind ie passionately anti-racist and am very glad someone feels as strongly about this as I do - I just thought it was worth mentioning that the lady who's call caused this thread did, indeed, declare herself African-European! Perhaps I missed something there, I don't know but life really is too short to find reasons to disagree - especially when we agree that racism is a scourge ...
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that's THAT sorted then! woosh for a moment there it was like the good old bad old days of handbags at dawn!

now, who used the term "beansprout muncher" because i wanna complain!
that's THAT sorted then! woosh for a moment there it was like the good old bad old days of handbags at dawn!

now, who used the term "beansprout muncher" because i wanna complain!

Now then, now then I was only sticking up for myself!:angel: Believe it or not I actually hate confrontation! If I didn't I'd be joining you on the "Beansprout-munching Pride" march!:giggle:
As it happens the accusations of which I wrote were not directed by you at me, but by others in the thread at each other! (The argument about which words were offensive etc/and people complaining about too much or too little sensitivity etc) But, since you draw attention to it, your comment 'I'm not gonna go down the "I have many friends who are black"road with you,i've seen and heard that tap-dance one too many times' did upset me, whether it was intended too or not and, since I am not of that persuasion whatsoever, I chose to defend myself.
That was all.
I agree, we should just move on from this. I think that we are actually of the same mind ie passionately anti-racist and am very glad someone feels as strongly about this as I do - I just thought it was worth mentioning that the lady who's call caused this thread did, indeed, declare herself African-European! Perhaps I missed something there, I don't know but life really is too short to find reasons to disagree - especially when we agree that racism is a scourge ...

And I made that point because just for once i'd like to hear a discussion of this kind without people bring their black friends into it.A point can be made without anyone bringing in their rainbow posse for back-up,as if this one thing instantly makes their point of view more valid...and no i'm not saying this of you,coz we never went down that road,remember?? but i've had hundreds of conversations where this has happened,and quite frankly if you think this thread had gotten "dark" before-which I don't think it did,just passionate -then you'd really know what 'dark' was if that can of worms was opened up.
Which is why I didn't want to go there.
Anyway it's done and dusted now.
I had recorded this, so have just watched it back. The first caller was mixed race, but the second one was also. She asked a few questions about her repeatedly colouring her hair every month and straightening it every three months etc, stating that it was breaking off every four weeks etc (she wondered which elasticizer to use) so I think this is the one we are talking about? Anyway, she was definitely also mixed race - she stated she was African-European. She was definitely confused about the description of 'for coloured hair', asking whether it was meant for you 'if you coloured your hair' but I didn't think there was much embarrassment at all! It just seemed a really matter of fact enquiry and everyone was very jolly about it.

You're totally right Nicky-j on all the points you make - thanks for this! That's how I remembered it - glad you recorded it! Case closed!
what do you mean by "rainbow posse" ?

i hate political correctness it runs false but people sholud not use peoples colour,sexuality,religion or otherwise to be downright be abusive and then think they are "entitled" for reasons only known to themselves.

its called having good manners!
what do you mean by "rainbow posse" ?

i hate political correctness it runs false but people sholud not use peoples colour,sexuality,religion or otherwise to be downright be abusive and then think they are "entitled" for reasons only known to themselves.

its called having good manners!

I'm assuming you are familiar with a rainbow??


Ok,then we're off to a good start.

'Rainbow posse' meaning a group of friends and acquaintances of many hues and cultural backgrounds.
as this is not a forum for the counselling the sad and the dispossessed i will say no more.
wish you well BFT.:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
If you don't want to "go there" BFT, then don't! Nicky-j was correct about how this played out on QVC and you're not! You're not at PC as you make try to make yourself out to be ("tap-dance"!!?? "rainbow posse"!!??) and are just being downright argumentative.
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