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Ladies & Gentleman if we are talking politicaly correct I have to share this one with you.
My son got told off in one of his class a few months ago for describing the American president as 'mixed race' Although not told at the time by the teacher (disgracefull) Apparently the correct term is now 'Dual heritage' !! Needless to say my son was mortified at the time, had never heard of Dual heritage before, me neither, and the BBC still used 'mixed race' in their broadcasts. ....Sometimes you are scared of opening your mouth for fear of 'saying the wrong thing' I just wish we could be told about these things instead of being aloud to make a fool of ourselves!
It's hard work isn't it? My son is forever asking me what it's okay to say and what's not. One of his friend's seems to have a grandfather who takes great delight in telling racist jokes and I'm horrified when my son asks me about the terms he uses. It's a complete minefield knowing what's PC which changes day by day. In the NHS it's the same, simple 'terms' are no longer acceptable.