Amy Shaw (Dawn Bibby's niece)


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As someone whose life was made a misery for years by complete strangers enquiring about my "pregnancy" which was nothing of the sort but was actually an ovarian cyst which I'd had for years without knowing, I find this sort of speculation about anyone else extremely intrusive and really wish that other women, because nine times out of ten it is women that do this, would think before making these kind of very personal remarks about someone they don't know.:31:
I agree with soul alone, anyhow I don't know what you are on about, she looked the same to me , if anything a little slimmer, I think she has darkened her hair colour or something, and it suits her in my opinion.
Amy's weight is her own concern, I can understand comments re other presenters dirty fingernails etc as that is relevant, and presenters claiming to be sizes they are not is also confusing when you are trying to decide on a size for yourself, but for crafting all i am concerned about is them showing and demonstrating the products clearly, of which Amy is doing a very good job in my opinion.
I just hope she hasn't read this and been upset by your comments.
I can't see a problem with Erics mum's question as the same thing has been asked many times on this forum about other presenters. When people put themselves in the public domain ie; National Television they have to accept a certain amount of criticism it is not only clean nails that matter it is the whole look of the person thats important imo.
Questions and speculation on pregnancy can cause considerable pain if someone is experiencing problems and since we do not know whether they are or not I think it best to avoid the subject.

I too wondered whether Amy was pregnant again, I also have been asked many times over the years when my baby is due or am I pregnant and even by people who had only just met me! I just have to laugh it off no matter how much I am upset in side and say I love my food - I have been pot bellied since a child, and no amount of dieting/exercise will flatten my tum and it is the bane of my life. I have no children through choice - but it is still hurtfull and therefore I never ask this question to any ladies I know let alone a stranger. But dont feel bad for asking the question on this forum though, as you are not offending Amy.
Well, Erics Mum, looks like you should have put in a d) option: 'got an ovarian cyst'. Happy now, everyone?! Now, leave Erics mum alone! This sort of minor speculation tends to go on on this forum from time to time. Don't get too serious about it.
I'm sorry I started this thread, did not intend to offend.


Erics Mum, please dont worry. A thread no so long ago was speculating about Amica being one complained about that as far as I remember. I have also read many uncomplementary comments about other presenters and how they look in their clothes.

I'm sorry I started this thread, did not intend to offend.


Linda, please don't feel that I am making a personal attack on you. I merely thought I would point out that remarks about anyone's "pregnancy" can be so hurtful even when made with the best of intentions.

Well, Erics Mum, looks like you should have put in a d) option: 'got an ovarian cyst'. Happy now, everyone?! Now, leave Erics mum alone! This sort of minor speculation tends to go on on this forum from time to time. Don't get too serious about it.

How very sympathetic of you. I hope you're never unfortunate enough to suffer any kind of physical "abnormality" which might put you on the receiving end of hurtful remarks from complete strangers.
I once noticed that an Aunt of mine in Australia had put on weight in a photo, and innocently asked my mother if the said Aunt was 'in the family way.' Turned out she wasn't at the time. 12 months' later she was, and everyone (Aunt included) remembered my comment, lol. I got the blame for putting my uncle up to it !
How very sympathetic of you. I hope you're never unfortunate enough to suffer any kind of physical "abnormality" which might put you on the receiving end of hurtful remarks from complete strangers.

I'm not being unsympathetic towards you, honestly, in fact I have every sympathy for you having this condition. My only point was that i don't think Erics mum was being hurtful in any way, just doing the usual speculation thing that can happen on the forum. I don't think it does any good to be over sensitive in the forum, it's just folk sounding off, no harm meant. All the best to you in 2009, Soulalone!

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