Alpha-H TSV 27/5/17


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Oddly the items in the tsv get better reviews individually. Alpha h do say that the serum can cause redness or flaking for a couple of weeks. I think it's a case of starting slowly, especially if new to the range. It won't be for everyone and who wants red flaky skin for weeks? I haven't used any of my tsv yet but the range has worked wonders for me so I remain hopeful.
I think most of the people who wrote the bad reviews had used the set together, i.e., first the LG, then the serum on top, etc.pp., just the way you are not supposed to use the products.
I also bought the set and am looking very forward to using everything, but one after the other, as my skin can be (and is at the moment) a little bit crazy at times and I think that both the cream and the serum are (for my skin type) very strong in terms of the glycolic and other ingredients in there (retinol, etc.), so I better be careful....;-)

Anyway, if someone's skin doesn't tolerate the products, there is always a return option.:)
don't know why they put retinol in this range added with the glycol not

I have no idea why I bought this range as I don't have bad skin and I certainly did not use the products together,however even if it didn't burn me,the serum is so sticky and the moisturiser had big flecks of gold in it and made my foundation roll off,going to try It cosmetics Confidence in a Cream now.
They may have used the cheaper retinol for this TSV to keep the cost down (just a guess).
Seems a big mistake if so, from what I’m reading many people (more like everyone) are returning it.
don't know why they put retinol in this range added with the glycol not
The old version didn't cause any irritation at all and it was also with the glycol and retinol and the same amount of both it seems.
I've got some irritation too, with redness in the centre of my neck.
I'm thinking to ease off and go back to the original liquid gold alternate evenings only.
also adding rose to the liquid gold not clever. after the no fluff and puff statements in the past.
also adding rose to the liquid gold not clever. after the no fluff and puff statements in the past.

That crossed my mind too, along with the adding of the gold flecks.
I've ended up picking a couple off my face, it looked like I'd been doing some crafting.

retinol dries my skin out so bad i have some from stri vechtin it was awful.. my face looked like crazy paving and i don't have any lines normally. luckily as soon as i stopped using it a few weeks later my skin went back to normal
retinol dries my skin out so bad i have some from stri vechtin it was awful.. my face looked like crazy paving and i don't have any lines normally. luckily as soon as i stopped using it a few weeks later my skin went back to normal
This was what’s happened to me when I used deciem The Ordinary Advanced Retinoid 2%.
I was horrified in the morning and it took a while to sort it. I also put it on my knees and it dried them out too (the skin)!
Interesting to read these posts regarding Alpha H, I've never been tempted by glycolics or retinol, and I'm glad after reading these.
Interesting to read these posts regarding Alpha H, I've never been tempted by glycolics or retinol, and I'm glad after reading these.

glycolics are fantastic on my skin. love it. makes your skin glow, refines the skin to the point it feels like glass. retinol and essential oils are a big no! for me
This was what’s happened to me when I used deciem The Ordinary Advanced Retinoid 2%.
I was horrified in the morning and it took a while to sort it. I also put it on my knees and it dried them out too (the skin)!

I use the 2% retinoid without any problems. I put lashings of oil on once the retinoid has dried, then seal the oil with either moisturiser or a moisturising mask, which I leave on overnight.
I can't rate Alpha-H highly enough. I love the new rose gold. You only use one item at a time as there is no need to put one on top of the other, sometimes I will go back and watch a rerun of a particular presentation to make sure I'm using it correctly. I have sensetive skin and I am also prone to psoriasis on my eyebrows face and scalp, which returned last year after a gap of many many years psoriasis free, my doctor told me that it stays in your system and can be triggered years later in some people, which is the case with me. All I can say is that it appears to have faded to the background since I started using this range.

Honestly, I have always taken care of my skin and this is the best it has ever looked, I have new skin appearing because of the action of liquid gold - it astounds even me, and I'm no pushover!:mysmilie_504:
I use the 2% retinoid without any problems. I put lashings of oil on once the retinoid has dried, then seal the oil with either moisturiser or a moisturising mask, which I leave on overnight.
I see, I had no idea just used it neat like I do most products. Shall try to put some oil/moisturiser on top next time.
maymorganlondon, what did Retinoid 2% do for you can you tell?
I see, I had no idea just used it neat like I do most products. Shall try to put some oil/moisturiser on top next time.
maymorganlondon, what did Retinoid 2% do for you can you tell?

Too early to tell if it's had a significant effect. At the price it cost, I feel I can give it a chance.
In the end I made a decision to return the TSV, I already have an opened Liquid Gold which I've been more than happy using alternate nights.
I have gone back to using that just felt either or both of the other products where a little too harsh on my skin.
Perhaps that maybe heightened due at a recent sunshine holiday abroad.
But I factored in that I'm currently on allergy medication and if I'm having effects what reactions would I experience when not on them.

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