I didn't find the original chat but they've put a transcript of it, below.
Q1) Does Alpha H tackle age spots and if so can it be used on back of hands? This is a range I have not yet tried. Thanks.
A) Hello Linda! As a brand, Alpha-H does indeed tackle age spots. Must be all that pesky sunshine in Queensland, where all our products are made, which means that sun damage is never far from our minds when formulating products

You might like to try our Age Delay Hand & Cuticle Care Cream… Used twice daily, it can help to improve the appearance of discolouration and age spots, thanks to a combination of gentle fruit acids and brightening botanicals. The other good news is that this same fruit acid helps to soften the cuticle too and the cream is loaded with Keratin protein which helps to strengthen the nails. We like to think of it as a manicure in a tube! QVC do a great duo of the hand cream (222027) but I notice it's out of stock at the moment, but I'm sure it'll be available again soon. Tx
Q2) Hi Tom, I am allergic to anything perfumed, do your products contain perfume, would love to try your products, thanks x
A) Hi Jan Lee! We use very little fragrance in our products. We do sometimes use very low levels of natural essential oils. Let me know a little bit more about your specific skin concerns and I shall endeavour to make some recommendations (sans perfume of course!)

Q3) Hello Tom ,I am using liquid gold for age spots, is this the best choice from Alpha range.? x
A) Hi Collette! Liquid Gold is certainly my starting point when it comes to treating pigmentation, because it encourages the skin to renew itself more quickly, plus the Licorice Extract it contains is a great skin brightener. But pigmentation is absolutely the most difficult skin condition to treat and it can take time and requires an awful lot of persistence. It is also crucial that you use a daily moisturiser with a sun protection of at least SPF30 - otherwise UVA light will undo all the good work you're doing with your anti-pigmentation treatments

If, after using Liquid Gold for a good couple of months, you still find there are darker patches, then I would also recommend incorporating Liquid Gold Radiance (210370) into your routine. This is a concentrated formula of skin brighteners and melanin-inhibitors. You use it on the alternate night to Liquid Gold and each morning under your daily SPF moisturiser. All you have to do is to dab a small amount on the darker patches. I really hope you get a good result from using the products. Unfortunately, it's impossible to "cure" the condition, but hopefully we can make a real difference. Tx
Q4) Hi Tom, I'm 27 & have only ever tried one Alpha H product (the Absolute Eye gel), at the recommendation of Alison Young. Are your other products for my age range? xxx
A) Hello Laura! Don't get me reminiscing about being 27 years old (those were the days!!)

Our products will certainly treat your age category; I have customers aged 12 to 80! Let me know if you have any specific skin concerns, which I can help with, but I would certainly recommend using a daily SPF moisturiser (year round) such as our lovely lightweight Daily Essential Moisturiser SPF 50+. That's your "insurance policy" if you like, to keep your young skin looking as young and healthy for as long as possible. It's daily sun exposure that saps our reserves of Collagen so make sure you keep your skin protected

Q5) Hi Tom I bought the recent TSV and wondered is it ok to use my usual cleanser followed by the liquid gold and how often should I be using it thanks v much x
A) Hello Jean! Thank you for buying our TSV

I hope you're enjoying using the collection! You can certainly add the Liquid Gold to an existing cleansing routine! The only cleansers which we don't recommend using prior to LG are foaming cleansers, specifically those which contain sulphates. Those kind of cleansers tend to strip natural Lipid oils from the Epidermis, leaving it out of balance and uncomfortable. Non-detergent creamy cleansers are definitely where it's at for comfy skin

Q6) Hi Tom, I use the micro cleanse but have a lot of large open pores and crepey lines especially on my lower cheek area could you recommend anything else. Thank you xx
A) Hi Nicky. Hope you're enjoying using your Micro Cleanse (I can't live without it!) I'd also recommend using our Balancing & Pore Refining Mask (229630) or ( 204159) in conjunction with your Micro Cleanse. It's a mineral rich clay mask, which draws out impurities from deep within the pores. Use it once a week over the full face (leaving on for 10 mins) or more frequently to spot treat the open pores you mentioned. Another sneaky 'Tom tip' for you…apply the mask and leave it for ten minutes THEN apply your Micro Cleanse over the top! The Micro Cleanse reactivates the mask and draws the clay out of the pores, bringing more of the congestion out with it. After massaging for a minute, rinse off with lots of warm water. Oh and re the crepey lines you mentioned on the lower cheek, the mask also helps to subtly tighten the skin as it contains Vitamin A, a great anti-ageing ingredient. Dare I say, you might also want to try our lovely Liquid Gold on those areas as well, as it's a bit of an anti-ageing skin plumper

Q7) Hello Tom and welcome x love love love Alpha-H ! I want to treat my Sister to the Balancing & Pore Refining Mask, she does have very sensitive skin ! Will this be suitable for her xx
A) Hello Dawn! I'm delighted to hear that you're loving your Alpha-H products. I know it's corny, but it's always wonderful to hear how the range has made a difference to people's skin (it keeps me leaping out of bed every morning)

And how lovely of you to want to treat your sister! I'm sure the Balancing & Pore Refining Mask would be fine for her to use, but if she does have very sensitive skin then I would always recommend patch testing a new product - doesn't matter which brand it is nor how much it pertains to be "for sensitive skin". Just apply a small amount of the product to the side of the neck or the inner crease of the elbow and leave it on for a few minutes. If your skin feels itchy, hot or uncomfortable then rinse it off straight away with plenty of tepid water. Having said all that, the Balancing & Pore Refining Mask does contain natural clays and Lavender Oil so it can feel a little bit tingly, but the good news is it also contains Zinc which is very calming (that's why nappy rash creams often contain it

) Anyway, hope your sister enjoys trying the mask

Q8) Hi Tom, in answer to your question, I have pustule psoriasis, when I had the allergy tests done, I was allergic to fragrance, household cleaning items, plaster dust, brick dust etc., and I find it difficult finding products with little or no fragrance xx
A) Jan Lee, I also suffer from Psoriasis, but thankfully it is usually dormant (unless I'm really stressed out...then I flake out, quite literally!) It's a tricky one as so many beauty products can be stimulating (necessarily so, because we want them to crank our skin up!) With regard to Alpha-H, I would recommend you try our Essential Hydration Cream (203856) which is a very soothing and cooling cream (you can use it day or night). It does have a little bit of Ylang Ylang Oil in it, but I really don't think that would trouble you because it's a very balancing oil, but patch test it first just to make sure

Hope that helps and thank you for your question! Tx
Q9) Hi Tom, *hangs head in shame* I haven't tried Alph H yet Eeek! What would you say would be the first thing I should try? I have pretty good skin ( for a 58 year old ) but would love plumper skin x
A) Liz! I'm appalled that you've shunned us thus far (it's only nearly our *tenth* anniversary on QVC!) Hehe - just kidding!!

I would recommend starting your Alpha-H journey with our wonderful Liquid Gold. You can add it to your existing routine three nights a week. Just cleanse as normal then wipe the Liquid Gold over the skin using a cotton pad. You'll feel a tingle (don't panic, that's normal!) then once the product has absorbed (almost instantly), go straight to bed, (do not pass go!) and no need to apply anything else on top. I bet once you've tried it, you'll wish you'd done it years ago! Tx
Q10) Amazing to have you Tom! I'm a massive beauty addict and love trying new things and chop and change quite regularly, but micro cleanse is my stable exfoliator that I won't deter from!
How else do you like to look after yourself? Any healthy eating tips for great skin?
A) Hey Michael! Love your profile pic

It is really important to look after our skin "from the inside out" so a healthy, balanced diet plays a part (largely because the skin is the largest eliminatory organ in the body so it tends to reflect what the body is trying to get rid of!) I guess the key things are to keep as hydrated as possible so plenty of water is always a good thing and try to avoid too much alcohol and caffeine as they do the opposite and *dehydrate* the body. I really would also recommend people limit their intake of refined sugars as there is growing evidence to suggest that our bodies struggle to eliminate sugar (which is found "hidden" in so many foods these days) and that too much sugar even triggers the over-production of a stress hormone in the body (Cortisol) which can damage the Collagen network in the skin and therefore accelerate the ageing process! Scary (sweet) stuff!
Q11) Tom I also have white spots under the skin not sure if my skin is too oily can you recommend a mask to deal with trying to draw these out xxx
A) Hi Jean. You can definitely try the aforementioned Balancing & Pore Refining Mask (204159) on the white spots you mentioned, but you might also need to use Liquid Gold on them too. These white spots might be what we call closed comedones where the congestion in the pores hardens and forms a solid lump. The Glycolic Acid in the Liquid Gold will help to soften the build up and the mask will gradually help to draw out the "plug". Tx
Q12) Tom I'm slightly confused if the liquid gold is an exfoliator can you still use the micro cleanse? X
A) Hi Nicky! Yes indeedy! Use the Liquid Gold three nights a week and the Micro Cleanse a couple of mornings a week. The Liquid Gold is more anti-ageing, the Micro Cleanse more pore-refining
