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I flicked on then off again at 7am, just in time to hear Alison Young in the Perricone hour saying, "In my 30 years of experience" then "even as professionals and qualified like myself".

Come on, you doubting Thomases - what more proof do you need?
And being a science teacher in white coat with scraped back hair recently to demonstrate the 'periodic table' has definitely turned her into a fully qualified teacher.

I watched a couple of minutes of the video, only to hear her say to us 'part of this is a listen and learn'. I believe in primary schools now they also have a 'show and tell', so I look forward to AY's use of that. Am I the only one who when she said "tweet me" thought it sounded like the prelude to something faintly disgusting, as if an elderly spinster school mistress had been at the Christmas sherry?
its hardly needing a doctorate being a qualified beauty therapist though is it:sleepy:
Qualified or not she's not a good advert for Perricone, her dark circles/ eye bags were very obvious even with lthe glowing QVC lighting.
so you dont think she did a technically based beauty therapist course then??? and every single rep from every single company over 35 on qvc or otherwise has no visible signs of ageing either??? :mysmilie_13:
Now be reasonable, everyone. She didn't tell porkies. She said she had 30 years of experience. In something, she didn't say what - sales, presenting, beauty, computers, publishing, horses, mechanics, whatever - she has 30 years of experience. Then she said, "even as professionals" - well, some of us here have been professional solicitors/beauticians/chefs/teachers/whatever and she didn't specify in what area. And then, "and qualified like myself". Anyone passed an O-level/GCSE/GNVQ/apprenticeship? You're all qualified in something! And the good news is - you could now apply for her job!!!
I switched on for a about 15 minutes this morning but I couldn't stand anymore of the eye "area", throat "area", jaw "area" and the constant use of the dreaded word INGREEEJENTS. I'm wilting just thinking about it.
To be fair to her, you don't need any actual skill to sit there and say...

''buy elemis because it's popular, it's been popular (and well marketed) for yurrrs (it's YEARS god damnit)''

They spend more time trying to convince people that a product must be good if the brand is popular... which is total bollocks.

Again.... pardon my French.
Well, that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt, doesn't it? :mysmilie_15: Personally, I never doubted it for one second... :mysmilie_17:

I flicked on then off again at 7am, just in time to hear Alison Young in the Perricone hour saying, "In my 30 years of experience" then "even as professionals and qualified like myself".

Come on, you doubting Thomases - what more proof do you need?
Oh cripes, AY in a white coat! Perhaps she intends to split the atom while she's at it! AY amongst the test-tubes and with access to the scientific equipment - and perhaps the chemicals - has the power to make a clean sweep of the whole of Q.........!!!!!!!!!! And the Nobel prize for science goes to......

And being a science teacher in white coat with scraped back hair recently to demonstrate the 'periodic table' has definitely turned her into a fully qualified teacher.

I watched a couple of minutes of the video, only to hear her say to us 'part of this is a listen and learn'. I believe in primary schools now they also have a 'show and tell', so I look forward to AY's use of that. Am I the only one who when she said "tweet me" thought it sounded like the prelude to something faintly disgusting, as if an elderly spinster school mistress had been at the Christmas sherry?

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