All new price drop


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next up a mini ironing board - better luck next time

The latest of the twister mops are back complete with the £9.99 p&p - how does that justify £2 more


5 available

The idea of the game is for 4 more people to come in and lock the price, You know your getting a real bargain here ( actually we don't anymore that's the problem)

drops to £4.99

We need all 5 people in to make everyone a winner

Your up against everyone in the uk and also the winning price, if this drops to £4.79 will that still be a winning price or a losing price?

if you ring in now you will get in and hopefully be a winner with those others already in but I need everyone in to lock it up

OFGS and after all that better luck next time
If you were in your local department store took something to the till and the salesperson went sorry you can't have that there would be uproar
now its the better of those decorative fairy figurines with the latest of the colour changing LED balls in pink

price £22

8 available

2 sell at £21.99

plunges to £14.99

trickles down to £14.65 - another "sold"

trickles down to £12.83 then plunges to £11.99 - another "sold"

plunges to £9.99 - another sold :O

and another

24ct gold plated stainless steel curb chain is up next


14 available - relatively high quantity for this time of night says Mark

take a look at the puddle of gold this creates, seriously your buying something that's the bees knees, 1 of the most popular items of men's jewellery we have ever done

plunges to £34.99

lock it my friends or lose it, lock it or lose it

this locked out at just under £30 earlier so lets aim for that - this item may not have a reserve on it and may go all the way to 1p I don't know

trickles down to £30.47 - 1 sold

trickles down to £29.82 - 1 sold

plummets down to £2.05 and better luck next time wah wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

isn't this so exciting at ome, I'm on the edge of my seat
colour changing LED touch lamp


6 available

1 sells

plunges to £12.99 - another sells

price trickles to £12.21 - sold out

Decorative glass peacock plant stand

£29 - oh that's cheap, how are we doing it for that

8 available

If I don't get 8 people or it drops below a certain price and I don't know what that price is then everyone loses

£28.99 - 1 sold - i'm looking for 7 more to join you to lock this up - you have to sit and trust the rest of the price drop audience, you have to hope they can see the value like you can

plunges to £21.99

trickles to £20.02 - 2 more sold

unless your all in then everyone will miss out, you need to judge it correctly

unless 5 more come in then they all go back to the warehouse and we get a wahh wahh wahh

trickles to £15.45 - another sold

plunges to £12.99

sells out at £12.97

see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil is next :p


5 available

£16.99 - 1 sold :O - you need 4 friends though

another sold :O

how low can it go and still be a winning price? you have to judge it right

price plunges to £9.99 - another sold

Unless 2 more join you I can't make you an official winner - the reserve may be £1 or 1p I don't know - some people said earlier its not fair but you have lost nothing by calling up that's the fun of it

trickles to £8.49 then plunges to £7.49 - another sold

£7.48 may be a losing price

6pc LED flowers

7 available

£15.99 - 2 sold

prices plunges to £11.99

to £9.99 - another sold , whatever price it goes to if I don't get 5 more in they go back to the warehouse, that's not me being mean that's just what we do now

trickles to £9.86 - another sold

what if £9.50 is a winning price but £9.49 is a losing price

trickles to £8.82 - sold out and we have another winner
magnetic torch

10 available

lock it or lose it

plunges to £3.99 - 0 sold

plunges to £0.99 - 0 sold

trickles to £0.28 - 0 sold

plunges to £0.01 - 1 sold

I think your winners but are you only winners if all 7 come in, - yes your only a winner if everyone comes in

Still not gone about 2 mins later

sold out at 1p - WINNER
old tupton butterfly vase


10 available

if you get in now you can be 1 of our 10 potential winners but I need 10 people to lock it or lose it

plunges to £24.99 - 1 gone before the plunge took place

trickles to £24.33

If for instance 7 of 10 come in nobody wins, if 8 come in nobody wins, I need 10 before we hit our losing price

plunges to £22.99 - another sold

plunges to £21.97

whats the difference between a winning price and a losing price? I want you to be a winner

trickles to £21.47

price is against us but so is time on this 1, you need to be quick lock it or lose it

Plummets to £11.47 and better luck next time

tell your friends about brand new price drop says Mark

and that's it for tonight price droppers

Hope you enjoyed the last hour of madness report
old tupton butterfly vase


10 available

if you get in now you can be 1 of our 10 potential winners but I need 10 people to lock it or lose it

plunges to £24.99 - 1 gone before the plunge took place

trickles to £24.33

If for instance 7 of 10 come in nobody wins, if 8 come in nobody wins, I need 10 before we hit our losing price

plunges to £22.99 - another sold

plunges to £21.97

whats the difference between a winning price and a losing price? I want you to be a winner

trickles to £21.47

price is against us but so is time on this 1, you need to be quick lock it or lose it

Plummets to £11.47 and better luck next time

tell your friends about brand new price drop says Mark

and that's it for tonight price droppers

Hope you enjoyed the last hour of madness report

Thanks for all your work Mega, i'm sure everyone appreciates it :mysmilie_59:

So it looks like things picked up somewhat in the later hours. Thinking on about the format while it could annoy a serious shopper who was used to the old format I guess it could be fun for the occasional viewer, which is perhaps who it's targeted at. I can't see it being a viable business model though if they have too many 'Better Luck Next Time' sales but we'll see.
One thing i did notice is that the presenters are being pushed to the limit... they look won't be long till they're wearing nappies and having fluids intravenously supplied.... is this exploitation ??? will questions be asked in Parliament ? Will celebrities start wearing t shirts saying "help Price-Drop PRESENTERS" .... just a thought....:mysmilie_50:
Apologies for shouting bit wound up and at this time of morning off for a chamomile tea :)
They need to allow some products to go down to the low £1 or 1p to give incentives to viewers that they are offering 'bargains' otherwise potential buyers are not going to want to partipate if they keep getting the 'better luck next time' tag.

Pricedrop should be making everyone a winner not just a few as if it's some sort of casino or raffle. They are not making any business sense.
I see poor old Paul is back on this morning, probably had a night of tossing and turning in his sleep about his shift today.

He's come up with a 'buyers lounge' for people on the phone to make it a bit more cosy and he's on 'our side' making out it's team work.

The Clearance has ended but it seems the products remain.
There may be some excitement in the "jeopardy" element, but the problem is that in these belt-tightening times no one wants to to pay over the odds and there's a risk of that happening in this format. I have been a seller on eBay for 10 years and auctions have really declined in popularity over recent years. Most people want to know now what they are paying up front and don't want to wait days for the outcome of an auction, so "Buy It Now" sales are more popular. I think the novelty of the new channel will soon wear off...and as someone said earlier, it makes no sense for a shopping channel to be "turning down" business. It's crazy !
I have been a seller on eBay for 10 years and auctions have really declined in popularity over recent years.

Possibly two reasons for that; firstly, all the best bargains from a buyer's perspective were arguably to be had during the early years but nowadays many of the sellers tend to be more savvy and/or greedy in their asking prices. Secondly there's still a lot of hatred surrounding PayPal even if they could have improved their customer service more recently (I'm not qualified to answer that question) and from what I've heard they still do things that annoy some/many people.

As for Price drop, one tweak they could do to this format at the risk of making it more complicated for its viewers is to also have a reserve value for the number of buyers, namely that they could have 30 items available for purchase but the first 20 buyers are guaranteed to get the item at the price it was when buyer 20 places their 'bid'. If all 30 items sell and the item price hasn't dropped below its hidden reserve value then all 30 buyers get the item for the new lower price, but if there were only 24 buyers then the first 20 get the item at the higher price but the last 4 don't get the item because those 4 presumably wanted to pay less money than the first 20 buyers.

Yes that idea's still a dubious format if we're honest but ensures that people who wanted the item at or below a certain price will get it regardless.

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