Alison Young - Deep Wrinkles!


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in a show earlier tonight some make up woman slapped some lippy on AY unexpectedly and as a result the camera did a close up.

alison young has crows feet wrinkles like tramlines. how old is she supposed to be anyway cos im 45 and mine arent THAT bad and thats without slapping overpriced blobs of grease on my fizzog and a face full of make up toboot.

she kept saying "not too close not too close" and the camera soon backed off but sorry luv youve been rumbled.:rolleyes:

On one of the skincare shows last week (?Decleor) Ali was proudly stating that she was 43 and she emphasised that she had had absolutely no work, fillers, Botox etc etc done :scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:
Me surprised!

On one of the skincare shows last week (?Decleor) Ali was proudly stating that she was 43 and she emphasised that she had had absolutely no work, fillers, Botox etc etc done :scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:

Well, I am amazed. I thought her face must be baby smooth.
I laugh and giggle far too much but I still dont really have crows feet.
I would have to start seriously gurning to make anything appear
that resembles crows feet and I'm 44!
Shame the rest of my face resembles bag puss!
I wouldn't be surprised if the other presenters have been spiking her moisturiser - dosing her defilift with swarfega - in an attempt to get rid of the shrieking harpy. :rolleyes:

Had to turn over when she was on with that American bint - sometimes the voice cuts through me like a knife and I'm sure the neighbours start banging on the wall whenever she's on. :p
"Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is
stand still and look stupid."
--- Hedy Lamarr

Not quite as deep a quote but a good one nonetheless!
For me she was one of the most beautiful women Hollywood ever had.As your quote proves she was a bright girl too.

She always flirts with Andrew Baguely! She also tries to get him talking about his personal life, but he never mentions a wife/kids.

Thats why Alison likes him, makes her feel superior: SHE at least is married! Now, if it had been Alexis from L'Occitane on, it would have been a different story...
Bear in mind, TDB, that by the time Nietzsche made that statement he had all the emotional stability of Caligula...
I would refer you instead to my own paper, Being and Essences: A Systematic Reevalution of Nothingness and indeed to my lighter treatise: Algernon Buys A Hat.
Incidentally, fear not, you will not incite anyone: we are peace loving people on this joyous forum, and we always bear in mind that violence breeds more violence - in fact, it is my prediction that by 2020 kidnapping will be the dominant mode of social interaction.

iclaudipuss, you are indeed a learned woman! Love it! :)
hang on a minute... ! you are a woman aren't you???!!! APOLOGIES for any mistake, if indeed one (blinkin' nora!) :(
I am 49 and do not have crows feet, my lines are more like spiders legs!!! The only consolation is I do not have to look at my face very often. I am hoping to get a job at Polyfiller as a tester!!!! :D
AY is 44 I think. Have you noticed that she is th eonly presenter who doesn't go on air with no make-up on with Stacey from Models Prefer? Probably just as well as its usually only an hour long show! Me thinks it takes AY MUCH longer that that to put her slap on!!
when she had her wedding shower on the tv she didnt wear any make up then, think she said she was 43 last week, she does give some good advise though, my husband cant stand here voice so have to turn it down when she is on, but i still watch
Just to add a few comments in a willy nilly way:
Yes, I am a woman mariecat, fear not my dear!
Snoops, Hedy Lamarr was indeed one of the great beauties of the age. She was also the inventor of a piece of war-time wireless communication which led ultimately to mobile phone technology - a clever lady indeed.
brenny, I just knew you would notice that sentence my sweet.
I am 49 and do not have crows feet, my lines are more like spiders legs!!! The only consolation is I do not have to look at my face very often. I am hoping to get a job at Polyfiller as a tester!!!! :D

That's my job, are you trying to make me redundant?:D:eek:
Just to add a few comments in a willy nilly way:
Yes, I am a woman mariecat, fear not my dear!
Snoops, Hedy Lamarr was indeed one of the great beauties of the age. She was also the inventor of a piece of war-time wireless communication which led ultimately to mobile phone technology - a clever lady indeed.
brenny, I just knew you would notice that sentence my sweet.[/QUOTE]

Why thank you my dear
please link your articles, the only paper i have found on the systematic reevaluation of nothingness was written by Sandor Needleman and I can't find anything to do with algernon buying a hat. if algernon were to buy a hat, though, i would recommend looking at the excellent range available at Ideal World.
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