Alison Young Appreciation Thread


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Although in my previous post it's pretty clear that I am no longer keen on AY, as this is an 'Appreciation Thread' I will mention that I met her a few years ago and she was much prettier in RL than she looks on TV. When she calms down she can be quite funny and I used to love it when she was on with Lavers in the olden days, they were a good double act.
Alison Young is , quite simply, my favourite presenter. I accept that she is trying to sell us as much as she can shift and she does it for me a lot better than anyone else. I just find her very amusing as well.

Of course I am an opinionated control freak - the highest accolade there is - so maybe I have rather more in common with her than most of you nice people on the forum.:happy:
I like her and I tend to like all the presenters. TBH I don't take any of them seriously, they all seem pretty nice. I'm nothing to them and really they're nothing to me. Alison can be entertaining and that's why I watch. I follow my own beauty advice (although I do get sucked in by Liz Earle lol).
I don't expect any of them are mad axe murderers so they're all ok by me:movie:
i like alison yes shes annoying and talks out of her backside alot (sorry but she does) but i think most of us have something in common with her, ive said it before but i really am not sure shes as bad in real life as she is on telly, who knows we only see her on screen she may be totally different in real life.
shes an animal lover sure thats her redeeming feature

Very true she talks the talk,:grin: but it doesnt mean that what she says is of any truth. I listen to what she has to say about things but make up my own mind on things and find out for myself rather then take on board information from someone dont know personally:sun::sun: i do like her though she seems a pleasent enough lady to me with a good heart.
She had a lovely pair of black shoes on the other day.

I've noticed she's been wearing a lot of Star by Julien MacDonald (Debenhams) of late - very pretty. She had a skirt on the other day from his range, a black dress another day, and I remember seeing her in something else. If she's buying clothes from there you could have a look and see if there are any black shoes round about that might fit the bill!
ermm no, can't think of anything nice to say ;)

Then don't say anything at all!
The title was appreciation, not another slagging off!
I agree with others this forum seems to be turning into a witch hunt, if you don't like her, dont watch her.
I for one will continue to watch & listen & then use my own judgement.
remember when she got her lips done and we weren't supposed to know and then she was on with Leighton Denny and he says "Last time I was on with you was just before you got your lips done" Her face was a picture and she rapidly changed the subject... Laughed so much
remember when she got her lips done and we weren't supposed to know and then she was on with Leighton Denny and he says "Last time I was on with you was just before you got your lips done" Her face was a picture and she rapidly changed the subject... Laughed so much

Wasnt that when she came off her horse and had a thick lip?didnt think she did the whole cosmetic surgury thing? i maybe wrong
I have to say that Ali Young is the only reason I watch QVC, yes her voice can grate on me but mostly I think she is quite funny. She has no dress sense but then she doesn't claim to be a fashion expert, she does however have a vast knowledge of all things beauty. At last a thread that is positive! Oh and bye the way if you met her IRL you would be surprised how very pretty and young she looks.
I'm a massive fan.
:sun: :star: :clapping: :flower: :rock: :heart: :rock: :flower: :clapping: :star: :sun:

I can see every one of the negative things that people say about her, but somehow those things just don't bug me. I'm kind of amused by them instead. :grin:

I like that she usually manages to show colours on the back of her hand, textures and shade names - I find it deeply frustrating when other presenters don't. :angry:

I appreciate the effort to describe who each product is for, and differentiate between who it is suitable for and not - even if my own assessment sometimes differs. ;)

Her enthusiasm for all things beauty is very infectious! Sometimes I'll have seen something presented a couple of times and feel completely "blah" about it - but somehow after 3 minutes of Alison Young talking about it I buy three! :blush:

She's funniest when she goes off piste though and off message and off topic - and sometimes a little off her rocker! :D

I love that she nags and hectors - and I love it when she takes the mick! Banter makes me watch and watching leads to buying!

Basically I think she's brill and I'd much rather watch her than anyone else on QVC.
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I used to watch her sometimes because she has puffy eyes underneath just like

She cost me a small fortune in the beginning on eye potions.

So if she is an Expert and can't get rid of her own, I have no chance......:giggle:
Do you know what Love A'kin, I was just about to type a post about Alison saying almost all the things you have said so you have saved me a job. I completely agree with all your comments. Yes, she does get on my pips sometimes but all in all QVC wouldn't be the same without her.
I'm a massive fan.
:sun: :star: :clapping: :flower: :rock: :heart: :rock: :flower: :clapping: :star: :sun:

I can see every one of the negative things that people say about her, but somehow those things just don't bug me. I'm kind of amused by them instead. :grin:

Basically I think she's brill and I'd much rather watch her than anyone else on QVC.

To be fair LAK, I think you're one of these rare people who hasn't a bad word to say about anyone because you don't have a mean bone in your body! xxx
Its true, Alison doesn't reply to the emails you send and she always says send me any questions. Why if you won't answer them.

At least Liz Earle replies to letters you send.

I did learn a bit from Alison Young in the beginning. But since then I have been disapointed with the TSV's and ranges that they have brought since and her presenting gets on my wick as I want to know about the product from the guest not from you.

I feel QVC now cater more for the 30+ age range and aren't bothered about stocking any ranges for younger skin. Decleor for instance on QVC is now aimed at normal, dry and ageing skin what happened to purifying, Decleor do a line for that too.

I feel I can get more advice from Liz Earle's team than I can from Alison, at the moment.

QVC's prices for TSV's and beauty products in kits is astronomical now especially in the current climate.

I've had my rant.
Do you know what Love A'kin, I was just about to type a post about Alison saying almost all the things you have said so you have saved me a job. I completely agree with all your comments. Yes, she does get on my pips sometimes but all in all QVC wouldn't be the same without her.

I am glad we are in full agreement my lovely! I live in fear that she's going to leave cos I can't imagine QVC without her. :eek:
To be fair LAK, I think you're one of these rare people who hasn't a bad word to say about anyone because you don't have a mean bone in your body! xxx

Bless you honey -What a lovely thing to say! :flower: :blush: I do have at least one teeny weeny mean bone in my body though - but I think it's reserved for Dennis Basso and Jill Franks! :grin:

And if somebody comes on here trying to manipulate us - as someone did in the Money Back Gurantee sticky above - then plenty of my bones turn mean all of a sudden. :eek:
Then don't say anything at all!
The title was appreciation, not another slagging off!
I agree with others this forum seems to be turning into a witch hunt, if you don't like her, dont watch her.
I for one will continue to watch & listen & then use my own judgement.

As long as people don't say anything offensive then why shouldn't they state their opinion.

If you don't like another presenter you can miss for example a jewellery show and know there will be another along soon presented by someone else, however if you want to watch beauty shows AY is harder to avoid.

I thought AY looked very nice in her black dress for the Ojon TSV launch but if she doesn't like cats then she has definitely gone down in my estimations.
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