Alexis... the fount of all knowledge


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huh? she's got a lisp. that's a speech impediment and a treatable one at that.:wonder:
Yes Janie she does have a lisp. Some people find that attractive, personally I don't and would go to a speech therapist to sort it out, but then we're all different. :sun:
huh? she's got a lisp. that's a speech impediment and a treatable one at that.:wonder:

Yes she has a lisp. That is not what I find so annoying about her though, she acts the madam too much for me.
I personally cannot stand Alexis. I think she's a right snooty madam.
She would do well to remember that NOT all L'Occitane customers are lucky enough to live in five bedroom houses, with three guest bathrooms & two conservatories.
It really winds me up, I live in a two up/ two down terrace with one bathroom, two bedrooms & I don't even have a garden to put a conservatory in.
We don't all earn thousands a year, so the last thing I can afford is £40.00+ on shower gel!!

Sorry, rant over.
I don't mind Alexis :hi: Yes, she can come across as a bit superior at times, but she has the goods to back it up. Rather have someone with a bit of class than someone that's as common as muck.
some forumers have commented on her being rude at customer events and i can imagine that imo.
Yes Janie she does have a lisp. Some people find that attractive, personally I don't and would go to a speech therapist to sort it out, but then we're all different. :sun:

i don't think anyone finds it attractive once the lisper is past age 3 do they? that's the mistake some parents make in not getting it treated at an early age.
Yes she has a lisp. That is not what I find so annoying about her though, she acts the madam too much for me.

same here but i have to say i find both annoying. yet again, we're talking television, not real life. on television, same as we're always saying about going on air looking a wreck, it's not exactly ideal to have a speech impediment either.
i don't think anyone finds it attractive once the lisper is past age 3 do they? that's the mistake some parents make in not getting it treated at an early age.

I find it quite attractive and quite appealing ~ imo there's nothing wrong with a lisp and sometimes despite early treatment it isn't eradicated.
I find it quite attractive and quite appealing ~ imo there's nothing wrong with a lisp and sometimes despite early treatment it isn't eradicated.

Yes I find it appealing too.
It isn't a really pronounced lisp, hence the dispute on here as to whether Alexis actually has one, though I can pick it up.

Just had a thought - who's cruel idea was it to invent the word liSp to describe the impediment?
i don't think anyone finds it attractive once the lisper is past age 3 do they? that's the mistake some parents make in not getting it treated at an early age.

And Alexis cannot help if her parents chose not to do anything about it.
Just had a thought - who's cruel idea was it to invent the word liSp to describe the impediment?
Surely you mean lithp?? :wink: Keeley has a worse one and she doesn't even have the saving grace of being attractive and well groomed. :thinking:
Probably just took her chance to get a few words in.....had she been on with the "Resident Beauty Expert" she'd have been hard pushed to even say hello....

Jinny x
My little grandson has a speech problem and there are several letters he cannot pronounce properly but he's gorgeous and I love him to bits. We will not be able to know if his speech will improve until his adult teeth come in which could make a huge difference. Many people cannot understand a word he says but we are able to. He has many friends in school even though I doubt that they can understand him either.

My point being - he cannot help it.
same here but i have to say i find both annoying. yet again, we're talking television, not real life. on television, same as we're always saying about going on air looking a wreck, it's not exactly ideal to have a speech impediment either.

There's a difference between having a bad hair day and being born with a speech impediment. Why should the fact that a person was unfortunate enough to be born with an affliction preclude them from being on the telly?
I don't think it's rude or 'sniffy' that she wants facts given about her brand's products to be correct I think it's absolutely right That's her job.

I like her and she is always well turned out.
My son has a stammer. He's 14 now , it's much better than it was when he was younger. It's never bothered him ,it's never shut him up. I have had more of a problem with it. They say how early intervention is most important but I had to fight for ages to get him speech therapy. It was appalling how he so badly needed help but it wasn't easy at all to get speech therapy.
Speech Therapy is massively underfunded in this country which is an absolute disgrace. I have worked with children with various speech issues over the years. Parents have to fight for assessments and therapy and then the stress of their child reaching a "cut off point" for treatment before leaving primary school.
There's a difference between having a bad hair day and being born with a speech impediment. Why should the fact that a person was unfortunate enough to be born with an affliction preclude them from being on the telly?

because it can be treated and because i'm assuming i'm not the only person who finds it difficult to listen to. maybe i am, in which case i apologise. i certainly didn't mean to offend anyone.:sad:

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