Ahhh Peter Simon!


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Knowing Bid they would make that a "Pamper Experience" for two at £19.99!

and don't forget the free P&P offer
I believe you also get an individual padded cell with en suite

christ on a bike he's talking some absolute drivel tonight!
and don't forget the free P&P offer
I believe you also get an individual padded cell with en suite

christ on a bike he's talking some absolute drivel tonight!
Will you stop tempting me Deedee please, I was ready to book myself one of those pamper days b4 you informed me of the "icing on the cake" :mysmilie_61:
Anyone fancy a big fuzzy Buddha head? :wonder:
Goodness me, I can honestly say I've never seen anything quite like it! It's a head statue with a flock exterior, most odd! It's "an object of zeur" apparently according to Mr. Simon & "you absolutley speak to it".
Where's those Bid pamper guys in the white coats with the strong sedation when you need them eh?!
Yes, when I get stressed or worried I'll go talk to a cheap lamp in the garden :taphead:

that's the spirit Enigma, it's so important to get in touch with your emotional side
you need an outlet for all your stresses and I really admire you for sharing with us that you talk to lamps in your garden
it's fine, it doesn't make you abnormal at all :taphead:

nurse, a little more medication for this patient please!!
Will you stop tempting me Deedee please, I was ready to book myself one of those pamper days b4 you informed me of the "icing on the cake" :mysmilie_61:

hey, why don't we go together, it's 2 for the price of 1!!
hey, why don't we go together, it's 2 for the price of 1!!
Worth it for the medication you'd need alone I'd say Deedee! :giggle:
Have you seen the toot he's selling now!! Garish beyond words! He's said it's hand crafted mosaic, hmm looks moulded resin to me. "It's a young woman whose met the love of her life, a mosaic of inlaid feature" apparently. I think Mr. Simon is mumbling like he's been on the blue magic again 2nite peeps. :mysmilie_505::mysmilie_520:
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Not too much. I need to be able to multibuy from that lovely Mr Simon :tongue:

there there my dear *pats your hand* we've cut off your access to Bid and the nice man on there for your own safety
you'll thank us fr this in the end
it's just the start of your rehab but it'll get easier!
Peter looks possessed when he is demonstrating that shiatsu foot massager LOL
It's the norm for Mr. Simon on a funny nite K, you should have seen the body massager he was doing on the bed last week! :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_507::mysmilie_61:
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Found his introduction funny tonight talking about the Chinese new year, mentions an item then says that has nothing to do with China + we have the 9ct gold plated earrings...........long pause...........which they wear in China ha ha

Also I was a bit worried for Wayne when Peter was pointing towards the wok to get us to look at the non stick surface with a massive knife as Wayne started his next dish that knife got close to his arm

To say those earrings were 1p + the p&p they still had loads left, For nearly 30 minutes I think they sold about 125 wok sets with around 225 left

1 final thing I noticed Peter say something on the lines of we won't lie to you...I know some people say 0904 251 2000
Wasn't paying much attention, but Peter seemed to spend at least 20 minutes doing the Chinese mysticism thing: "Not only" this, "not only" that, how it looks fantastic at a certain angle, etc., so the profit margin per item must be massive to justify that amount of time on one or two items, though to his credit he did mention p&p at least once :grin:
I didn't see much of PS but I saw the 'chinese' jewellery box which I glanced at thinking.......yeuch, what a piece of tat!
I now see that James Russell is selling it later too so I thought it must be special and had a closer look; well it's absolute cheap tat, the fabric on the corners and edges is frayed and the inside is so badly finished it's untrue (the inner tray doesn't even fit properly!)
oooops, James has just described it as master craftsmanship and beautiful piece!!
I've never seen so much tat 'n' crap being peddled in one night on Bid as I did last night. :bandit:
I saw the secateurs, fork and trowel combo for £4. He asked for a rose and he sat and cut the stem with the secateurs. The stem was very thin and the secateurs did not cut through cleanly, although he said they did. After so many unclean cuts, the camera pans out and only goes back in close when he finally does make a clean cut. He started his presentation with 'I went to the garden centre the other day, I won't tell you which one.......' that was it :confused2: The fork and trowel would probably be ok if your soil was like sand but I just know they would buckle with one dig in my garden.

I was pleased they only sold around ten sets out of the hundreds he had.
I am no Percy Thrower but even I could tell that much of the gardening equipment looked shoddy.

They really are scraping the barrel now, times must be getting tougher for them.

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