Age of the beauty guests?


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May 11, 2012
Just wondering if all you super sleuths out there have worked out the ages of all the beauty guests. They make such extreme claims for their products they should be more open about how old they are so we can assess for ourselves if these are miracle products or not. Just looking at Cathy from Prai and often wonder when I see the woman from Perricone who looks very rigid and frozen.
According to various websites, Cathy was 19 when she went to USA to work for Revlon, this was in 1983. Maths isn't my strong point but I think that makes her 48?
Poor Cathy is incredibly old fashioned in her dress sense. At nearly 50, I would not been seen dead in those jackets. Also her make up and some of the nail polishes she wears are so dated too. My Mother is 72 and would not dress like that either, although she had many similar outfits in tha late 80s and looked very smart then.

Another thing I can't understand is, if she went to the States when she was an adult (19?), why does she have such an amercian twang. Sometimes there is mixture of both which sounds worse.
I'm all for individual style and think good on you for not conforming to current fashion. However Cathy's style does age her. I want to tone down the colour of her hair and restyle it badly. I really thought she could be in her 50's. Maybe she isn't being honest? Her skin is O.K. but she is jowly far beyond usual for 48 I think.

Any ideas the Perricone woman? I suspect fillers to the top lip and maybe some paralysing injections so I find it difficult to pin her age down. Her neck looks more aged so I'm thinking late 40's early 50's (51/52)
According to various websites, Cathy was 19 when she went to USA to work for Revlon, this was in 1983. Maths isn't my strong point but I think that makes her 48?

Really?!! She's the same age as me and I thought she had at least ten years on me. I always looked upon her as someone who was more 'mature' than me (or maybe I'm just a kid at heart). I'll never forget that fluorescent canary yellow outfit she wore a couple of years ago though!
I'm all for individual style and think good on you for not conforming to current fashion. However Cathy's style does age her. I want to tone down the colour of her hair and restyle it badly. I really thought she could be in her 50's. Maybe she isn't being honest? Her skin is O.K. but she is jowly far beyond usual for 48 I think.

Any ideas the Perricone woman? I suspect fillers to the top lip and maybe some paralysing injections so I find it difficult to pin her age down. Her neck looks more aged so I'm thinking late 40's early 50's (51/52)
I think her name is Kara and I remember watching her on q with Dale and they were talking about age.....I'm sure Kara said that she was 42 (but I maybe wrong).
Etoile ... I don't think restyling Prai lady's hair badly is gonna help any.

Sorry I know what you meant but it really made me smile! :eek:)

I don't watch Prai as it doesn't appeal but I have seen the presenter and I think she looks older than she is. Shame because it's really about styling more than anything else.
Oopsy! Thanks Tinkerbell. Actually I'm sure I would only make things worse if I took to styling other peeps.

That's interesting Summergirl, so Kara is 42. I have never been tempted to buy Perricone, even if I had that kind of money to blow on skincare I wouldn't but that makes me feel like I'm not missing anything.
Really bad case of overdone botox/fillers I have always thought. NOT a good advert for the products; if they are that good, she wouldn't need them surely. I certainly won't be "buying into" this range.

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