Advanced orders beware


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Jul 30, 2010
Back in July I placed an advanced order for a set of OPI on the day when p&p for it was 21p. It was on two easy pays of around £13. Today got the despatch email & they've upped the price! The p&p is still 21p but they've increased the price of the set by £6, still on easy pay but now over £16 per payment.
Rang this morning. Not happy. All the chap would do was argue that it was still good value at the new price. Asked if it had been on air at the reduced price, I said it had & had ordered at that time. Was made to feel like a lier!
I had luckily kept a note of the order ( unfortunately not a screen shot & seem to have dumped the email confirmation). I'm pretty sure that when I checked my account a few days ago it was showing as awaiting stock at the original price but now that it's been despatched it's showing as the increased price!
I told the CS that I was not happy about this, he took my number & said he'd get someone to look into it & ring me, but no call as yet. Pretty peed off about this.
That's quite shocking as they pitch the advanced orders as you being able to secure it at the on air price at that time. When you buy a TSV on advanced orders, you get it at the TSV price even though it's often in stock at a higher 'introductory price'. They may even be contravening trading standards as supermarkets have to state their special offers are 'for delivery on or before' the date the offer ends when your order things on line. I wouldn't have been fobbed of with a 'someone will call you back' and £6 would have been a small cost in terms of customer care to let you have it at the original price.
Is there another email address to contact them? I've tried using their online one but it's saying the service is unavailable.
Still no sign of the promised phone call.
I think the only way forward here is to assume QVC think the customer is always wrong and/or lying... So be prepared with recordings of shows, screenshots and copies of all emails.

There is an alternative: either stop shopping with them entirely, or only buy what is in stock.

QVC are at best incompetent in how they manage their stock and pricing. I won't attribute more devious explanations... You simply cannot rely on them to correctly price and deliver goods, any more than you can rely on returned goods under the 30 day MBG being sent out clean and sweet-smelling.

It's sad to have to say that, but it is the truth in my experience and observation. They only get away with it because customers - including us - let them.

I'm not saying you never get good CS from them, but it is becoming more exceptional than usual to get it.
They don't know their a*se from their elbow these days. Couldn't believe that a lot of the autumn fashion was on advanced orders. Also did you see the Kipling oto debacle when they had a bag on advanced orders and showed a sketch of the bag and had to show the colours using bags of different designs. They should have pulled it as people wouldn't have a clue what they were ordering. They did find a bag later in the show. You couldn't make it up. I think it was the same day when Julia got in a pickle withIn the wrong details
Back in July I placed an advanced order for a set of OPI on the day when p&p for it was 21p. It was on two easy pays of around £13. Today got the despatch email & they've upped the price! The p&p is still 21p but they've increased the price of the set by £6, still on easy pay but now over £16 per payment.
Rang this morning. Not happy. All the chap would do was argue that it was still good value at the new price. Asked if it had been on air at the reduced price, I said it had & had ordered at that time. Was made to feel like a lier!
I had luckily kept a note of the order ( unfortunately not a screen shot & seem to have dumped the email confirmation). I'm pretty sure that when I checked my account a few days ago it was showing as awaiting stock at the original price but now that it's been despatched it's showing as the increased price!
I told the CS that I was not happy about this, he took my number & said he'd get someone to look into it & ring me, but no call as yet. Pretty peed off about this.

I am not surprised, I always thought that there was something 'wrong' with the pre-order, system I know I have commented before, about a friend who had made an order for an item (quite an expensive (for her), the price was the same as when she ordered, but they took the payment out 2 days before they stated they were going to (which in Q's eyes was good, as it meant that the customer was getting the item early, thus they have fulfilled (and more)), their contract)), what was a problem however was that it was the end of the month for her, thus there was no money in the account so the payment got declined, Q then sought it as a 'failure to pay' and therefore didn't process the payment. The agent told her that she could re-order the item, but it would be at the new price (the item she ordered was a TSV price). No I think this needs looking into by some sort of 'governing' body and stricter regulations need to be brought in, as the amount of problems there seems to be with regards to Advanced Orders seems to be growing from the the above two scenarios, even to the items never materialising. No if Q had to follow a set of guidelines (voluntary or mandatory, I am sure this would help with the 'war' against customer relations).

No, this is wrong, but as always (and I have done it myself for other things), that 'crucial' e-mail tends to go astray when you most need it. An idea may be to see if the item is on the website and if the presentation is on with the reduced pricing (lets face it Q are not exactly known for updating their video's when prices change), at least this way you have some legality over what you are stating.

No, I can see that if this carries on it is going to seriously dent the 'reputation' of Q!
qvc for such n award winning brand has the worse customer service

Ah but as they are keen on pointing out time and time and time.... immemorial the call centre is 'award wining', this could have course have been back when 'Adam was a lad' and they just use that to try and evoke that the award was won recently, when in actual fact it was 20 years ago (I don't know the veracity of that statement as I don't know when the award was won) and they are just 'harking back' to former glories!
Absolutely disgusting customer service. It seems like we will have to double check everything very carefully in future.
Has anyone had any luck sending an email to them via their online " contact us" email form?
I've tried half a dozen times to send this off but every time got a " this service not currently available" notice

I'm not on Facebook so can't shame them on there about this.
Has anyone had any luck sending an email to them via their online " contact us" email form?
I've tried half a dozen times to send this off but every time got a " this service not currently available" notice

I'm not on Facebook so can't shame them on there about this.

I guess the only way would be if someone linked to this thread on Q's FB, if it were possible or practical.
Has anyone had any luck sending an email to them via their online " contact us" email form?
I've tried half a dozen times to send this off but every time got a " this service not currently available" notice

I'm not on Facebook so can't shame them on there about this.

[email protected] works for me but there are others
Breeze that increase in price is unacceptable, is this allowed?I am sure not, you ordered a product at a certain price and they should honour that.To be made to feel you are telling porkies adds to the insult.I am moving away from QVC as there is plenty of alternatives with better service.Good luck I hope you get this resolved to your satisfaction--for £6 they could loose a customer.
Ah but as they are keen on pointing out time and time and time.... immemorial the call centre is 'award wining', this could have course have been back when 'Adam was a lad' and they just use that to try and evoke that the award was won recently, when in actual fact it was 20 years ago (I don't know the veracity of that statement as I don't know when the award was won) and they are just 'harking back' to former glories!

A trivial fact - - - - Time Immemorial is actually the year 1189 in English law
To add insult to injury they never contacted me to say the price charged would be higher. Surely that can't be right, to take a higher amount without notification to ask if I still wanted it at the higher price?
I just wish I'd kept the order confirmation email which I seem to have trashed.
I can't believe that they don't keep a record of an item's price at any given time and date. They can certainly see the exact date and time you ordered. That said I've had to argue over an OTO that was shown with free p&p on air but came up with postage charges when I ordered on line. I took a photo of the show anticipating an argument. It still took a string of emails for the numpty to realise what I was saying, insisting that the OTO price only lasted for just that specific hour! Finally I got may postage refunded but I think when they read an email they latch on to a key word and fire off a template response! Even a good outcome leaves one frustrated!
I don't suppose there's mention of the item number of this forum; say a thread about it or mention of it's price that day? I know QVC won't say it's reliable evidence but it's worth doing a search maybe? Good luck!
Have they altered the price on your order status on your account. If they have done that, then that's not acceptable.

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