Where to start-I wish to add my voice to the forum with regard to the utterly impossible Adina on Gemporia. For a long time I’ve tried to ignore the constant hair fiddling, the “genuinely most beautiful thing I have ever seen“ statements and tried to get over the fact that many customers have gone without due to her constant I Have To Have It , greedy attitude to the products, as the latest runner rushes to secure her order before Joe Public gets a look in. The “pouting” is a laugh a minute.
I do like Jeff, but have to switch off fairly swiftly as I tire very quickly of “here we are today”-just count the amount of times in a five minute period that he says this.
Sorry if this seems picky, but I’m switching off much more frequently when I see these presenters scheduled
I do like Jeff, but have to switch off fairly swiftly as I tire very quickly of “here we are today”-just count the amount of times in a five minute period that he says this.
Sorry if this seems picky, but I’m switching off much more frequently when I see these presenters scheduled