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Jun 3, 2011
I was led to believe that as people age, collagen degradation occurs, leading to wrinkles


skin creams containing collagen aren’t effective because collagen molecules are too big in size to be absorbed by the skin when applied topically.

Yet, creams & gels containing collagen are promoted on Q.

I'd hate to be missing out.
Am I missing something?
Do you know I've no bleeding idea. I'm really not very good at understanding what does what if you see what I mean.

I am, however, taking the US anti-ageing drug of choice. I'm taking it for medical reasons but I'm hoping it might keep the wrinkles at bay but I don't think it's that sort if anti-ageing. I think it means body ageing. As in studies on mice meant the ones taking the drug lived longer but they failed to check 'em for wrinkles. :eek:)
Well PCMC does not actually contain collagen but the seaweed stuff helps support your own collagen. But Andrew of Gatineau does go on about his young module which doesn't seem to work on him.:tongue:
Well PCMC does not actually contain collagen but the seaweed stuff helps support your own collagen. But Andrew of Gatineau does go on about his young module which doesn't seem to work on him.:tongue:

donna behave lol!
Well PCMC does not actually contain collagen but the seaweed stuff helps support your own collagen. But Andrew of Gatineau does go on about his young module which doesn't seem to work on him.:tongue:


Don't use that ... that ... word!
someone posted something the other day about crosslinking and I went off and read up a bit and in 5 minutes i'd come to the conclusion that once you're crosslinked, you've basically had it and nothing is going to resurrect your wrinkles!

best thing you can do is stay out of the sun, use a decent sun protector cream, slap on a bit of ponds and be HAPPY! :giggle:
You should know by now that collageon can only be absorbed into your saggy old oik if it's plant based, in a pink gloopy gel and in a pump dispenser
I'm such a skin care junkie that I'd buy/do just about anything within reason if I'm told there's a chance it will keep my skin in good nick! Sad but true! I've always looked after my skin ~ even when I was a teenager I was careful never to pull the skin around my eyes. I was quite paranoid about it in fact! I enjoy the whole ritual of skincare and maybe slapping on Ponds would work just as well, but I'd be lost without my routine and I enjoy the anticipation of trying the latest potion and the hope that I'll wake up looking 10 years younger!
the feeling of the sun on your face is so lovely (and so rare if you spend most of your time in the uk), i could never spend my life hiding from the sun. if i have a few more wrinkles because of sunbathing, it was worth it.
Well said Janie.
And ditto smiling - that gives us all wrinkles a-plenty apparently doesn't it - but who'd want to give that up!!
Get in!!! The drug I have to take is supposed to delay cross linking of collagen! Maybe they should have checked those bliddy mice for wrinkles ... lol. I'm sure it's probably bunkum though and I'm not for one minute thinking these pills are the fountain of youth. And I take them for the reason they were prescribed obviously.

All joking aside nothing will stop ageing and I definitely agree that feeling the sun on your face and are two of life's pleasures that shouldn't be given up.

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